module Material.Icon ( Size(..) , view , i ) where {-| Convenience functions for producing Material Design Icons. Refer to [the Material Design Icons page](, or skip straight to the [Material Icons Library]( This implementation assumes that you have or an equivalent means of loading the icons in your HTML header. @docs i, Size, view -} import Html exposing (i, text, Html, Attribute) import Html.Attributes exposing (class) {-| Size of an icon. Constructors indicate their pixel size, i.e., `S18` is 18px. The constructor `S` gives you the default size, 24px. -} type Size = S18 | S24 | S36 | S48 | S {-| View function for icons. Supply the [Material Icons Library]( name as the first argument (replace spaces with underscores); and the size of the icon as the second. Do not use this function to produce clickable icons; use icon buttons in Material.Button for that. I.e., to produce a 48px ["trending flat"]( icon with no attributes: import Material.Icon as Icon icon : Html icon = Icon.view "trending_flat" Icon.S48 [] This function will override any `class` set in `List Attribute`. -} view : String -> Size -> List Attribute -> Html view name size attrs = let sz = case size of S18 -> " md-18" S24 -> " md-24" S36 -> " md-36" S48 -> " md-48" S -> "" in Html.i (class ("material-icons" ++ sz) :: attrs) [text name] {-| Render a default-sized icon with no behaviour. The `String` argument must be the name of a [Material Icon]( (replace spaces with underscores). I.e., to produce a default size (24xp) "trending flat" icon: import Material.Icon as Icon icon : Html icon = Icon.i "trending_flat" -} i : String -> Html i name = view name S []