import StartApp import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (href, class, style) import Signal exposing (Signal) import Effects exposing (..) import Task import Signal import Task exposing (Task) import Array exposing (Array) import Material.Layout as Layout exposing (defaultLayoutModel) import Material import Demo.Buttons import Demo.Grid import Demo.Textfields -- MODEL type alias Model = { layout : Layout.Model , buttons : Demo.Buttons.Model , textfields : Demo.Textfields.Model } layoutModel : Layout.Model layoutModel = { defaultLayoutModel | state = Layout.initState (List.length tabs) } model : Model model = { layout = layoutModel , buttons = Demo.Buttons.model , textfields = Demo.Textfields.model } -- ACTION, UPDATE type Action = LayoutAction Layout.Action | ButtonsAction Demo.Buttons.Action | TextfieldAction Demo.Textfields.Action update : Action -> Model -> (Model, Effects.Effects Action) update action model = case action of LayoutAction a -> let (l, e) = Layout.update a model.layout in ({ model | layout = l }, LayoutAction e) ButtonsAction a -> let (b, e) = Demo.Buttons.update a model.buttons in ({ model | buttons = b }, ButtonsAction e) TextfieldAction a -> ({ model | textfields = Demo.Textfields.update a model.textfields } , Effects.none ) -- VIEW type alias Addr = Signal.Address Action drawer : List Html drawer = [ Layout.title "Example drawer" , Layout.navigation [ [href ""] [text "github"] , [href ""] [text "elm-package"] ] ] header : List Html header = [ Layout.title "elm-mdl" , Layout.spacer , Layout.navigation [ [ href "" ] [ text "MDL" ] , [ href ""] [ text "Material Design"] ] ] tabs : List (String, Addr -> Model -> List Html) tabs = [ ("Buttons", \addr model -> [Demo.Buttons.view (Signal.forwardTo addr ButtonsAction) model.buttons]) , ("Textfields", \addr model -> [Demo.Textfields.view (Signal.forwardTo addr TextfieldAction) model.textfields]) , ("Grid", \addr model -> Demo.Grid.view) ] tabViews : Array (Addr -> Model -> List Html) tabViews = snd tabs |> Array.fromList tabTitles : List Html tabTitles = (fst >> text) tabs view : Signal.Address Action -> Model -> Html view addr model = let top = div [ style [ ("margin", "auto") , ("width", "90%") ] ] ((Array.get model.layout.selectedTab tabViews |> Maybe.withDefault (\addr model -> [div [] [text "This can't happen."]] ) ) addr model) in Layout.view (Signal.forwardTo addr LayoutAction) model.layout { header = Just header , drawer = Just drawer , tabs = Just tabTitles , main = [ top ] } {- The following line is not needed when you manually set up your html, as done with page.html. -} |> Material.topWithColors Material.Teal Material.Red init : (Model, Effects.Effects Action) init = (model, Effects.none) inputs : List (Signal.Signal Action) inputs = [ Layout.setupSizeChangeSignal LayoutAction ] app : StartApp.App Model app = StartApp.start { init = init , view = view , update = update , inputs = inputs } main : Signal Html main = app.html -- PORTS port tasks : Signal (Task.Task Never ()) port tasks = app.tasks