import StartApp
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (href, class, style)
import Signal exposing (Signal)
import Effects exposing (..)
import Task
import Signal
import Task exposing (Task)
import Dict exposing (Dict)
import Material.Textfield as Textfield
import Material.Grid as Grid exposing (Device(..))
import Material.Layout as Layout
import Buttons
type alias Model =
{ layout : Layout.Model
, buttons : Buttons.Model
, t0 : Textfield.Model
, t1 : Textfield.Model
, t2 : Textfield.Model
, t3 : Textfield.Model
, t4 : Textfield.Model
layoutModel : Layout.Model
layoutModel =
{ selectedTab = "Buttons"
, isDrawerOpen = False
, state = Layout.initState ["Buttons", "Grid", "Textfields"]
model : Model
model =
let t0 = Textfield.model in
{ layout = layoutModel
, buttons = Buttons.model
, t0 = t0
, t1 = { t0 | label = Just { text = "Labelled", float = False } }
, t2 = { t0 | label = Just { text = "Floating label", float = True }}
, t3 = { t0
| label = Just { text = "Disabled", float = False }
, isDisabled = True
, t4 = { t0
| label = Just { text = "With error and value", float = False }
, error = Just "The input is wrong!"
, value = "Incorrect input"
type Action
= LayoutAction Layout.Action
| ButtonsAction Buttons.Action
| T0 Textfield.Action
| T1 Textfield.Action
| T2 Textfield.Action
| T3 Textfield.Action
| T4 Textfield.Action
update : Action -> Model -> (Model, Effects.Effects Action)
update action model =
case action of
LayoutAction a ->
(l, e) = Layout.update a model.layout
({ model | layout = l }, LayoutAction e)
ButtonsAction a ->
let (b, e) = Buttons.update a model.buttons
({ model | buttons = b }, ButtonsAction e)
T0 a ->
({ model | t0 = Textfield.update a model.t0 }, Effects.none)
T1 a ->
({ model | t1 = Textfield.update a model.t1 }, Effects.none)
T2 a ->
({ model | t2 = Textfield.update a model.t2 }, Effects.none)
T3 a ->
({ model | t3 = Textfield.update a model.t3 }, Effects.none)
T4 a ->
({ model | t4 = Textfield.update a model.t4 }, Effects.none)
type alias Addr = Signal.Address Action
layoutConfig : Layout.Config
layoutConfig = Layout.defaultConfig
drawer : List Html
drawer =
[ Layout.title "elm-mdl"
, Layout.navigation
[ [] [text "Dead Link 1"]
, [] [text "Dead Link 2"]
, [] [text "Dead Link 3"]
header : List Html
header =
[ Layout.title "elm-mdl"
, Layout.spacer
, Layout.navigation
[ href "" ]
[ text "MDL" ]
tabGrid : Addr -> Model -> List Html
tabGrid addr model =
[ Grid.grid
[ Grid.cell [ Grid.col All 4 ]
[ h4 [] [text "Cell 1"] ]
, Grid.cell [ Grid.offset All 2, Grid.col All 4 ]
[ h4 [] [text "Cell 2"], p [] [text "This cell is offset by 2"] ]
, Grid.cell [ Grid.col All 6 ]
[ h4 [] [text "Cell 3"] ]
, Grid.cell [ Grid.col Tablet 6, Grid.col Desktop 12, Grid.col Phone 2 ]
[ h4 [] [text "Cell 4"], p [] [text "Size varies with device"] ]
tabButtons : Addr -> Model -> List Html
tabButtons addr model =
[ Buttons.view (Signal.forwardTo addr ButtonsAction) model.buttons ]
tabTextfields : Addr -> Model -> List Html
tabTextfields addr model =
let fwd = Signal.forwardTo addr in
[ Textfield.view (fwd T0) model.t0
, Textfield.view (fwd T1) model.t1
, Textfield.view (fwd T2) model.t2
, Textfield.view (fwd T3) model.t3
, Textfield.view (fwd T4) model.t4
|> (\elem -> Grid.cell [ Grid.col All 4 ] [elem])
|> (\content -> [Grid.grid content])
tabs : Dict String (Addr -> Model -> List Html)
tabs =
[ ("Buttons", tabButtons)
, ("Textfields", tabTextfields)
, ("Grid", tabGrid)
view : Signal.Address Action -> Model -> Html
view addr model =
let contents =
Dict.get model.layout.selectedTab tabs
|> Maybe.withDefault tabGrid
top =
[ style
[ ("margin", "auto")
, ("width", "90%")
<| contents addr model
addr' = Signal.forwardTo addr LayoutAction
Layout.view addr'
layoutConfig model.layout
(Just drawer, Just header)
[ top ]
init : (Model, Effects.Effects Action)
init = (model, Effects.none)
inputs : List (Signal.Signal Action)
inputs =
[ Layout.setupSizeChangeSignal LayoutAction
app : StartApp.App Model
app =
{ init = init
, view = view
, update = update
, inputs = inputs
main : Signal Html
main =
port tasks : Signal (Task.Task Never ())
port tasks =