module Material.Aux where import Html import Html.Attributes import Html.Events import Json.Decode as Json exposing ((:=)) import Effects exposing (Effects) import Native.Material filter : (a -> List b -> c) -> a -> List (Maybe b) -> c filter elem attr html = elem attr (List.filterMap (\x -> x) html) onClick' : Signal.Address a -> a -> Html.Attribute onClick' address x = Html.Events.onWithOptions "click" { stopPropagation = True , preventDefault = True } Json.value (\_ -> Signal.message address x) effect : Effects b -> a -> (a, Effects b) effect e x = (x, e) pure : a -> (a, Effects b) pure = effect Effects.none clip : comparable -> comparable -> comparable -> comparable clip lower upper k = Basics.max lower (Basics.min k upper) type alias Rectangle = { width : Float , height : Float , top : Float , right : Float , bottom : Float , left : Float } rectangleDecoder : Json.Decoder Rectangle rectangleDecoder = "boundingClientRect" := Json.object6 Rectangle ("width" := Json.float) ("height" := Json.float) ("top" := Json.float) ("right" := Json.float) ("bottom" := Json.float) ("left" := Json.float) {-| Options for an event listener. If `stopPropagation` is true, it means the event stops traveling through the DOM so it will not trigger any other event listeners. If `preventDefault` is true, any built-in browser behavior related to the event is prevented. For example, this is used with touch events when you want to treat them as gestures of your own, not as scrolls. If `withGeometry` is true, the event object will be augmented with geometry information for the events target node; use `geometryDecoder` to decode. -} type alias Options = { stopPropagation : Bool , preventDefault : Bool , withGeometry : Bool } {-| Everything is `False` by default. defaultOptions = { stopPropagation = False , preventDefault = False , withGeometry = False } -} defaultOptions : Options defaultOptions = { stopPropagation = False , preventDefault = False , withGeometry = False } on : String -> Options -> Json.Decoder a -> (a -> Signal.Message) -> Html.Attribute on = Native.Material.on blurOn : String -> Html.Attribute blurOn evt = Html.Attributes.attribute ("on" ++ evt) <| "this.blur()"