module Material.Grid ( grid , size , offset , align , cell , Device(..) , Align(..) ) where {-| From the [Material Design Lite documentation]( > The Material Design Lite (MDL) grid component is a simplified method for laying > out content for multiple screen sizes. It reduces the usual coding burden > required to correctly display blocks of content in a variety of display > conditions. > > The MDL grid is defined and enclosed by a container element. A grid has 12 > columns in the desktop screen size, 8 in the tablet size, and 4 in the phone > size, each size having predefined margins and gutters. Cells are laid out > sequentially in a row, in the order they are defined, with some exceptions: > > - If a cell doesn't fit in the row in one of the screen sizes, it flows > into the following line. > - If a cell has a specified column size equal to or larger than the number > of columns for the current screen size, it takes up the entirety of its > row." Example use: import Material.Grid exposing (grid, cell, size, Device(..)) grid [ cell [ size All 4 ] [ h4 [] [text "Cell 1"] ] , cell [ offset All 2, size All 4 ] [ h4 [] [text "Cell 2"] , p [] [text "This cell is offset by 2"] ] , cell [ size All 6 ] [ h4 [] [text "Cell 3"] ] , cell [ size Tablet 6, size Desktop 12, size Phone 2 ] [ h4 [] [text "Cell 4"] , p [] [text "Size varies with device"] ] ] # Views @docs grid, cell # Cell configuration @docs Device, size, offset, Align, align -} {- TODO. 1. From MDL docs: "You can set a maximum grid width, after which the grid stays centered with padding on either side, by setting its max-width CSS property." 2. mdl-grid--no-spacing 3. mdl-cell--stretch 4. mdl-cell--hide-* -} import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import String import Material.Aux exposing (clip) {-| Construct a grid. Use `cell` some number of times to construct the argument list. -} grid : List Html -> Html grid elms = div [class "mdl-grid"] elms {-| Device specifiers, used with `size` and `offset`. -} type Device = All | Desktop | Tablet | Phone {- Cell configuration. Construct with `size`, `offset`, and `align`. -} type CellConfig = C String suffix : Device -> String suffix device = case device of All -> "" Desktop -> "-desktop" Tablet -> "-tablet" Phone -> "-phone" {-| Specify cell size. On devices of type `Device`, the cell being specified spans `Int` columns. -} size : Device -> Int -> CellConfig size device k = let c = case device of All -> clip 1 12 k Desktop -> clip 1 12 k Tablet -> clip 1 8 k Phone -> clip 1 4 k in "mdl-cell--" ++ toString c ++ "-col" ++ suffix device |> C {-| Specify cell offset, i.e., empty number of empty cells before the present one. On devices of type `Device`, leave `Int` columns blank before the present one begins. -} offset : Device -> Int -> CellConfig offset device k = let c = case device of All -> clip 1 11 k Desktop -> clip 1 11 k Tablet -> clip 1 7 k Phone -> clip 1 3 k in "mdl-cell--" ++ toString c ++ "-offset" ++ suffix device |> C {-| Vertical alignment of cells; use with `align`. -} type Align = Top | Middle | Bottom {-| Specify vertical cell alignment. See `Align`. -} align : Align -> CellConfig align a = C <| case a of Top -> "mdl-cell--top" Middle -> "mdl-cell--middle" Bottom -> "mdl-cell--bottom" {-| Construct a cell for use in the argument list for `grid`. Construct the cell configuration (first argument) using `size`, `offset`, and `align`. Supply contents for the cell as the second argument. -} cell : List CellConfig -> List Html -> Html cell extents elms = div [class <| String.join " " ("mdl-cell" :: ( (\(C s) -> s) extents))] elms