module Material.Ripple where import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events import Json.Decode as Json exposing ((:=), at) import Effects exposing (Effects, tick, none) import Material.Aux exposing (Rectangle, rectangleDecoder, effect) -- MODEL type alias Metrics = { rect : Rectangle , x : Float , y : Float } type Animation = Frame Int -- There is only 0 and 1. | Inert type alias Model = { animation : Animation , metrics : Maybe Metrics } model : Model model = { animation = Inert , metrics = Nothing } -- ACTION, UPDATE type alias Geometry = { rect : Rectangle , clientX : Maybe Float , clientY : Maybe Float , touchX : Maybe Float , touchY : Maybe Float } geometryDecoder : Json.Decoder Geometry geometryDecoder = Json.object5 Geometry rectangleDecoder (Json.maybe ("clientX" := Json.float)) (Json.maybe ("clientY" := Json.float)) (Json.maybe (at ["touches", "0", "clientX"] Json.float)) (Json.maybe (at ["touches", "0", "clientY"] Json.float)) computeMetrics : Geometry -> Metrics computeMetrics g = let rect = g.rect set x y = (x - rect.left, y - (x,y) = case (g.clientX, g.clientY, g.touchX, g.touchY) of (Just 0.0, Just 0.0, _, _) -> (rect.width / 2.0, rect.height / 2.0) (Just x, Just y, _, _) -> set x y (_, _, Just x, Just y) -> set x y _ -> Debug.crash "Impossible value from geometryDecoder" in { rect = rect , x = x , y = y } type Action = Down Geometry | Up | Tick update : Action -> Model -> (Model, Effects Action) update action model = case action of Down geometry -> { model | animation = Frame 0 , metrics = computeMetrics geometry |> Just } |> effect (tick <| \_ -> Tick) Up -> { model | animation = Inert } |> effect none Tick -> { model | animation = Frame 1 } |> effect none -- VIEW downOn : String -> Signal.Address Action -> Attribute downOn name addr = Material.Aux.on name { preventDefault = False , stopPropagation = False , withGeometry = True } geometryDecoder (Down >> Signal.message addr) upOn : String -> Signal.Address Action -> Attribute upOn name addr = Html.Events.on name (Json.succeed ()) ((\_ -> Up) >> Signal.message addr) styles : Metrics -> Int -> List (String, String) styles m frame = let scale = if frame == 0 then "scale(0.0001, 0.0001)" else "" toPx k = (toString (round k)) ++ "px" offset = "translate(" ++ toPx m.x ++ ", " ++ toPx m.y ++ ")" transformString = "translate(-50%, -50%) " ++ offset ++ scale r = m.rect rippleSize = sqrt (r.width * r.width + r.height * r.height) * 2 + 2 |> toPx in [ ("width", rippleSize) , ("height", rippleSize) , ("-webkit-transform", transformString) , ("-ms-transform", transformString) , ("transform", transformString) ] view : Signal.Address Action -> List Attribute -> Model -> Html view addr attrs model = let styling = case (model.metrics, model.animation) of (Just metrics, Frame frame) -> styles metrics frame (Just metrics, Inert) -> styles metrics 1 -- Hack. _ -> [] in span ( downOn "mousedown" addr :: downOn "touchstart" addr :: upOn "mouseup" addr :: upOn "mouseleave" addr :: upOn "touchend" addr :: upOn "blur" addr :: attrs ) [ span [ classList [ ("mdl-ripple", True) , ("is-animating", model.animation /= Frame 0) , ("is-visible", model.animation /= Inert) ] , style styling ] [] ]