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module Main (..) where
import StartApp
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (href, class, style, key)
import Signal exposing (Signal)
import Effects exposing (..)
import Task
import Signal
import Task exposing (Task)
import Array exposing (Array)
import Hop
import Hop.Types
import Hop.Navigate exposing (navigateTo)
import Hop.Matchers exposing (match1)
import Material.Color as Color
import Material.Layout
import Material.Layout as Layout exposing (defaultLayoutModel)
import Material.Helpers exposing (lift, lift')
import Material.Style as Style
import Material.Scheme as Scheme
import Demo.Buttons
import Demo.Grid
import Demo.Textfields
import Demo.Snackbar
import Demo.Badges
import Demo.Elevation
--import Demo.Template
type Route
= Tab Int
| E404
type alias Routing =
( Route, Hop.Types.Location )
route0 : Routing
route0 =
( Tab 0, Hop.Types.newLocation )
router : Hop.Types.Router Route
router =
{ notFound = E404
, matchers =
( match1 (Tab 0) "/"
:: (tabs |> List.indexedMap (\idx (_, path, _) ->
match1 (Tab idx) ("/" ++ path))
layoutModel : Layout.Model
layoutModel =
{ defaultLayoutModel
| state = Layout.initState (List.length tabs)
, mode = Layout.Waterfall True
, fixedHeader = False
type alias Model =
{ layout : Layout.Model
, routing : Routing
, buttons : Demo.Buttons.Model
, textfields : Demo.Textfields.Model
, snackbar : Demo.Snackbar.Model
--, template : Demo.Template.Model
model : Model
model =
{ layout = layoutModel
, routing = route0
, buttons = Demo.Buttons.model
, textfields = Demo.Textfields.model
, snackbar = Demo.Snackbar.model
--, template = Demo.Template.model
type Action
-- Hop
= ApplyRoute ( Route, Hop.Types.Location )
| HopAction ()
-- Tabs
| LayoutAction Layout.Action
| ButtonsAction Demo.Buttons.Action
| TextfieldAction Demo.Textfields.Action
| SnackbarAction Demo.Snackbar.Action
--| TemplateAction Demo.Template.Action
nth : Int -> List a -> Maybe a
nth k xs =
List.drop k xs |> List.head
update : Action -> Model -> ( Model, Effects Action )
update action model =
case Debug.log "Action" action of
LayoutAction a ->
( lifted, layoutFx ) =
lift .layout (\m x -> { m | layout = x }) LayoutAction Layout.update a model
routeFx =
case a of
Layout.SwitchTab k ->
nth k tabs
|> Maybe.map (\(_, path, _) -> Effects.map HopAction (navigateTo path))
|> Maybe.withDefault Effects.none
_ ->
( lifted, Effects.batch [ layoutFx, routeFx ] )
ApplyRoute route ->
( { model
| routing = route
, layout = setTab model.layout (fst route)
, Effects.none
HopAction _ ->
( model, Effects.none )
ButtonsAction a -> lift .buttons (\m x->{m|buttons =x}) ButtonsAction Demo.Buttons.update a model
TextfieldAction a -> lift .textfields (\m x->{m|textfields=x}) TextfieldAction Demo.Textfields.update a model
SnackbarAction a -> lift .snackbar (\m x->{m|snackbar =x}) SnackbarAction Demo.Snackbar.update a model
--TemplateAction a -> lift .template (\m x->{m|template =x}) TemplateAction Demo.Template.update a model
type alias Addr =
Signal.Address Action
drawer : List Html
drawer =
[ Layout.title "Example drawer"
, Layout.navigation
[ Layout.link
[ href "https://github.com/debois/elm-mdl" ]
[ text "github" ]
, Layout.link
[ href "http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/debois/elm-mdl/latest/" ]
[ text "elm-package" ]
header : List Html
header =
[ Layout.row
[ Layout.title "elm-mdl"
, Layout.spacer
, Layout.navigation
[ Layout.link
[href "https://github.com/debois/elm-mdl"]
[span [] [text "github"] ]
, Layout.link
[href "http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/debois/elm-mdl/latest/"]
[text "elm-package"]
tabs : List (String, String, Addr -> Model -> Html)
tabs =
[ ("Buttons", "buttons", \addr model ->
Demo.Buttons.view (Signal.forwardTo addr ButtonsAction) model.buttons)
, ("Badges", "badges", \addr model -> Demo.Badges.view )
, ("Elevation", "elevation", \addr model -> Demo.Elevation.view )
, ("Grid", "grid", \addr model -> Demo.Grid.view)
, ("Snackbar", "snackbar", \addr model ->
Demo.Snackbar.view (Signal.forwardTo addr SnackbarAction) model.snackbar)
, ("Textfields", "textfields", \addr model ->
Demo.Textfields.view (Signal.forwardTo addr TextfieldAction) model.textfields)
, ("Template", "tempate", \addr model ->
[Demo.Template.view (Signal.forwardTo addr TemplateAction) model.template])
e404 : Addr -> Model -> Html
e404 _ _ =
[ Style.styled Html.h1
[ Style.cs "mdl-typography--display-4"
, Color.background Color.primary
[ text "404" ]
tabViews : Array (Addr -> Model -> Html)
tabViews = List.map (\(_,_,v) -> v) tabs |> Array.fromList
tabTitles : List Html
tabTitles =
List.map (\(x,_,_) -> text x) tabs
stylesheet : Html
stylesheet =
Style.stylesheet """
blockquote:before { content: none; }
blockquote:after { content: none; }
blockquote {
border-left-style: solid;
border-width: 1px;
padding-left: 1.3ex;
border-color: rgb(255,82,82);
font-style: normal;
/* TODO: Really need a way to specify "secondary color" in
inline css.
p, blockquote {
max-width: 40em;
h1, h2 {
/* TODO. Need typography module with kerning. */
margin-left: -3px;
setTab : Layout.Model -> Route -> Layout.Model
setTab layout route =
idx =
case route of
Tab k -> k
E404 -> -1
{ layout | selectedTab = idx }
view : Signal.Address Action -> Model -> Html
view addr model =
top =
[ style
[ ( "margin", "auto" )
, ( "padding-left", "8%" )
, ( "padding-right", "8%" )
, key <| toString (fst model.routing)
[ (Array.get model.layout.selectedTab tabViews
|> Maybe.withDefault e404)
Layout.view (Signal.forwardTo addr LayoutAction) model.layout
{ header = header
, drawer = drawer
, tabs = tabTitles
, main = [ stylesheet, top ]
{- The following line is not needed when you manually set up
your html, as done with page.html. Removing it will then
fix the flicker you see on load.
|> Scheme.topWithScheme Color.Teal Color.Red
init : ( Model, Effects.Effects Action )
init =
( model, Effects.none )
inputs : List (Signal.Signal Action)
inputs =
[ Layout.setupSignals LayoutAction
, Signal.map ApplyRoute router.signal
app : StartApp.App Model
app =
{ init = init
, view = view
, update = update
, inputs = inputs
main : Signal Html
main =
port tasks : Signal (Task.Task Never ())
port tasks =
port routeRunTask : Task () ()
port routeRunTask =