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module Material.Textfield where
{-| From the [Material Design Lite documentation](http://www.getmdl.io/components/#textfields-section):
> The Material Design Lite (MDL) text field component is an enhanced version of
> the standard HTML `<input type="text">` and `<input type="textarea">` elements.
> A text field consists of a horizontal line indicating where keyboard input
> can occur and, typically, text that clearly communicates the intended
> contents of the text field. The MDL text field component provides various
> types of text fields, and allows you to add both display and click effects.
> Text fields are a common feature of most user interfaces, regardless of a
> site's content or function. Their design and use is therefore an important
> factor in the overall user experience. See the text field component's
> [Material Design specifications page](https://www.google.com/design/spec/components/text-fields.html)
> for details.
> The enhanced text field component has a more vivid visual look than a standard
> text field, and may be initially or programmatically disabled. There are three
> main types of text fields in the text field component, each with its own basic
> coding requirements. The types are single-line, multi-line, and expandable.
This implementation provides only single-line.
# Configuration
@docs Kind, Label
# Component
@docs Action, Model, model, update, view
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (..)
import Material.Aux exposing (..)
{-| Label configuration. The `text` is the text of the label;
the label floats if `float` is True.
type alias Label =
{ text : String
, float : Bool
{-| Kind of textfield. Currently supports only single-line inputs.
type Kind
= SingleLine
| MultiLine (Maybe Int) -- Max no. of rows or no limit
-- TODO. Should prevent key event for ENTER
-- when number of rows exceeds maxrows argument to constructor:
MaterialTextfield.prototype.onKeyDown_ = function(event) {
var currentRowCount = event.target.value.split('\n').length;
if (event.keyCode === 13) {
if (currentRowCount >= this.maxRows) {
{-| Model. The textfield is in its error-state if `error` is not `Nothing`.
The contents of the field is `value`.
type alias Model =
{ label : Maybe Label
, error : Maybe String
, kind : Kind
, isDisabled : Bool
, isFocused : Bool
, value : String
{-| Default model. No label, error, or value.
model : Model
model =
{ label = Nothing
, error = Nothing
, kind = SingleLine
, isDisabled = False
, isFocused = False
, value = ""
{-| Component actions. `Input` carries the new value of the field.
type Action
= Input String
| Blur
| Focus
{-| Component update.
update : Action -> Model -> Model
update action model =
case action of
Input str ->
{ model | value = str }
Blur ->
{ model | isFocused = False }
Focus ->
{ model | isFocused = True }
{-| Component view.
view : Signal.Address Action -> Model -> Html
view addr model =
let hasFloat = model.label |> Maybe.map .float |> Maybe.withDefault False
hasError = model.error |> Maybe.map (always True) |> Maybe.withDefault False
filter div
[ classList
[ ("mdl-textfield", True)
, ("mdl-js-textfield", True)
, ("is-upgraded", True)
, ("mdl-textfield--floating-label", hasFloat)
, ("is-invalid", hasError)
, ("is-dirty", model.value /= "")
, ("is-focused", model.isFocused && not model.isDisabled)
, ("is-disabled", model.isDisabled)
[ Just <| input
[ class "mdl-textfield__input"
, style [ ("outline", "none") ]
, type' "text"
, disabled model.isDisabled
, value model.value
, Html.Events.on "input" targetValue (\s -> Signal.message addr (Input s))
, onBlur addr Blur
, onFocus addr Focus
, model.label |> Maybe.map (\l ->
label [class "mdl-textfield__label"] [text l.text])
, model.error |> Maybe.map (\e ->
span [class "mdl-textfield__error"] [text e])