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module Demo.Elevation where
import Html exposing (..)
import Material.Style as Style exposing (cs, css, Style)
import Material.Elevation as Elevation
import Demo.Page as Page
elevate : (Style, Int) -> Html
elevate (e, k) =
[ css "height" "96px"
, css "width" "128px"
, css "margin" "40px"
-- Center
, css "display" "inline-flex"
, css "flex-flow" "row wrap"
, css "justify-content" "center"
, css "align-items" "center"
, e
[ Style.div
[ cs ".mdl-typography--title-color-contrast"
-- TODO. Typography!
, css "box-radius" "2pt"
[ text <| toString k ]
view : Html
view =
(cs "", 0) :: Elevation.elevations
|> List.map elevate
|> (::) ( p [] [ text """Below are boxes drawn at various elevations.""" ] )
|> Page.body1 "Elevation" srcUrl intro references
intro : Html
intro =
Page.fromMDL "https://github.com/google/material-design-lite/blob/master/src/shadow/README.md" """
> The Material Design Lite (MDL) shadow is not a component in the same sense as
> an MDL card, menu, or textbox; it is a visual effect that can be assigned to a
> user interface element. The effect simulates a three-dimensional positioning of
> the element, as though it is slightly raised above the surface it rests upon —
> a positive z-axis value, in user interface terms. The shadow starts at the
> edges of the element and gradually fades outward, providing a realistic 3-D
> effect.
> Shadows are a convenient and intuitive means of distinguishing an element from
> its surroundings. A shadow can draw the user's eye to an object and emphasize
> the object's importance, uniqueness, or immediacy.
> Shadows are a well-established feature in user interfaces, and provide users
> with a visual clue to an object's intended use or value. Their design and use
> is an important factor in the overall user experience.)
The [Material Design Specification](https://www.google.com/design/spec/what-is-material/elevation-shadows.html#elevation-shadows-elevation-android-)
pre-defines appropriate elevation for most UI elements; you need to manually
assign shadows only to your own elements.
You are encouraged to visit the
[Material Design specification](https://www.google.com/design/spec/what-is-material/elevation-shadows.html)
for details about appropriate use of shadows.
srcUrl : String
srcUrl =
references : List (String, String)
references =
[ Page.package "http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/debois/elm-mdl/latest/Material-Elevation"
, Page.mds "https://www.google.com/design/spec/what-is-material/elevation-shadows.html"
, Page.mdl "https://github.com/google/material-design-lite/blob/master/src/shadow/README.md"