Run elm-format over cherry picked exercises

This commit is contained in:
Erik Simmler 2016-03-16 21:38:51 -04:00
parent 5b8970a2db
commit 6e036afc7d
15 changed files with 383 additions and 172 deletions

View file

@ -4,20 +4,33 @@ import Task
import Console
import ElmTest exposing (..)
import Accumulate exposing (accumulate)
import String
square : Int -> Int
square x = x * x
square x =
x * x
tests : Test
tests = suite "Accumulate"
[ test "[]] Accumulate" (assertEqual [] (accumulate square [])),
test "square Accumulate" (assertEqual [1,4,9] (accumulate square [1,2,3])),
test "toUpper Accumulate" (assertEqual ["HELLO","WORLD"] (accumulate String.toUpper ["hello" , "world"])),
test "reverse Accumulate" (assertEqual ["olleh","dlrow"] (accumulate String.reverse ["hello" , "world"]))
tests =
[ test
"[]] Accumulate"
(assertEqual [] (accumulate square []))
, test
"square Accumulate"
(assertEqual [ 1, 4, 9 ] (accumulate square [ 1, 2, 3 ]))
, test
"toUpper Accumulate"
(assertEqual [ "HELLO", "WORLD" ] (accumulate String.toUpper [ "hello", "world" ]))
, test
"reverse Accumulate"
(assertEqual [ "olleh", "dlrow" ] (accumulate String.reverse [ "hello", "world" ]))
port runner : Signal (Task.Task x ())
port runner = (consoleRunner tests)

View file

@ -2,30 +2,47 @@ module GradeSchool (..) where
import Dict exposing (..)
import Result exposing (toMaybe)
-- TODO: implement these classes
-- type Grade = Int
-- type Student = String
-- type School = Dict Int List String
schoolFromList : List (Int, String) -> Dict Int (List String)
schoolFromList schoolList = List.foldl (\tuple -> \dict -> addStudent (fst tuple) (snd tuple) dict)
newSchool schoolList
schoolToList : Dict Int (List String) -> List (Int, List String)
schoolToList school = Dict.toList school
schoolFromList : List ( Int, String ) -> Dict Int (List String)
schoolFromList schoolList =
(\tuple -> \dict -> addStudent (fst tuple) (snd tuple) dict)
schoolToList : Dict Int (List String) -> List ( Int, List String )
schoolToList school =
Dict.toList school
newSchool : Dict Int (List String)
newSchool = Dict.empty
newSchool =
addStudent : Int -> String -> Dict Int (List String) -> Dict Int (List String)
addStudent grade student school =
Dict.insert grade (List.sort (student :: (studentsInGrade grade school))) school
gradeWithStudents : Int -> List String -> Dict Int (List String)
gradeWithStudents grade students = Dict.singleton grade (List.sort students)
gradeWithStudents grade students =
Dict.singleton grade (List.sort students)
studentsInGrade : Int -> Dict Int (List String) -> List String
studentsInGrade grade school =
case (Dict.get grade school) of
Just list -> list
Nothing -> []
Just list ->
Nothing ->

View file

@ -3,23 +3,41 @@ module Main (..) where
import Task
import Console
import ElmTest exposing (..)
import GradeSchool as S exposing (..)
import Dict
tests : Test
tests = suite "GradeSchool Test Suite"
test "add student" (assertEqual [(2, ["Aimee"])]
(S.schoolToList (S.addStudent 2 "Aimee" S.newSchool))),
test "add more students in same class" (assertEqual [(2, ["Blair", "James", "Paul"])]
(S.schoolToList (S.gradeWithStudents 2 ["James", "Blair", "Paul"]))),
test "add students to different grades" (assertEqual [(3, ["Chelsea"]), (7, ["Logan"])]
(S.schoolToList (S.schoolFromList [(3, "Chelsea"), (7, "Logan")]))),
test "get students in a grade" (assertEqual ["Bradley", "Franklin"]
(S.studentsInGrade 5 (S.schoolFromList [(5, "Franklin"), (5, "Bradley"), (1, "Jeff")]))),
test "get students in a non-existent grade" (assertEqual [] (S.studentsInGrade 1 S.newSchool))
tests =
[ test
"add student"
[ ( 2, [ "Aimee" ] ) ]
(S.schoolToList (S.addStudent 2 "Aimee" S.newSchool))
, test
"add more students in same class"
[ ( 2, [ "Blair", "James", "Paul" ] ) ]
(S.schoolToList (S.gradeWithStudents 2 [ "James", "Blair", "Paul" ]))
, test
"add students to different grades"
[ ( 3, [ "Chelsea" ] ), ( 7, [ "Logan" ] ) ]
(S.schoolToList (S.schoolFromList [ ( 3, "Chelsea" ), ( 7, "Logan" ) ]))
, test
"get students in a grade"
[ "Bradley", "Franklin" ]
(S.studentsInGrade 5 (S.schoolFromList [ ( 5, "Franklin" ), ( 5, "Bradley" ), ( 1, "Jeff" ) ]))
, test
"get students in a non-existent grade"
(assertEqual [] (S.studentsInGrade 1 S.newSchool))

View file

@ -6,5 +6,6 @@ helloWorld name =
case name of
Just name ->
"Hello, " ++ name ++ "!"
Nothing ->
"Hello, World!"

View file

@ -3,13 +3,16 @@ module NucleotideCount (..) where
import String
import List
nucleotideCounts : String -> List (Char, Int)
nucleotideCounts sequence = [
(getCount 'A' sequence),
(getCount 'T' sequence),
(getCount 'C' sequence),
(getCount 'G' sequence)
nucleotideCounts : String -> List ( Char, Int )
nucleotideCounts sequence =
[ (getCount 'A' sequence)
, (getCount 'T' sequence)
, (getCount 'C' sequence)
, (getCount 'G' sequence)
getCount : Char -> String -> (Char, Int)
getCount base sequence = (base, (List.length (String.split (String.fromChar base) sequence)) - 1)
getCount : Char -> String -> ( Char, Int )
getCount base sequence =
( base, (List.length (String.split (String.fromChar base) sequence)) - 1 )

View file

@ -3,20 +3,34 @@ module Main (..) where
import Task
import Console
import ElmTest exposing (..)
import NucleotideCount exposing (nucleotideCounts)
tests : Test
tests = suite "NucleotideCount test suite"
test "empty dna strand has no nucleotides" (assertEqual [('A', 0), ('T', 0), ('C', 0), ('G', 0)]
(nucleotideCounts "")),
test "repetitive-sequence-has-only-guanosine" (assertEqual [('A', 0), ('T', 0), ('C', 0), ('G', 8)]
(nucleotideCounts "GGGGGGGG")),
test "counts all nucleotides" (assertEqual [('A', 20), ('T', 21), ('C', 12), ('G', 17)]
tests =
[ test
"empty dna strand has no nucleotides"
[ ( 'A', 0 ), ( 'T', 0 ), ( 'C', 0 ), ( 'G', 0 ) ]
(nucleotideCounts "")
, test
[ ( 'A', 0 ), ( 'T', 0 ), ( 'C', 0 ), ( 'G', 8 ) ]
(nucleotideCounts "GGGGGGGG")
, test
"counts all nucleotides"
[ ( 'A', 20 ), ( 'T', 21 ), ( 'C', 12 ), ( 'G', 17 ) ]
port runner : Signal (Task.Task x ())
port runner = (consoleRunner tests)

View file

@ -3,27 +3,52 @@ module Main (..) where
import Task
import Console
import ElmTest exposing (..)
import PhoneNumber exposing (getNumber, printPretty)
tests : Test
tests = suite "PhoneNumber test suite"
test "cleans number" (assertEqual "1234567890" (getNumber "(123) 456-7890")),
test "cleans number with dots" (assertEqual "1234567890" (getNumber "123.456.7890")),
test "valid when 11 digits and first is 1" (assertEqual "1234567890" (getNumber "11234567890")),
test "invalid when 11 digits" (assertEqual "0000000000" (getNumber "21234567890")),
test "invalid when 9 digits" (assertEqual "0000000000" (getNumber "123456789")),
test "invalid when 12 digits" (assertEqual "0000000000" (getNumber "123456789012")),
test "invalid when empty" (assertEqual "0000000000" (getNumber "")),
test "invalid when no digits present" (assertEqual "0000000000" (getNumber " (-) ")),
test "valid with leading characters" (assertEqual "1234567890" (getNumber "my number is 123 456 7890")),
test "valid with trailing characters" (assertEqual "1234567890" (getNumber "123 456 7890 - bob")),
test "pretty print" (assertEqual "(123) 456-7890" (printPretty "1234567890")),
test "pretty print with full us phone number" (assertEqual "(123) 456-7890" (printPretty "11234567890"))
tests =
[ test
"cleans number"
(assertEqual "1234567890" (getNumber "(123) 456-7890"))
, test
"cleans number with dots"
(assertEqual "1234567890" (getNumber "123.456.7890"))
, test
"valid when 11 digits and first is 1"
(assertEqual "1234567890" (getNumber "11234567890"))
, test
"invalid when 11 digits"
(assertEqual "0000000000" (getNumber "21234567890"))
, test
"invalid when 9 digits"
(assertEqual "0000000000" (getNumber "123456789"))
, test
"invalid when 12 digits"
(assertEqual "0000000000" (getNumber "123456789012"))
, test
"invalid when empty"
(assertEqual "0000000000" (getNumber ""))
, test
"invalid when no digits present"
(assertEqual "0000000000" (getNumber " (-) "))
, test
"valid with leading characters"
(assertEqual "1234567890" (getNumber "my number is 123 456 7890"))
, test
"valid with trailing characters"
(assertEqual "1234567890" (getNumber "123 456 7890 - bob"))
, test
"pretty print"
(assertEqual "(123) 456-7890" (printPretty "1234567890"))
, test
"pretty print with full us phone number"
(assertEqual "(123) 456-7890" (printPretty "11234567890"))
port runner : Signal (Task.Task x ())
port runner = (consoleRunner tests)

View file

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
module SpaceAge (..) where
type Planet = Mercury
type Planet
= Mercury
| Venus
| Earth
| Mars
@ -10,19 +12,39 @@ type Planet = Mercury
| Neptune
earthYearInSeconds = 365.25 * 24 * 60 * 60
earthYearInSeconds =
365.25 * 24 * 60 * 60
ageOn : Planet -> Float -> Float
ageOn planet seconds = seconds / (secondsPerYear planet)
ageOn planet seconds =
seconds / (secondsPerYear planet)
secondsPerYear : Planet -> Float
secondsPerYear planet =
earthYearInSeconds * case planet of
Mercury -> 0.2408467
Venus -> 0.61519726
Earth -> 1
Mars -> 1.8808158
Jupiter -> 11.862615
Saturn -> 29.447498
Uranus -> 84.016846
Neptune -> 164.79132
* case planet of
Mercury ->
Venus ->
Earth ->
Mars ->
Jupiter ->
Saturn ->
Uranus ->
Neptune ->

View file

@ -3,24 +3,24 @@ module Main (..) where
import Task
import Console
import ElmTest exposing (..)
import SpaceAge exposing (Planet(..), ageOn)
tests : Test
tests = suite "SpaceAge Test Suite"
test "age in earth years" (assertEqual 32 (round (ageOn Earth 1000000000))),
test "age in mercury years" (assertEqual 281 (round (ageOn Mercury 2134835688))),
test "age in venus years" (assertEqual 10 (round (ageOn Venus 189839836))),
test "age on mars" (assertEqual 39 (round (ageOn Mars 2329871239))),
test "age on jupiter" (assertEqual 2 (round (ageOn Jupiter 901876382))),
test "age on saturn" (assertEqual 3 (round (ageOn Saturn 3000000000))),
test "age on uranus" (assertEqual 1 (round (ageOn Uranus 3210123456))),
test "age on neptune" (assertEqual 2 (round (ageOn Neptune 8210123456)))
tests =
"SpaceAge Test Suite"
[ test "age in earth years" (assertEqual 32 (round (ageOn Earth 1000000000)))
, test "age in mercury years" (assertEqual 281 (round (ageOn Mercury 2134835688)))
, test "age in venus years" (assertEqual 10 (round (ageOn Venus 189839836)))
, test "age on mars" (assertEqual 39 (round (ageOn Mars 2329871239)))
, test "age on jupiter" (assertEqual 2 (round (ageOn Jupiter 901876382)))
, test "age on saturn" (assertEqual 3 (round (ageOn Saturn 3000000000)))
, test "age on uranus" (assertEqual 1 (round (ageOn Uranus 3210123456)))
, test "age on neptune" (assertEqual 2 (round (ageOn Neptune 8210123456)))
port runner : Signal (Task.Task x ())
port runner = (consoleRunner tests)

View file

@ -2,8 +2,12 @@ module Strain (..) where
import List
keep : (a -> Bool) -> List a -> List a
keep predicate list = List.filter predicate list
keep predicate list =
List.filter predicate list
discard : (a -> Bool) -> List a -> List a
discard predicate list = (keep (\val -> not (predicate val)) list)
discard predicate list =
(keep (\val -> not (predicate val)) list)

View file

@ -3,33 +3,72 @@ module Main (..) where
import Task
import Console
import ElmTest exposing (..)
import Strain exposing (keep, discard)
import String
even = \number -> number % 2 == 0
odd = \number -> number % 2 == 1
isFirstLetter = \letter-> \word -> (String.left 1 word) == letter
lessThanTen = \num -> num < 10
even =
\number -> number % 2 == 0
odd =
\number -> number % 2 == 1
isFirstLetter =
\letter -> \word -> (String.left 1 word) == letter
lessThanTen =
\num -> num < 10
tests : Test
tests = suite "Strain Test Suite"
[ test "empty keep" (assertEqual [] (keep lessThanTen [])),
test "keep everything" (assertEqual [1, 2, 3] (keep lessThanTen [1, 2, 3])),
test "keep first and last" (assertEqual [1, 3] (keep odd [1, 2, 3])),
test "keep nothing" (assertEqual [] (keep even [1,3,5,7])),
test "keep neither first nor last" (assertEqual [2] (keep even [1, 2, 3])),
test "keep strings" (assertEqual ["zebra", "zombies", "zealot"] (keep (isFirstLetter "z") ["apple", "zebra", "banana", "zombies", "cherimoya", "zealot"])),
test "empty discard" (assertEqual [] (discard lessThanTen [])),
test "discard everything" (assertEqual [] (discard lessThanTen [1, 2, 3])),
test "discard first and last" (assertEqual [2] (discard odd [1, 2, 3])),
test "discard nothing" (assertEqual [1,3,5,7] (discard even [1,3,5,7])),
test "discard neither first nor last" (assertEqual [1, 3] (discard even [1, 2, 3])),
test "discard strings" (assertEqual ["apple", "banana", "cherimoya"] (discard (isFirstLetter "z") ["apple", "zebra", "banana", "zombies", "cherimoya", "zealot"]))
tests =
[ test
"empty keep"
(assertEqual [] (keep lessThanTen []))
, test
"keep everything"
(assertEqual [ 1, 2, 3 ] (keep lessThanTen [ 1, 2, 3 ]))
, test
"keep first and last"
(assertEqual [ 1, 3 ] (keep odd [ 1, 2, 3 ]))
, test
"keep nothing"
(assertEqual [] (keep even [ 1, 3, 5, 7 ]))
, test
"keep neither first nor last"
(assertEqual [ 2 ] (keep even [ 1, 2, 3 ]))
, test
"keep strings"
[ "zebra", "zombies", "zealot" ]
(keep (isFirstLetter "z") [ "apple", "zebra", "banana", "zombies", "cherimoya", "zealot" ])
, test
"empty discard"
(assertEqual [] (discard lessThanTen []))
, test
"discard everything"
(assertEqual [] (discard lessThanTen [ 1, 2, 3 ]))
, test
"discard first and last"
(assertEqual [ 2 ] (discard odd [ 1, 2, 3 ]))
, test
"discard nothing"
(assertEqual [ 1, 3, 5, 7 ] (discard even [ 1, 3, 5, 7 ]))
, test
"discard neither first nor last"
(assertEqual [ 1, 3 ] (discard even [ 1, 2, 3 ]))
, test
"discard strings"
(assertEqual [ "apple", "banana", "cherimoya" ] (discard (isFirstLetter "z") [ "apple", "zebra", "banana", "zombies", "cherimoya", "zealot" ]))
port runner : Signal (Task.Task x ())
port runner = (consoleRunner tests)

View file

@ -1,21 +1,35 @@
module Sublist (..) where
import List exposing (..)
import String
sublist : List a -> List a -> String
sublist alist blist =
if alist == blist then "Equal" else
if inList alist blist then "Superlist" else
if inList blist alist then "Sublist" else "Unequal"
if alist == blist then
else if inList alist blist then
else if inList blist alist then
inList : List a -> List a -> Bool
inList alist blist =
let getLastInList sublist =
getLastInList sublist =
case (List.tail sublist) of
Just list -> list
Nothing -> []
Just list ->
Nothing ->
if (List.length alist) < (List.length blist) then False else
if (List.take (List.length blist) alist) == blist then True else
if (List.length alist) < (List.length blist) then
else if (List.take (List.length blist) alist) == blist then
inList (getLastInList alist) blist

View file

@ -3,32 +3,70 @@ module Main (..) where
import Task
import Console
import ElmTest exposing (..)
import Sublist exposing (sublist)
tests : Test
tests = suite "Sublist Test Suite"
[ test " empty equals empty" (assertEqual "Equal" (sublist [] [])),
test "empty is a sublist of anything" (assertEqual "Sublist" (sublist [] [1,2])),
test "anything is a superlist of empty" (assertEqual "Superlist" (sublist [1,2] [] )),
test "1 is not 2" (assertEqual "Unequal" (sublist [1] [2])),
test "compare larger equal lists" (assertEqual "Equal" (sublist [1, 1, 1] [1, 1, 1])),
test "sublist at start" (assertEqual "Sublist" (sublist [1,2,3] [1,2,3,4,5])),
test "sublist in the middle" (assertEqual "Sublist" (sublist [4,3,2] [5,4,3,2,1])),
test "sublist at end" (assertEqual "Sublist" (sublist [3,4,5] [1,2,3,4,5])),
test "partially matching sublist at start" (assertEqual "Sublist" (sublist [1,1,2] [1,1,1,2])),
test "sublist early in huge list" (assertEqual "Sublist" (sublist [3,4,5] [1 .. 100000])),
test "huge sublist not in list" (assertEqual "Unequal" (sublist [10 .. 100001] [1 .. 100000])),
test "superlist at start" (assertEqual "Superlist" (sublist [1,2,3,4,5] [1,2,3])),
test "superlist in middle" (assertEqual "Superlist" (sublist [5,4,3,2,1] [4,3,2])),
test "superlist at end" (assertEqual "Superlist" (sublist [1,2,3,4,5] [3,4,5])),
test "partially matching superlist at start" (assertEqual "Superlist" (sublist [1,1,1,2] [1,1,2])),
test "superlist early in huge list" (assertEqual "Superlist" (sublist [1 .. 100000] [3,4,5])),
test "recurring values sublist" (assertEqual "Sublist" (sublist [1,2,1,2,3] [1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3,2,1])),
test "recurring values unequal" (assertEqual "Unequal" (sublist [1,2,1,2,3] [1,2,3,1,2,3,2,3,2,1]))
tests =
[ test
"empty equals empty"
(assertEqual "Equal" (sublist [] []))
, test
"empty is a sublist of anything"
(assertEqual "Sublist" (sublist [] [ 1, 2 ]))
, test
"anything is a superlist of empty"
(assertEqual "Superlist" (sublist [ 1, 2 ] []))
, test
"1 is not 2"
(assertEqual "Unequal" (sublist [ 1 ] [ 2 ]))
, test
"compare larger equal lists"
(assertEqual "Equal" (sublist [ 1, 1, 1 ] [ 1, 1, 1 ]))
, test
"sublist at start"
(assertEqual "Sublist" (sublist [ 1, 2, 3 ] [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]))
, test
"sublist in the middle"
(assertEqual "Sublist" (sublist [ 4, 3, 2 ] [ 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ]))
, test
"sublist at end"
(assertEqual "Sublist" (sublist [ 3, 4, 5 ] [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]))
, test
"partially matching sublist at start"
(assertEqual "Sublist" (sublist [ 1, 1, 2 ] [ 1, 1, 1, 2 ]))
, test
"sublist early in huge list"
(assertEqual "Sublist" (sublist [ 3, 4, 5 ] [1..100000]))
, test
"huge sublist not in list"
(assertEqual "Unequal" (sublist [10..100001] [1..100000]))
, test
"superlist at start"
(assertEqual "Superlist" (sublist [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] [ 1, 2, 3 ]))
, test
"superlist in middle"
(assertEqual "Superlist" (sublist [ 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ] [ 4, 3, 2 ]))
, test
"superlist at end"
(assertEqual "Superlist" (sublist [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] [ 3, 4, 5 ]))
, test
"partially matching superlist at start"
(assertEqual "Superlist" (sublist [ 1, 1, 1, 2 ] [ 1, 1, 2 ]))
, test
"superlist early in huge list"
(assertEqual "Superlist" (sublist [1..100000] [ 3, 4, 5 ]))
, test
"recurring values sublist"
(assertEqual "Sublist" (sublist [ 1, 2, 1, 2, 3 ] [ 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1 ]))
, test
"recurring values unequal"
(assertEqual "Unequal" (sublist [ 1, 2, 1, 2, 3 ] [ 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 1 ]))
port runner : Signal (Task.Task x ())
port runner = (consoleRunner tests)

View file

@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
module SumOfMultiples (..) where
sumOfMultiples : List Int -> Int -> Int
sumOfMultiples factors upperLimit =
List.sum (List.filter (isMultipleOfAnyFactor factors) [1 .. (upperLimit - 1)])
isMultipleOfAnyFactor : List Int -> Int -> Bool
isMultipleOfAnyFactor factors candidate =
List.any (\factor -> candidate % factor == 0) factors
sumOfMultiples : List Int -> Int -> Int
sumOfMultiples multiples limit =
List.sum (List.filter (inMultiples multiples) [1..(limit - 1)])
inMultiples : List Int -> Int -> Bool
inMultiples multiples candidate =
List.any (\factor -> candidate % factor == 0) multiples

View file

@ -3,21 +3,22 @@ module Main (..) where
import Task
import Console
import ElmTest exposing (..)
import SumOfMultiples exposing (sumOfMultiples)
tests : Test
tests = suite "Sum Of Multiples Test Suite"
[ test "[3, 5] 15" (assertEqual 45 (sumOfMultiples [3, 5] 15)),
test "[7, 13, 17] 20" (assertEqual 51 (sumOfMultiples [7, 13, 17] 20)),
test "[4, 6] 15" (assertEqual 30 (sumOfMultiples [4, 6] 15)),
test "[5, 6, 8] 150" (assertEqual 4419 (sumOfMultiples [5, 6, 8] 150)),
test "[43, 47] 10000" (assertEqual 2203160 (sumOfMultiples [43, 47] 10000)),
test "[5, 25] 51" (assertEqual 275 (sumOfMultiples [5, 25] 51))
tests : Test
tests =
"Sum Of Multiples"
[ test "[3, 5] 15" (assertEqual 45 (sumOfMultiples [ 3, 5 ] 15))
, test "[7, 13, 17] 20" (assertEqual 51 (sumOfMultiples [ 7, 13, 17 ] 20))
, test "[4, 6] 15" (assertEqual 30 (sumOfMultiples [ 4, 6 ] 15))
, test "[5, 6, 8] 150" (assertEqual 4419 (sumOfMultiples [ 5, 6, 8 ] 150))
, test "[43, 47] 10000" (assertEqual 2203160 (sumOfMultiples [ 43, 47 ] 10000))
, test "[5, 25] 51" (assertEqual 275 (sumOfMultiples [ 5, 25 ] 51))
port runner : Signal (Task.Task x ())
port runner = (consoleRunner tests)