mirror of
synced 2025-03-07 04:35:48 -10:00
Merge pull request #87 from tgecho/elm-format-0.3.0-alpha
Run pre Elm 0.17 exercises through elm-format version 0.3.0-alpha
This commit is contained in:
49 changed files with 1178 additions and 1469 deletions
@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ module Accumulate exposing (..)
accumulate : (a -> b) -> List a -> List b
accumulate func input =
List.foldr (\v c -> func v :: c) [] input
List.foldr (\v c -> func v :: c) [] input
@ -7,28 +7,23 @@ import String
square : Int -> Int
square x =
x * x
x * x
tests : Test
tests =
[ test
"[]] Accumulate"
(assertEqual [] (accumulate square []))
, test
"square Accumulate"
(assertEqual [ 1, 4, 9 ] (accumulate square [ 1, 2, 3 ]))
, test
"toUpper Accumulate"
(assertEqual [ "HELLO", "WORLD" ] (accumulate String.toUpper [ "hello", "world" ]))
, test
"reverse Accumulate"
(assertEqual [ "olleh", "dlrow" ] (accumulate String.reverse [ "hello", "world" ]))
suite "Accumulate"
[ test "[]] Accumulate"
(assertEqual [] (accumulate square []))
, test "square Accumulate"
(assertEqual [ 1, 4, 9 ] (accumulate square [ 1, 2, 3 ]))
, test "toUpper Accumulate"
(assertEqual [ "HELLO", "WORLD" ] (accumulate String.toUpper [ "hello", "world" ]))
, test "reverse Accumulate"
(assertEqual [ "olleh", "dlrow" ] (accumulate String.reverse [ "hello", "world" ]))
main : Program Never
main =
runSuite tests
runSuite tests
@ -6,25 +6,25 @@ import Bitwise
isAllergicTo : String -> Int -> Bool
isAllergicTo name score =
List.member name (toList score)
List.member name (toList score)
toList : Int -> List String
toList score =
|> List.indexedMap (\i n -> ( Bitwise.shiftLeft 1 i, n ))
|> List.filter (\( s, n ) -> Bitwise.and s score > 0)
|> List.map snd
|> List.indexedMap (\i n -> ( Bitwise.shiftLeft 1 i, n ))
|> List.filter (\( s, n ) -> Bitwise.and s score > 0)
|> List.map snd
allergies : List String
allergies =
[ "eggs"
, "peanuts"
, "shellfish"
, "strawberries"
, "tomatoes"
, "chocolate"
, "pollen"
, "cats"
[ "eggs"
, "peanuts"
, "shellfish"
, "strawberries"
, "tomatoes"
, "chocolate"
, "pollen"
, "cats"
@ -7,65 +7,46 @@ import List
tests : Test
tests =
[ suite
[ suite
"no allergies means not allergic"
[ test
(assert (not (isAllergicTo "peanuts" 0)))
, test
(assert (not (isAllergicTo "cats" 0)))
, test
(assert (not (isAllergicTo "strawberries" 0)))
suite "Allergies"
[ suite "isAllergicTo"
[ suite "no allergies means not allergic"
[ test "peanuts"
(assert (not (isAllergicTo "peanuts" 0)))
, test "cats"
(assert (not (isAllergicTo "cats" 0)))
, test "strawberries"
(assert (not (isAllergicTo "strawberries" 0)))
, test "is allergic to eggs"
(assert (isAllergicTo "eggs" 1))
, suite "has the right allergies"
[ test "eggs"
(assert (isAllergicTo "eggs" 5))
, test "shellfish"
(assert (isAllergicTo "shellfish" 5))
, test "strawberries"
(assert (not (isAllergicTo "strawberries" 5)))
, test
"is allergic to eggs"
(assert (isAllergicTo "eggs" 1))
, suite
"has the right allergies"
[ test
(assert (isAllergicTo "eggs" 5))
, test
(assert (isAllergicTo "shellfish" 5))
, test
(assert (not (isAllergicTo "strawberries" 5)))
, suite "toList"
[ test "no allergies at all"
(assertEqual [] (toList (0)))
, test "allergic to just peanuts"
(assertEqual [ "peanuts" ] (toList (2)))
, test "allergic to everything"
(assertEqual (List.sort [ "eggs", "peanuts", "shellfish", "strawberries", "tomatoes", "chocolate", "pollen", "cats" ])
(255 |> toList |> List.sort)
, test "ignore non allergen score parts"
(assertEqual [ "eggs" ] (toList 257))
, test "ignore non allergen score parts"
(assertEqual (List.sort [ "eggs", "shellfish", "strawberries", "tomatoes", "chocolate", "pollen", "cats" ])
(509 |> toList |> List.sort)
, suite
[ test
"no allergies at all"
(assertEqual [] (toList (0)))
, test
"allergic to just peanuts"
(assertEqual [ "peanuts" ] (toList (2)))
, test
"allergic to everything"
(List.sort [ "eggs", "peanuts", "shellfish", "strawberries", "tomatoes", "chocolate", "pollen", "cats" ])
(255 |> toList |> List.sort)
, test
"ignore non allergen score parts"
(assertEqual [ "eggs" ] (toList 257))
, test
"ignore non allergen score parts"
(List.sort [ "eggs", "shellfish", "strawberries", "tomatoes", "chocolate", "pollen", "cats" ])
(509 |> toList |> List.sort)
main : Program Never
main =
runSuite tests
runSuite tests
@ -5,16 +5,16 @@ import String exposing (toLower, toList)
detect : String -> List String -> List String
detect word candidates =
original =
toLower word
original =
toLower word
ref =
normalize word
List.filter (\w -> normalize w == ref && toLower w /= original) candidates
ref =
normalize word
List.filter (\w -> normalize w == ref && toLower w /= original) candidates
normalize : String -> List Char
normalize word =
word |> toLower |> toList |> List.sort
word |> toLower |> toList |> List.sort
@ -6,131 +6,90 @@ import Anagram exposing (detect)
tests : Test
tests =
[ test
"no matches"
(detect "diaper" [ "hello", "world", "zombies", "pants" ])
, test
"detects simple anagram"
[ "tan" ]
(detect "ant" [ "tan", "stand", "at" ])
, test
"does not detect false positives"
(detect "galea" [ "eagle" ])
, test
"detects multiple anagrams"
[ "stream", "maters" ]
(detect "master" [ "stream", "pigeon", "maters" ])
, test
"does not detect anagram subsets"
(detect "good" [ "dog", "goody" ])
, test
"detects anagram"
[ "inlets" ]
(detect "listen" [ "enlists", "google", "inlets", "banana" ])
, test
"detects multiple anagrams"
[ "gallery", "regally", "largely" ]
(detect "allergy" [ "gallery", "ballerina", "regally", "clergy", "largely", "leading" ])
, test
"does not detect indentical words"
[ "cron" ]
(detect "corn" [ "corn", "dark", "Corn", "rank", "CORN", "cron", "park" ])
, test
"does not detect non-anagrams with identical checksum"
(detect "mass" [ "last" ])
, test
"detects anagrams case-insensitively"
[ "Carthorse" ]
(detect "Orchestra" [ "cashregister", "Carthorse", "radishes" ])
, test
"detects anagrams using case-insensitive subject"
[ "carthorse" ]
(detect "Orchestra" [ "cashregister", "carthorse", "radishes" ])
, test
"detects anagrams using case-insensitve possible matches"
[ "Carthorse" ]
(detect "orchestra" [ "cashregister", "Carthorse", "radishes" ])
, test
"does not detect a word as its own anagram"
(detect "banana" [ "Banana" ])
, test
"does not detect a anagram if the original word is repeated"
(detect "go" [ "go Go GO" ])
, test
"anagrams must use all letters exactly once"
(detect "tapper" [ "patter" ])
, test
"eliminates anagrams with the same checksum"
(detect "mass" [ "last" ])
, test
"detects unicode anagrams"
[ "ΒΓΑ", "γβα" ]
(detect "ΑΒΓ" [ "ΒΓΑ", "ΒΓΔ", "γβα" ])
, test
"eliminates misleading unicode anagrams"
(detect "ΑΒΓ" [ "ABΓ" ])
, test
"capital word is not own anagram"
(detect "BANANA" [ "Banana" ])
, test
"anagrams must use all letters exactly once"
(detect "patter" [ "tapper" ])
suite "Anagram"
[ test "no matches"
(assertEqual []
(detect "diaper" [ "hello", "world", "zombies", "pants" ])
, test "detects simple anagram"
(assertEqual [ "tan" ]
(detect "ant" [ "tan", "stand", "at" ])
, test "does not detect false positives"
(assertEqual []
(detect "galea" [ "eagle" ])
, test "detects multiple anagrams"
(assertEqual [ "stream", "maters" ]
(detect "master" [ "stream", "pigeon", "maters" ])
, test "does not detect anagram subsets"
(assertEqual []
(detect "good" [ "dog", "goody" ])
, test "detects anagram"
(assertEqual [ "inlets" ]
(detect "listen" [ "enlists", "google", "inlets", "banana" ])
, test "detects multiple anagrams"
(assertEqual [ "gallery", "regally", "largely" ]
(detect "allergy" [ "gallery", "ballerina", "regally", "clergy", "largely", "leading" ])
, test "does not detect indentical words"
(assertEqual [ "cron" ]
(detect "corn" [ "corn", "dark", "Corn", "rank", "CORN", "cron", "park" ])
, test "does not detect non-anagrams with identical checksum"
(assertEqual []
(detect "mass" [ "last" ])
, test "detects anagrams case-insensitively"
(assertEqual [ "Carthorse" ]
(detect "Orchestra" [ "cashregister", "Carthorse", "radishes" ])
, test "detects anagrams using case-insensitive subject"
(assertEqual [ "carthorse" ]
(detect "Orchestra" [ "cashregister", "carthorse", "radishes" ])
, test "detects anagrams using case-insensitve possible matches"
(assertEqual [ "Carthorse" ]
(detect "orchestra" [ "cashregister", "Carthorse", "radishes" ])
, test "does not detect a word as its own anagram"
(assertEqual []
(detect "banana" [ "Banana" ])
, test "does not detect a anagram if the original word is repeated"
(assertEqual []
(detect "go" [ "go Go GO" ])
, test "anagrams must use all letters exactly once"
(assertEqual []
(detect "tapper" [ "patter" ])
, test "eliminates anagrams with the same checksum"
(assertEqual []
(detect "mass" [ "last" ])
, test "detects unicode anagrams"
(assertEqual [ "ΒΓΑ", "γβα" ]
(detect "ΑΒΓ" [ "ΒΓΑ", "ΒΓΔ", "γβα" ])
, test "eliminates misleading unicode anagrams"
(assertEqual []
(detect "ΑΒΓ" [ "ABΓ" ])
, test "capital word is not own anagram"
(assertEqual []
(detect "BANANA" [ "Banana" ])
, test "anagrams must use all letters exactly once"
(assertEqual []
(detect "patter" [ "tapper" ])
main : Program Never
main =
runSuite tests
runSuite tests
@ -6,41 +6,41 @@ import Regex
hey : String -> String
hey remark =
if isShouting remark then
"Whoa, chill out!"
else if isQuestion remark then
else if isSilence remark then
"Fine. Be that way!"
if isShouting remark then
"Whoa, chill out!"
else if isQuestion remark then
else if isSilence remark then
"Fine. Be that way!"
isShouting : String -> Bool
isShouting remark =
isUppercase remark && hasCharacters remark
isUppercase remark && hasCharacters remark
isUppercase : String -> Bool
isUppercase remark =
remark == String.toUpper remark
remark == String.toUpper remark
isQuestion : String -> Bool
isQuestion remark =
String.endsWith "?" remark
String.endsWith "?" remark
hasCharacters : String -> Bool
hasCharacters remark =
Regex.contains characterRegex remark
Regex.contains characterRegex remark
characterRegex : Regex.Regex
characterRegex =
Regex.regex "[a-zA-Z]"
Regex.regex "[a-zA-Z]"
isSilence : String -> Bool
isSilence remark =
String.isEmpty (String.trim remark)
String.isEmpty (String.trim remark)
@ -9,66 +9,65 @@ import Bob
tests : Test
tests =
[ test "stating something" (assertEqual "Whatever." (Bob.hey "Tom-ay-to, tom-aaaah-to."))
, test "shouting" (assertEqual "Whoa, chill out!" (Bob.hey "WATCH OUT!"))
, test "shouting gibberish" (assertEqual "Whoa, chill out!" (Bob.hey (uppercaseGibberish 10)))
, test "asking a question" (assertEqual "Sure." (Bob.hey "Does this cryogenic chamber make me look fat?"))
, test "asking a numeric question" (assertEqual "Sure." (Bob.hey "You are, what, like 15?"))
, test "asking gibberish" (assertEqual "Sure." (Bob.hey (gibberishQuestion 20)))
, test "talking forcefully" (assertEqual "Whatever." (Bob.hey "Let's go make out behind the gym!"))
, test "using acronyms in regular speech" (assertEqual "Whatever." (Bob.hey "It's OK if you don't want to go to the DMV."))
, test "forceful questions" (assertEqual "Whoa, chill out!" (Bob.hey "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?"))
, test "shouting numbers" (assertEqual "Whoa, chill out!" (Bob.hey "1, 2, 3 GO!"))
, test "only numbers" (assertEqual "Whatever." (Bob.hey "1, 2, 3"))
, test "question with only numbers" (assertEqual "Sure." (Bob.hey "4?"))
, test "shouting with special characters" (assertEqual "Whoa, chill out!" (Bob.hey "ZOMG THE %^*@#$(*^ ZOMBIES ARE COMING!!11!!1!)"))
, test "shouting with no exclamation mark" (assertEqual "Whoa, chill out!" (Bob.hey "I HATE YOU"))
, test "statement containing a question mark" (assertEqual "Whatever." (Bob.hey "Ending with ? means a question."))
, test "prattling on" (assertEqual "Sure." (Bob.hey "Wait! Hang on. Are you going to be OK?"))
, test "silence" (assertEqual "Fine. Be that way!" (Bob.hey ""))
, test "prolonged silence" (assertEqual "Fine. Be that way!" (Bob.hey " "))
, test "alternate silences" (assertEqual "Fine. Be that way!" (Bob.hey "\t \n \t "))
, test "on multiple line questions" (assertEqual "Whatever." (Bob.hey "\nDoes this cryogenic chamber make me look fat?\nno"))
suite "Bob"
[ test "stating something" (assertEqual "Whatever." (Bob.hey "Tom-ay-to, tom-aaaah-to."))
, test "shouting" (assertEqual "Whoa, chill out!" (Bob.hey "WATCH OUT!"))
, test "shouting gibberish" (assertEqual "Whoa, chill out!" (Bob.hey (uppercaseGibberish 10)))
, test "asking a question" (assertEqual "Sure." (Bob.hey "Does this cryogenic chamber make me look fat?"))
, test "asking a numeric question" (assertEqual "Sure." (Bob.hey "You are, what, like 15?"))
, test "asking gibberish" (assertEqual "Sure." (Bob.hey (gibberishQuestion 20)))
, test "talking forcefully" (assertEqual "Whatever." (Bob.hey "Let's go make out behind the gym!"))
, test "using acronyms in regular speech" (assertEqual "Whatever." (Bob.hey "It's OK if you don't want to go to the DMV."))
, test "forceful questions" (assertEqual "Whoa, chill out!" (Bob.hey "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?"))
, test "shouting numbers" (assertEqual "Whoa, chill out!" (Bob.hey "1, 2, 3 GO!"))
, test "only numbers" (assertEqual "Whatever." (Bob.hey "1, 2, 3"))
, test "question with only numbers" (assertEqual "Sure." (Bob.hey "4?"))
, test "shouting with special characters" (assertEqual "Whoa, chill out!" (Bob.hey "ZOMG THE %^*@#$(*^ ZOMBIES ARE COMING!!11!!1!)"))
, test "shouting with no exclamation mark" (assertEqual "Whoa, chill out!" (Bob.hey "I HATE YOU"))
, test "statement containing a question mark" (assertEqual "Whatever." (Bob.hey "Ending with ? means a question."))
, test "prattling on" (assertEqual "Sure." (Bob.hey "Wait! Hang on. Are you going to be OK?"))
, test "silence" (assertEqual "Fine. Be that way!" (Bob.hey ""))
, test "prolonged silence" (assertEqual "Fine. Be that way!" (Bob.hey " "))
, test "alternate silences" (assertEqual "Fine. Be that way!" (Bob.hey "\t \n \t "))
, test "on multiple line questions" (assertEqual "Whatever." (Bob.hey "\nDoes this cryogenic chamber make me look fat?\nno"))
character : Int -> Int -> Random.Generator Char
character start end =
Random.map Char.fromCode (Random.int start end)
Random.map Char.fromCode (Random.int start end)
anyCharacter : Random.Generator Char
anyCharacter =
character 32 126
character 32 126
uppercaseCharacter : Random.Generator Char
uppercaseCharacter =
character 65 90
character 65 90
listOfCharacters : Int -> Random.Generator Char -> Random.Generator (List Char)
listOfCharacters length characterList =
Random.list length characterList
Random.list length characterList
gibberish : Int -> Random.Generator Char -> String
gibberish length characterList =
fst (Random.step (Random.map String.fromList (listOfCharacters length characterList)) (Random.initialSeed 424242))
fst (Random.step (Random.map String.fromList (listOfCharacters length characterList)) (Random.initialSeed 424242))
uppercaseGibberish : Int -> String
uppercaseGibberish length =
gibberish length uppercaseCharacter
gibberish length uppercaseCharacter
gibberishQuestion : Int -> String
gibberishQuestion length =
(gibberish length anyCharacter) ++ "?"
(gibberish length anyCharacter) ++ "?"
main : Program Never
main =
runSuite tests
runSuite tests
@ -3,18 +3,18 @@ module DifferenceOfSquares exposing (..)
squareOfSum : Int -> Int
squareOfSum n =
sum =
n * (n + 1) // 2
sum * sum
sum =
n * (n + 1) // 2
sum * sum
sumOfSquares : Int -> Int
sumOfSquares n =
List.sum (List.map (\m -> m * m) [0..n])
List.sum (List.map (\m -> m * m) [0..n])
difference : Int -> Int
difference n =
squareOfSum n - sumOfSquares n
squareOfSum n - sumOfSquares n
@ -6,30 +6,26 @@ import DifferenceOfSquares exposing (squareOfSum, sumOfSquares, difference)
tests : Test
tests =
[ suite
"square the sum of the numbers up to the given number"
[ test "square of sum 5" (assertEqual 225 (squareOfSum 5))
, test "square of sum 10" (assertEqual 3025 (squareOfSum 10))
, test "square of sum 100" (assertEqual 25502500 (squareOfSum 100))
suite "DifferenceOfSquares"
[ suite "square the sum of the numbers up to the given number"
[ test "square of sum 5" (assertEqual 225 (squareOfSum 5))
, test "square of sum 10" (assertEqual 3025 (squareOfSum 10))
, test "square of sum 100" (assertEqual 25502500 (squareOfSum 100))
, suite "sum the squares of the numbers up to the given number"
[ test "sum of squares 5" (assertEqual 55 (sumOfSquares 5))
, test "sum of squares 10" (assertEqual 385 (sumOfSquares 10))
, test "sum of squares 100" (assertEqual 338350 (sumOfSquares 100))
, suite "subtract sum of squares from square of sums"
[ test "difference of squares 0" (assertEqual 0 (difference 0))
, test "difference of squares 5" (assertEqual 170 (difference 5))
, test "difference of squares 10" (assertEqual 2640 (difference 10))
, test "difference of squares 100" (assertEqual 25164150 (difference 100))
, suite
"sum the squares of the numbers up to the given number"
[ test "sum of squares 5" (assertEqual 55 (sumOfSquares 5))
, test "sum of squares 10" (assertEqual 385 (sumOfSquares 10))
, test "sum of squares 100" (assertEqual 338350 (sumOfSquares 100))
, suite
"subtract sum of squares from square of sums"
[ test "difference of squares 0" (assertEqual 0 (difference 0))
, test "difference of squares 5" (assertEqual 170 (difference 5))
, test "difference of squares 10" (assertEqual 2640 (difference 10))
, test "difference of squares 100" (assertEqual 25164150 (difference 100))
main : Program Never
main =
runSuite tests
runSuite tests
@ -4,37 +4,37 @@ import Dict exposing (..)
type alias Grade =
type alias Student =
type alias School =
Dict Int (List Student)
Dict Int (List Student)
empty : School
empty =
addStudent : Grade -> Student -> School -> School
addStudent grade student school =
Dict.insert grade (List.sort (student :: (studentsInGrade grade school))) school
Dict.insert grade (List.sort (student :: (studentsInGrade grade school))) school
studentsInGrade : Grade -> School -> List Student
studentsInGrade grade school =
case (Dict.get grade school) of
Just list ->
case (Dict.get grade school) of
Just list ->
Nothing ->
Nothing ->
allStudents : School -> List ( Grade, List Student )
allStudents school =
Dict.toList school |> List.sortBy fst
Dict.toList school |> List.sortBy fst
@ -6,70 +6,58 @@ import GradeSchool exposing (addStudent, studentsInGrade, allStudents)
tests : Test
tests =
[ test
"add student"
[ "Aimee" ]
|> addStudent 2 "Aimee"
|> studentsInGrade 2
, test
"add more students in same class"
[ "Blair", "James", "Paul" ]
|> addStudent 2 "James"
|> addStudent 2 "Blair"
|> addStudent 2 "Paul"
|> studentsInGrade 2
, test
"add students to different grades"
[ [ "Chelsea" ], [ "Logan" ] ]
school =
|> addStudent 3 "Chelsea"
|> addStudent 7 "Logan"
[ studentsInGrade 3 school, studentsInGrade 7 school ]
, test
"get students in a grade"
[ "Bradley", "Franklin" ]
|> addStudent 5 "Franklin"
|> addStudent 5 "Bradley"
|> addStudent 1 "Jeff"
|> studentsInGrade 5
, test
"get all students in the school"
[ ( 3, [ "Kyle" ] ), ( 4, [ "Christopher", "Jennifer" ] ), ( 6, [ "Kareem" ] ) ]
|> addStudent 4 "Jennifer"
|> addStudent 6 "Kareem"
|> addStudent 4 "Christopher"
|> addStudent 3 "Kyle"
|> allStudents
, test
"get students in a non-existent grade"
(assertEqual [] (studentsInGrade 1 GradeSchool.empty))
suite "GradeSchool"
[ test "add student"
(assertEqual [ "Aimee" ]
|> addStudent 2 "Aimee"
|> studentsInGrade 2
, test "add more students in same class"
(assertEqual [ "Blair", "James", "Paul" ]
|> addStudent 2 "James"
|> addStudent 2 "Blair"
|> addStudent 2 "Paul"
|> studentsInGrade 2
, test "add students to different grades"
(assertEqual [ [ "Chelsea" ], [ "Logan" ] ]
school =
|> addStudent 3 "Chelsea"
|> addStudent 7 "Logan"
[ studentsInGrade 3 school, studentsInGrade 7 school ]
, test "get students in a grade"
(assertEqual [ "Bradley", "Franklin" ]
|> addStudent 5 "Franklin"
|> addStudent 5 "Bradley"
|> addStudent 1 "Jeff"
|> studentsInGrade 5
, test "get all students in the school"
(assertEqual [ ( 3, [ "Kyle" ] ), ( 4, [ "Christopher", "Jennifer" ] ), ( 6, [ "Kareem" ] ) ]
|> addStudent 4 "Jennifer"
|> addStudent 6 "Kareem"
|> addStudent 4 "Christopher"
|> addStudent 3 "Kyle"
|> allStudents
, test "get students in a non-existent grade"
(assertEqual [] (studentsInGrade 1 GradeSchool.empty))
main : Program Never
main =
runSuite tests
runSuite tests
@ -5,10 +5,10 @@ import String exposing (length, toList)
distance : String -> String -> Maybe Int
distance left right =
if length left /= length right then
List.map2 (\l r -> l /= r) (toList left) (toList right)
|> List.filter identity
|> List.length
|> Just
if length left /= length right then
List.map2 (\l r -> l /= r) (toList left) (toList right)
|> List.filter identity
|> List.length
|> Just
@ -6,53 +6,38 @@ import Hamming exposing (distance)
tests : Test
tests =
[ test
"identical strands"
(assertEqual (Just 0) (distance "A" "A"))
, test
"long identical strands"
(assertEqual (Just 0) (distance "GGACTGA" "GGACTGA"))
, test
"complete distance in single nucleotide strands"
(assertEqual (Just 1) (distance "A" "G"))
, test
"complete distance in small strands"
(assertEqual (Just 2) (distance "AG" "CT"))
, test
"small distance in small strands"
(assertEqual (Just 1) (distance "AT" "CT"))
, test
"small distance"
(assertEqual (Just 1) (distance "GGACG" "GGTCG"))
, test
"small distance in long strands"
(assertEqual (Just 2) (distance "ACCAGGG" "ACTATGG"))
, test
"non-unique character in first strand"
(assertEqual (Just 1) (distance "AGA" "AGG"))
, test
"non-unique character in second strand"
(assertEqual (Just 1) (distance "AGG" "AGA"))
, test
"large distance"
(assertEqual (Just 4) (distance "GATACA" "GCATAA"))
, test
"large distance in off-by-one strand"
(assertEqual (Just 9) (distance "GGACGGATTCTG" "AGGACGGATTCT"))
, test
"empty strands"
(assertEqual (Just 0) (distance "" ""))
, test
"disallow first strand longer"
(assertEqual Nothing (distance "AATG" "AAA"))
, test
"disallow second strand longer"
(assertEqual Nothing (distance "ATA" "AGTG"))
suite "Hamming"
[ test "identical strands"
(assertEqual (Just 0) (distance "A" "A"))
, test "long identical strands"
(assertEqual (Just 0) (distance "GGACTGA" "GGACTGA"))
, test "complete distance in single nucleotide strands"
(assertEqual (Just 1) (distance "A" "G"))
, test "complete distance in small strands"
(assertEqual (Just 2) (distance "AG" "CT"))
, test "small distance in small strands"
(assertEqual (Just 1) (distance "AT" "CT"))
, test "small distance"
(assertEqual (Just 1) (distance "GGACG" "GGTCG"))
, test "small distance in long strands"
(assertEqual (Just 2) (distance "ACCAGGG" "ACTATGG"))
, test "non-unique character in first strand"
(assertEqual (Just 1) (distance "AGA" "AGG"))
, test "non-unique character in second strand"
(assertEqual (Just 1) (distance "AGG" "AGA"))
, test "large distance"
(assertEqual (Just 4) (distance "GATACA" "GCATAA"))
, test "large distance in off-by-one strand"
(assertEqual (Just 9) (distance "GGACGGATTCTG" "AGGACGGATTCT"))
, test "empty strands"
(assertEqual (Just 0) (distance "" ""))
, test "disallow first strand longer"
(assertEqual Nothing (distance "AATG" "AAA"))
, test "disallow second strand longer"
(assertEqual Nothing (distance "ATA" "AGTG"))
main : Program Never
main =
runSuite tests
runSuite tests
@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ module HelloWorld exposing (..)
helloWorld : Maybe String -> String
helloWorld name =
case name of
Just name ->
"Hello, " ++ name ++ "!"
case name of
Just name ->
"Hello, " ++ name ++ "!"
Nothing ->
"Hello, World!"
Nothing ->
"Hello, World!"
@ -6,14 +6,13 @@ import HelloWorld exposing (helloWorld)
tests : Test
tests =
"Hello, World!"
[ test "Hello with no name" (assertEqual "Hello, World!" (helloWorld Nothing))
, test "Hello to a sample name" (assertEqual "Hello, Alice!" (helloWorld (Just "Alice")))
, test "Hello to another sample name" (assertEqual "Hello, Bob!" (helloWorld (Just "Bob")))
suite "Hello, World!"
[ test "Hello with no name" (assertEqual "Hello, World!" (helloWorld Nothing))
, test "Hello to a sample name" (assertEqual "Hello, Alice!" (helloWorld (Just "Alice")))
, test "Hello to another sample name" (assertEqual "Hello, Bob!" (helloWorld (Just "Bob")))
main : Program Never
main =
runSuite tests
runSuite tests
@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ module Leap exposing (..)
isLeapYear : Int -> Bool
isLeapYear year =
year % 4 == 0 && (year % 100 /= 0 || year % 400 == 0)
year % 4 == 0 && (year % 100 /= 0 || year % 400 == 0)
@ -6,18 +6,17 @@ import Leap
tests : Test
tests =
[ test "leap year" (assertEqual True (Leap.isLeapYear 1996))
, test "non-leap year" (assertEqual False (Leap.isLeapYear 1997))
, test "non-leap even year" (assertEqual False (Leap.isLeapYear 1998))
, test "century" (assertEqual False (Leap.isLeapYear 1900))
, test "second century" (assertEqual False (Leap.isLeapYear 1800))
, test "fourth century" (assertEqual True (Leap.isLeapYear 2400))
, test "y2k" (assertEqual True (Leap.isLeapYear 2000))
suite "Leap"
[ test "leap year" (assertEqual True (Leap.isLeapYear 1996))
, test "non-leap year" (assertEqual False (Leap.isLeapYear 1997))
, test "non-leap even year" (assertEqual False (Leap.isLeapYear 1998))
, test "century" (assertEqual False (Leap.isLeapYear 1900))
, test "second century" (assertEqual False (Leap.isLeapYear 1800))
, test "fourth century" (assertEqual True (Leap.isLeapYear 2400))
, test "y2k" (assertEqual True (Leap.isLeapYear 2000))
main : Program Never
main =
runSuite tests
runSuite tests
@ -3,57 +3,57 @@ module ListOps exposing (..)
length : List a -> Int
length list =
foldl (\_ acc -> 1 + acc) 0 list
foldl (\_ acc -> 1 + acc) 0 list
reverse : List a -> List a
reverse list =
foldl (::) [] list
foldl (::) [] list
foldl : (a -> b -> b) -> b -> List a -> b
foldl f acc list =
case list of
[] ->
case list of
[] ->
head :: tail ->
foldl f (f head acc) tail
head :: tail ->
foldl f (f head acc) tail
foldr : (a -> b -> b) -> b -> List a -> b
foldr f acc list =
case list of
[] ->
case list of
[] ->
head :: tail ->
f head (foldr f acc tail)
head :: tail ->
f head (foldr f acc tail)
map : (a -> b) -> List a -> List b
map f list =
foldr (\x acc -> f x :: acc) [] list
foldr (\x acc -> f x :: acc) [] list
filter : (a -> Bool) -> List a -> List a
filter f list =
(\x acc ->
if f x then
x :: acc
(\x acc ->
if f x then
x :: acc
append : List a -> List a -> List a
append xs ys =
foldr (::) ys xs
foldr (::) ys xs
concat : List (List a) -> List a
concat list =
foldr append [] list
foldr append [] list
@ -6,61 +6,48 @@ import ListOps exposing (..)
tests : Test
tests =
"List Ops"
[ suite
[ test "empty list" (assertEqual 0 (length []))
, test "non-empty list" (assertEqual 4 (length [1..4]))
suite "List Ops"
[ suite "length"
[ test "empty list" (assertEqual 0 (length []))
, test "non-empty list" (assertEqual 4 (length [1..4]))
, suite "reverse"
[ test "empty list" (assertEqual [] (reverse []))
, test "non-empty list" (assertEqual [ 4, 3, 2, 1 ] (reverse [1..4]))
, suite "map"
[ test "empty list" (assertEqual [] (map ((+) 1) []))
, test "non-empty list" (assertEqual [2..5] (map ((+) 1) [1..4]))
, suite "filter"
[ test "empty list" (assertEqual [] (filter (\_ -> True) []))
, test "non-empty list"
(assertEqual [ 2, 4 ] (filter (\x -> x % 2 == 0) [1..4]))
, suite "foldl"
[ test "empty list" (assertEqual 0 (foldl (+) 0 []))
, test "non-empty list" (assertEqual 10 (foldl (+) 0 [1..4]))
, suite "foldr"
[ test "empty list" (assertEqual 0 (foldr (+) 0 []))
, test "non-empty list" (assertEqual 10 (foldr (+) 0 [1..4]))
, suite "append"
[ test "empty lists" (assertEqual [] (append [] []))
, test "empty and non-empty lists"
(assertEqual [1..4] (append [] [1..4]))
, test "non-empty and empty lists"
(assertEqual [1..4] (append [1..4] []))
, test "non-empty lists" (assertEqual [1..8] (append [1..4] [5..8]))
, suite "concat"
[ test "empty list" (assertEqual [] (concat []))
, test "list of lists"
(assertEqual [1..10] (concat [ [1..3], [], [4..7], [8..10] ]))
, suite
[ test "empty list" (assertEqual [] (reverse []))
, test "non-empty list" (assertEqual [ 4, 3, 2, 1 ] (reverse [1..4]))
, suite
[ test "empty list" (assertEqual [] (map ((+) 1) []))
, test "non-empty list" (assertEqual [2..5] (map ((+) 1) [1..4]))
, suite
[ test "empty list" (assertEqual [] (filter (\_ -> True) []))
, test
"non-empty list"
(assertEqual [ 2, 4 ] (filter (\x -> x % 2 == 0) [1..4]))
, suite
[ test "empty list" (assertEqual 0 (foldl (+) 0 []))
, test "non-empty list" (assertEqual 10 (foldl (+) 0 [1..4]))
, suite
[ test "empty list" (assertEqual 0 (foldr (+) 0 []))
, test "non-empty list" (assertEqual 10 (foldr (+) 0 [1..4]))
, suite
[ test "empty lists" (assertEqual [] (append [] []))
, test
"empty and non-empty lists"
(assertEqual [1..4] (append [] [1..4]))
, test
"non-empty and empty lists"
(assertEqual [1..4] (append [1..4] []))
, test "non-empty lists" (assertEqual [1..8] (append [1..4] [5..8]))
, suite
[ test "empty list" (assertEqual [] (concat []))
, test
"list of lists"
(assertEqual [1..10] (concat [ [1..3], [], [4..7], [8..10] ]))
main : Program Never
main =
runSuite tests
runSuite tests
@ -5,45 +5,45 @@ import String
version : Int
version =
type alias NucleotideCounts =
{ a : Int
, t : Int
, c : Int
, g : Int
{ a : Int
, t : Int
, c : Int
, g : Int
init : NucleotideCounts
init =
{ a = 0
, t = 0
, c = 0
, g = 0
{ a = 0
, t = 0
, c = 0
, g = 0
update : Char -> NucleotideCounts -> NucleotideCounts
update char counts =
case char of
'A' ->
{ counts | a = counts.a + 1 }
case char of
'A' ->
{ counts | a = counts.a + 1 }
'T' ->
{ counts | t = counts.t + 1 }
'T' ->
{ counts | t = counts.t + 1 }
'C' ->
{ counts | c = counts.c + 1 }
'C' ->
{ counts | c = counts.c + 1 }
'G' ->
{ counts | g = counts.g + 1 }
'G' ->
{ counts | g = counts.g + 1 }
_ ->
_ ->
nucleotideCounts : String -> NucleotideCounts
nucleotideCounts sequence =
String.foldl update init sequence
String.foldl update init sequence
@ -6,32 +6,24 @@ import NucleotideCount exposing (nucleotideCounts, version)
tests : Test
tests =
[ test
"the solution is for the correct version of the test"
(assertEqual 2 version)
, test
"empty dna strand has no nucleotides"
{ a = 0, t = 0, c = 0, g = 0 }
(nucleotideCounts "")
, test
{ a = 0, t = 0, c = 0, g = 8 }
(nucleotideCounts "GGGGGGGG")
, test
"counts all nucleotides"
{ a = 20, t = 21, c = 12, g = 17 }
suite "NucleotideCount"
[ test "the solution is for the correct version of the test"
(assertEqual 2 version)
, test "empty dna strand has no nucleotides"
(assertEqual { a = 0, t = 0, c = 0, g = 0 }
(nucleotideCounts "")
, test "repetitive-sequence-has-only-guanosine"
(assertEqual { a = 0, t = 0, c = 0, g = 8 }
(nucleotideCounts "GGGGGGGG")
, test "counts all nucleotides"
(assertEqual { a = 20, t = 21, c = 12, g = 17 }
main : Program Never
main =
runSuite tests
runSuite tests
@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ import String exposing (toLower, contains, fromChar)
isPangram : String -> Bool
isPangram sentence =
normalized =
toLower sentence
String.all (\c -> contains (fromChar c) normalized) alphabet
normalized =
toLower sentence
String.all (\c -> contains (fromChar c) normalized) alphabet
alphabet : String
alphabet =
@ -6,65 +6,46 @@ import Pangram exposing (isPangram)
tests : Test
tests =
[ test
"sentence empty"
(isPangram "")
, test
"pangram with only lower case"
(isPangram "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog")
, test
"missing character 'x'"
(isPangram "a quick movement of the enemy will jeopardize five gunboats")
, test
"another missing character 'x'"
(isPangram "the quick brown fish jumps over the lazy dog")
, test
"pangram with underscores"
(isPangram "the_quick_brown_fox_jumps_over_the_lazy_dog")
, test
"pangram with numbers"
(isPangram "the 1 quick brown fox jumps over the 2 lazy dogs")
, test
"missing letters replaced by numbers"
(isPangram "7h3 qu1ck brown fox jumps ov3r 7h3 lazy dog")
, test
"pangram with mixed case and punctuation"
(isPangram "\"Five quacking Zephyrs jolt my wax bed.\"")
, test
"pangram with non ascii characters"
(isPangram "Victor jagt zwölf Boxkämpfer quer über den großen Sylter Deich.")
suite "Pangram"
[ test "sentence empty"
(assertEqual False
(isPangram "")
, test "pangram with only lower case"
(assertEqual True
(isPangram "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog")
, test "missing character 'x'"
(assertEqual False
(isPangram "a quick movement of the enemy will jeopardize five gunboats")
, test "another missing character 'x'"
(assertEqual False
(isPangram "the quick brown fish jumps over the lazy dog")
, test "pangram with underscores"
(assertEqual True
(isPangram "the_quick_brown_fox_jumps_over_the_lazy_dog")
, test "pangram with numbers"
(assertEqual True
(isPangram "the 1 quick brown fox jumps over the 2 lazy dogs")
, test "missing letters replaced by numbers"
(assertEqual False
(isPangram "7h3 qu1ck brown fox jumps ov3r 7h3 lazy dog")
, test "pangram with mixed case and punctuation"
(assertEqual True
(isPangram "\"Five quacking Zephyrs jolt my wax bed.\"")
, test "pangram with non ascii characters"
(assertEqual True
(isPangram "Victor jagt zwölf Boxkämpfer quer über den großen Sylter Deich.")
main : Program Never
main =
runSuite tests
runSuite tests
@ -4,41 +4,41 @@ import String
nums =
[ '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0' ]
[ '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0' ]
getNumber : String -> Maybe String
getNumber text =
getValidNum (String.filter isDigit text)
getValidNum (String.filter isDigit text)
isDigit : Char -> Bool
isDigit char =
List.any (\n -> n == char) nums
List.any (\n -> n == char) nums
getValidNum : String -> Maybe String
getValidNum num =
if String.length num == 10 then
Just num
else if (String.length num == 11) && (String.left 1 num == "1") then
Just (String.dropLeft 1 num)
if String.length num == 10 then
Just num
else if (String.length num == 11) && (String.left 1 num == "1") then
Just (String.dropLeft 1 num)
prettyPrint : String -> Maybe String
prettyPrint input =
Maybe.map formatNumber (getNumber input)
Maybe.map formatNumber (getNumber input)
formatNumber : String -> String
formatNumber input =
[ "("
, (String.slice 0 3 input)
, ") "
, (String.slice 3 6 input)
, "-"
, (String.slice 6 10 input)
[ "("
, (String.slice 0 3 input)
, ") "
, (String.slice 3 6 input)
, "-"
, (String.slice 6 10 input)
@ -6,47 +6,34 @@ import PhoneNumber exposing (getNumber, prettyPrint)
tests : Test
tests =
[ test
"cleans number"
(assertEqual (Just "1234567890") (getNumber "(123) 456-7890"))
, test
"cleans number with dots"
(assertEqual (Just "1234567890") (getNumber "123.456.7890"))
, test
"valid when 11 digits and first is 1"
(assertEqual (Just "1234567890") (getNumber "11234567890"))
, test
"invalid when 11 digits"
(assertEqual Nothing (getNumber "21234567890"))
, test
"invalid when 9 digits"
(assertEqual Nothing (getNumber "123456789"))
, test
"invalid when 12 digits"
(assertEqual Nothing (getNumber "123456789012"))
, test
"invalid when empty"
(assertEqual Nothing (getNumber ""))
, test
"invalid when no digits present"
(assertEqual Nothing (getNumber " (-) "))
, test
"valid with leading characters"
(assertEqual (Just "1234567890") (getNumber "my number is 123 456 7890"))
, test
"valid with trailing characters"
(assertEqual (Just "1234567890") (getNumber "123 456 7890 - bob"))
, test
"pretty print"
(assertEqual (Just "(123) 456-7890") (prettyPrint "1234567890"))
, test
"pretty print with full us phone number"
(assertEqual (Just "(123) 456-7890") (prettyPrint "11234567890"))
suite "PhoneNumber"
[ test "cleans number"
(assertEqual (Just "1234567890") (getNumber "(123) 456-7890"))
, test "cleans number with dots"
(assertEqual (Just "1234567890") (getNumber "123.456.7890"))
, test "valid when 11 digits and first is 1"
(assertEqual (Just "1234567890") (getNumber "11234567890"))
, test "invalid when 11 digits"
(assertEqual Nothing (getNumber "21234567890"))
, test "invalid when 9 digits"
(assertEqual Nothing (getNumber "123456789"))
, test "invalid when 12 digits"
(assertEqual Nothing (getNumber "123456789012"))
, test "invalid when empty"
(assertEqual Nothing (getNumber ""))
, test "invalid when no digits present"
(assertEqual Nothing (getNumber " (-) "))
, test "valid with leading characters"
(assertEqual (Just "1234567890") (getNumber "my number is 123 456 7890"))
, test "valid with trailing characters"
(assertEqual (Just "1234567890") (getNumber "123 456 7890 - bob"))
, test "pretty print"
(assertEqual (Just "(123) 456-7890") (prettyPrint "1234567890"))
, test "pretty print with full us phone number"
(assertEqual (Just "(123) 456-7890") (prettyPrint "11234567890"))
main : Program Never
main =
runSuite tests
runSuite tests
@ -5,26 +5,26 @@ import String
raindrops : Int -> String
raindrops number =
drops =
[ if number % 3 == 0 then
, if number % 5 == 0 then
, if number % 7 == 0 then
drops =
[ if number % 3 == 0 then
, if number % 5 == 0 then
, if number % 7 == 0 then
result =
String.join "" drops
if result == "" then
toString number
result =
String.join "" drops
if result == "" then
toString number
@ -6,26 +6,25 @@ import Raindrops exposing (raindrops)
tests : Test
tests =
[ test "1" (assertEqual "1" (raindrops 1))
, test "3" (assertEqual "Pling" (raindrops 3))
, test "5" (assertEqual "Plang" (raindrops 5))
, test "7" (assertEqual "Plong" (raindrops 7))
, test "6" (assertEqual "Pling" (raindrops 6))
, test "9" (assertEqual "Pling" (raindrops 9))
, test "10" (assertEqual "Plang" (raindrops 10))
, test "14" (assertEqual "Plong" (raindrops 14))
, test "15" (assertEqual "PlingPlang" (raindrops 15))
, test "21" (assertEqual "PlingPlong" (raindrops 21))
, test "25" (assertEqual "Plang" (raindrops 25))
, test "35" (assertEqual "PlangPlong" (raindrops 35))
, test "49" (assertEqual "Plong" (raindrops 49))
, test "52" (assertEqual "52" (raindrops 52))
, test "105" (assertEqual "PlingPlangPlong" (raindrops 105))
suite "Raindrops"
[ test "1" (assertEqual "1" (raindrops 1))
, test "3" (assertEqual "Pling" (raindrops 3))
, test "5" (assertEqual "Plang" (raindrops 5))
, test "7" (assertEqual "Plong" (raindrops 7))
, test "6" (assertEqual "Pling" (raindrops 6))
, test "9" (assertEqual "Pling" (raindrops 9))
, test "10" (assertEqual "Plang" (raindrops 10))
, test "14" (assertEqual "Plong" (raindrops 14))
, test "15" (assertEqual "PlingPlang" (raindrops 15))
, test "21" (assertEqual "PlingPlong" (raindrops 21))
, test "25" (assertEqual "Plang" (raindrops 25))
, test "35" (assertEqual "PlangPlong" (raindrops 35))
, test "49" (assertEqual "Plong" (raindrops 49))
, test "52" (assertEqual "52" (raindrops 52))
, test "105" (assertEqual "PlingPlangPlong" (raindrops 105))
main : Program Never
main =
runSuite tests
runSuite tests
@ -5,12 +5,12 @@ import String
toRNA : String -> Result Char String
toRNA dna =
|> String.toList
|> List.map toRNANucleotide
|> resultExtraCombine
|> Result.map (List.map String.fromChar)
|> Result.map (String.join "")
|> String.toList
|> List.map toRNANucleotide
|> resultExtraCombine
|> Result.map (List.map String.fromChar)
|> Result.map (String.join "")
@ -19,23 +19,23 @@ toRNA dna =
resultExtraCombine : List (Result x a) -> Result x (List a)
resultExtraCombine =
List.foldr (Result.map2 (::)) (Ok [])
List.foldr (Result.map2 (::)) (Ok [])
toRNANucleotide : Char -> Result Char Char
toRNANucleotide nuc =
case nuc of
'C' ->
Ok 'G'
case nuc of
'C' ->
Ok 'G'
'G' ->
Ok 'C'
'G' ->
Ok 'C'
'A' ->
Ok 'U'
'A' ->
Ok 'U'
'T' ->
Ok 'A'
'T' ->
Ok 'A'
_ ->
Err nuc
_ ->
Err nuc
@ -6,32 +6,24 @@ import RNATranscription exposing (toRNA)
tests : Test
tests =
[ test
"complement of cytosine is guanine"
(assertEqual (Ok "G") (toRNA "C"))
, test
"complement of guanine is cytosine"
(assertEqual (Ok "C") (toRNA "G"))
, test
"complement of thymine is adenine"
(assertEqual (Ok "A") (toRNA "T"))
, test
"complement of adenine is uracil"
(assertEqual (Ok "U") (toRNA "A"))
, test
, test
"correctly handles completely invalid input"
(assertEqual (Err 'X') (toRNA "XXX"))
, test
"correctly handles partially invalid input"
(assertEqual (Err 'U') (toRNA "UGAAXXXGACAUG"))
suite "RNATranscription"
[ test "complement of cytosine is guanine"
(assertEqual (Ok "G") (toRNA "C"))
, test "complement of guanine is cytosine"
(assertEqual (Ok "C") (toRNA "G"))
, test "complement of thymine is adenine"
(assertEqual (Ok "A") (toRNA "T"))
, test "complement of adenine is uracil"
(assertEqual (Ok "U") (toRNA "A"))
, test "complement"
, test "correctly handles completely invalid input"
(assertEqual (Err 'X') (toRNA "XXX"))
, test "correctly handles partially invalid input"
(assertEqual (Err 'U') (toRNA "UGAAXXXGACAUG"))
main : Program Never
main =
runSuite tests
runSuite tests
@ -4,95 +4,95 @@ import String
type Bearing
= North
| East
| South
| West
= North
| East
| South
| West
type alias Robot =
{ bearing : Bearing
, coordinates : { x : Int, y : Int }
{ bearing : Bearing
, coordinates : { x : Int, y : Int }
defaultRobot : Robot
defaultRobot =
{ bearing = North
, coordinates = { x = 0, y = 0 }
{ bearing = North
, coordinates = { x = 0, y = 0 }
turnRight : Robot -> Robot
turnRight robot =
case robot.bearing of
North ->
{ robot | bearing = East }
case robot.bearing of
North ->
{ robot | bearing = East }
East ->
{ robot | bearing = South }
East ->
{ robot | bearing = South }
South ->
{ robot | bearing = West }
South ->
{ robot | bearing = West }
West ->
{ robot | bearing = North }
West ->
{ robot | bearing = North }
turnLeft : Robot -> Robot
turnLeft robot =
case robot.bearing of
North ->
{ robot | bearing = West }
case robot.bearing of
North ->
{ robot | bearing = West }
West ->
{ robot | bearing = South }
West ->
{ robot | bearing = South }
South ->
{ robot | bearing = East }
South ->
{ robot | bearing = East }
East ->
{ robot | bearing = North }
East ->
{ robot | bearing = North }
advance : Robot -> Robot
advance { bearing, coordinates } =
updated =
case bearing of
North ->
{ coordinates | y = coordinates.y + 1 }
updated =
case bearing of
North ->
{ coordinates | y = coordinates.y + 1 }
East ->
{ coordinates | x = coordinates.x + 1 }
East ->
{ coordinates | x = coordinates.x + 1 }
South ->
{ coordinates | y = coordinates.y - 1 }
South ->
{ coordinates | y = coordinates.y - 1 }
West ->
{ coordinates | x = coordinates.x - 1 }
{ bearing = bearing, coordinates = updated }
West ->
{ coordinates | x = coordinates.x - 1 }
{ bearing = bearing, coordinates = updated }
simulate : String -> Robot -> Robot
simulate directions robot =
action direction =
case direction of
'L' ->
action direction =
case direction of
'L' ->
'R' ->
'R' ->
'A' ->
'A' ->
_ ->
|> String.toList
|> List.map action
|> List.foldl (\a r -> a r) robot
_ ->
|> String.toList
|> List.map action
|> List.foldl (\a r -> a r) robot
@ -6,124 +6,112 @@ import RobotSimulator exposing (defaultRobot, Robot, Bearing(North, East, West,
tests : Test
tests =
[ suite
robot =
[ test "coordinates" (assertEqual { x = 0, y = 0 } robot.coordinates)
, test "bearing" (assertEqual North robot.bearing)
, suite
robot =
Robot South { x = -1, y = 1 }
[ test "coordinates" (assertEqual { x = -1, y = 1 } robot.coordinates)
, test "bearing" (assertEqual South robot.bearing)
, suite
"turn right"
|> List.scanl (\_ r -> turnRight r) defaultRobot
|> List.map .bearing
|> assertionList [ North, East, South, West ]
|> List.map defaultTest
, suite
"turn left"
|> List.scanl (\_ r -> turnLeft r) defaultRobot
|> List.map .bearing
|> assertionList [ North, West, South, East ]
|> List.map defaultTest
, suite
"advance positive north"
robot =
Robot North { x = 0, y = 0 }
|> advance
[ test "coordinates" (assertEqual { x = 0, y = 1 } robot.coordinates)
, test "bearing" (assertEqual North robot.bearing)
, suite
"advance positive east"
robot =
Robot East { x = 0, y = 0 }
|> advance
[ test "coordinates" (assertEqual { x = 1, y = 0 } robot.coordinates)
, test "bearing" (assertEqual East robot.bearing)
, suite
"advance negative south"
robot =
Robot South { x = 0, y = 0 }
|> advance
[ test "coordinates" (assertEqual { x = 0, y = -1 } robot.coordinates)
, test "bearing" (assertEqual South robot.bearing)
, suite
"advance positive west"
robot =
Robot West { x = 0, y = 0 }
|> advance
[ test "coordinates" (assertEqual { x = -1, y = 0 } robot.coordinates)
, test "bearing" (assertEqual West robot.bearing)
, suite
"simulate prog 1"
robot =
Robot North { x = 0, y = 0 }
|> simulate "LAAARALA"
[ test "coordinates" (assertEqual { x = -4, y = 1 } robot.coordinates)
, test "bearing" (assertEqual West robot.bearing)
, suite
"simulate prog 2"
robot =
Robot East { x = 2, y = -7 }
|> simulate "RRAAAAALA"
[ test "coordinates" (assertEqual { x = -3, y = -8 } robot.coordinates)
, test "bearing" (assertEqual South robot.bearing)
, suite
"simulate prog 3"
robot =
Robot South { x = 8, y = 4 }
|> simulate "LAAARRRALLLL"
[ test "coordinates" (assertEqual { x = 11, y = 5 } robot.coordinates)
, test "bearing" (assertEqual North robot.bearing)
suite "RobotSimulator"
[ suite "init"
robot =
[ test "coordinates" (assertEqual { x = 0, y = 0 } robot.coordinates)
, test "bearing" (assertEqual North robot.bearing)
, suite "setup"
robot =
Robot South { x = -1, y = 1 }
[ test "coordinates" (assertEqual { x = -1, y = 1 } robot.coordinates)
, test "bearing" (assertEqual South robot.bearing)
, suite "turn right"
|> List.scanl (\_ r -> turnRight r) defaultRobot
|> List.map .bearing
|> assertionList [ North, East, South, West ]
|> List.map defaultTest
, suite "turn left"
|> List.scanl (\_ r -> turnLeft r) defaultRobot
|> List.map .bearing
|> assertionList [ North, West, South, East ]
|> List.map defaultTest
, suite "advance positive north"
robot =
Robot North { x = 0, y = 0 }
|> advance
[ test "coordinates" (assertEqual { x = 0, y = 1 } robot.coordinates)
, test "bearing" (assertEqual North robot.bearing)
, suite "advance positive east"
robot =
Robot East { x = 0, y = 0 }
|> advance
[ test "coordinates" (assertEqual { x = 1, y = 0 } robot.coordinates)
, test "bearing" (assertEqual East robot.bearing)
, suite "advance negative south"
robot =
Robot South { x = 0, y = 0 }
|> advance
[ test "coordinates" (assertEqual { x = 0, y = -1 } robot.coordinates)
, test "bearing" (assertEqual South robot.bearing)
, suite "advance positive west"
robot =
Robot West { x = 0, y = 0 }
|> advance
[ test "coordinates" (assertEqual { x = -1, y = 0 } robot.coordinates)
, test "bearing" (assertEqual West robot.bearing)
, suite "simulate prog 1"
robot =
Robot North { x = 0, y = 0 }
|> simulate "LAAARALA"
[ test "coordinates" (assertEqual { x = -4, y = 1 } robot.coordinates)
, test "bearing" (assertEqual West robot.bearing)
, suite "simulate prog 2"
robot =
Robot East { x = 2, y = -7 }
|> simulate "RRAAAAALA"
[ test "coordinates" (assertEqual { x = -3, y = -8 } robot.coordinates)
, test "bearing" (assertEqual South robot.bearing)
, suite "simulate prog 3"
robot =
Robot South { x = 8, y = 4 }
|> simulate "LAAARRRALLLL"
[ test "coordinates" (assertEqual { x = 11, y = 5 } robot.coordinates)
, test "bearing" (assertEqual North robot.bearing)
main : Program Never
main =
runSuite tests
runSuite tests
@ -7,63 +7,63 @@ import Regex
To the unaware: this was written by a very green elmer, so don't consider
it an idiomatic exemplar to emulate.
To the unaware: this was written by a very green elmer, so don't consider
it an idiomatic exemplar to emulate.
version =
encode : String -> String
encode string =
String.toList string
|> List.foldr countChars []
|> List.map stringifyCounts
|> String.join ""
String.toList string
|> List.foldr countChars []
|> List.map stringifyCounts
|> String.join ""
countChars : a -> List ( number, a ) -> List ( number, a )
countChars current counted =
case head counted of
Just ( count, previous ) ->
if previous == current then
( count + 1, current ) :: withDefault [] (tail counted)
( 1, current ) :: counted
case head counted of
Just ( count, previous ) ->
if previous == current then
( count + 1, current ) :: withDefault [] (tail counted)
( 1, current ) :: counted
Nothing ->
[ ( 1, current ) ]
Nothing ->
[ ( 1, current ) ]
stringifyCounts : ( number, Char ) -> String
stringifyCounts ( count, char ) =
if count > 1 then
toString count ++ fromChar char
fromChar char
if count > 1 then
toString count ++ fromChar char
fromChar char
decode : String -> String
decode string =
|> Regex.find Regex.All (Regex.regex "(\\d+)|(\\D)")
|> List.map .match
|> List.foldl expandCounts ( "", Nothing )
|> fst
|> Regex.find Regex.All (Regex.regex "(\\d+)|(\\D)")
|> List.map .match
|> List.foldl expandCounts ( "", Nothing )
|> fst
expandCounts : String -> ( String, Maybe Int ) -> ( String, Maybe Int )
expandCounts match ( result, count ) =
case count of
Just number ->
( result ++ String.repeat number match, Nothing )
case count of
Just number ->
( result ++ String.repeat number match, Nothing )
Nothing ->
case String.toInt match of
Ok number ->
( result, Just number )
Nothing ->
case String.toInt match of
Ok number ->
( result, Just number )
Err _ ->
( result ++ match, Nothing )
Err _ ->
( result ++ match, Nothing )
@ -10,57 +10,54 @@ import Char
Currently disabled until elm-check is updated to support Elm 0.17
Currently disabled until elm-check is updated to support Elm 0.17
Welcome! This is a property based test which will generate a bunch of random
test cases in an attempt to find edge cases in your solution. If all goes well,
any code that passes the regular tests should be fine here as well. If it goes
less well, this should hopefully narrow the failure down to a useful test case.
Welcome! This is a property based test which will generate a bunch of random
test cases in an attempt to find edge cases in your solution. If all goes well,
any code that passes the regular tests should be fine here as well. If it goes
less well, this should hopefully narrow the failure down to a useful test case.
Good luck!
Good luck!
claims : Check.Claim
claims =
"List Reverse"
[ claim
"Encoding and decoding yields the original string"
`that` (\input -> decode (encode (S.concat input)))
`is` S.concat
`for` inputProducer
suite "List Reverse"
[ claim "Encoding and decoding yields the original string"
`that` (\input -> decode (encode (S.concat input)))
`is` S.concat
`for` inputProducer
inputProducer : P.Producer (List String)
inputProducer =
P.tuple ( P.rangeInt 0 1001, upperCaseLetter )
|> P.convert
(\( n, c ) -> S.repeat n (S.fromChar c))
(\s ->
( S.length s
, S.toList s |> List.head |> crashIfNothing
|> P.list
P.tuple ( P.rangeInt 0 1001, upperCaseLetter )
|> P.convert (\( n, c ) -> S.repeat n (S.fromChar c))
(\s ->
( S.length s
, S.toList s |> List.head |> crashIfNothing
|> P.list
upperCaseLetter : P.Producer Char
upperCaseLetter =
P.filter Char.isUpper P.upperCaseChar
P.filter Char.isUpper P.upperCaseChar
crashIfNothing : Maybe a -> a
crashIfNothing a =
case a of
Just a ->
case a of
Just a ->
Nothing ->
Debug.crash "Nothing!"
Nothing ->
Debug.crash "Nothing!"
propertyTests : ElmTest.Test
propertyTests =
Check.Test.evidenceToTest (quickCheck claims)
Check.Test.evidenceToTest (quickCheck claims)
@ -6,50 +6,36 @@ import RunLengthEncoding exposing (version, decode, encode)
tests : Test
tests =
[ test
"the solution is for the correct version of the test"
(assertEqual 2 version)
, test
"encode simple"
(assertEqual "2A3B4C" (encode "AABBBCCCC"))
, test
"decode simple"
(assertEqual "AABBBCCCC" (decode "2A3B4C"))
, test
"encode with single values"
, test
"decode with single values"
(decode "12WB12W3B24WB")
, test
"(decode (encode (...)) combination"
"zzz ZZ zZ"
(decode (encode "zzz ZZ zZ"))
, test
"decode with a x10 value"
(decode "10W")
, test
"encode unicode"
(assertEqual "⏰3⚽2⭐⏰" (encode "⏰⚽⚽⚽⭐⭐⏰"))
, test
"decode unicode"
(assertEqual "⏰⚽⚽⚽⭐⭐⏰" (decode "⏰3⚽2⭐⏰"))
suite "RunLengthEncoding"
[ test "the solution is for the correct version of the test"
(assertEqual 2 version)
, test "encode simple"
(assertEqual "2A3B4C" (encode "AABBBCCCC"))
, test "decode simple"
(assertEqual "AABBBCCCC" (decode "2A3B4C"))
, test "encode with single values"
(assertEqual "12WB12W3B24WB"
, test "decode with single values"
(decode "12WB12W3B24WB")
, test "(decode (encode (...)) combination"
(assertEqual "zzz ZZ zZ"
(decode (encode "zzz ZZ zZ"))
, test "decode with a x10 value"
(assertEqual "WWWWWWWWWW"
(decode "10W")
, test "encode unicode"
(assertEqual "⏰3⚽2⭐⏰" (encode "⏰⚽⚽⚽⭐⭐⏰"))
, test "decode unicode"
(assertEqual "⏰⚽⚽⚽⭐⭐⏰" (decode "⏰3⚽2⭐⏰"))
main : Program Never
main =
runSuite tests
runSuite tests
@ -7,27 +7,27 @@ import Result
slices : Int -> String -> Result String (List (List Int))
slices size input =
if size < 1 then
Err ("Invalid size: " ++ toString size)
String.split "" input
|> List.map String.toInt
|> combine
|> Result.map (takeRuns size)
if size < 1 then
Err ("Invalid size: " ++ toString size)
String.split "" input
|> List.map String.toInt
|> combine
|> Result.map (takeRuns size)
takeRuns : Int -> List Int -> List (List Int)
takeRuns size numbers =
candidate =
List.take size numbers
if List.length candidate < size || size < 1 then
candidate :: takeRuns size (List.drop 1 numbers)
candidate =
List.take size numbers
if List.length candidate < size || size < 1 then
candidate :: takeRuns size (List.drop 1 numbers)
combine : List (Result x a) -> Result x (List a)
combine =
List.foldr (Result.map2 (::)) (Ok [])
List.foldr (Result.map2 (::)) (Ok [])
@ -6,59 +6,42 @@ import Series exposing (slices)
tests : Test
tests =
[ test
"slices of one"
(Ok [ [ 0 ], [ 1 ], [ 2 ], [ 3 ], [ 4 ] ])
(slices 1 "01234")
, test
"slices of two"
(Ok [ [ 9, 7 ], [ 7, 8 ], [ 8, 6 ], [ 6, 7 ], [ 7, 5 ], [ 5, 6 ], [ 6, 4 ] ])
(slices 2 "97867564")
, test
"slices of three"
(Ok [ [ 9, 7, 8 ], [ 7, 8, 6 ], [ 8, 6, 7 ], [ 6, 7, 5 ], [ 7, 5, 6 ], [ 5, 6, 4 ] ])
(slices 3 "97867564")
, test
"slices of four"
(Ok [ [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] ])
(slices 4 "01234")
, test
"slices of five"
(Ok [ [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ] ])
(slices 5 "01234")
, test
"overly long slice"
(Ok [])
(slices 4 "012")
, test
"overly short slice"
(Err ("Invalid size: 0"))
(slices 0 "01234")
, test
"input has non numbers"
(Err "could not convert string 'a' to an Int")
(slices 2 "0123abc")
suite "Series"
[ test "slices of one"
(assertEqual (Ok [ [ 0 ], [ 1 ], [ 2 ], [ 3 ], [ 4 ] ])
(slices 1 "01234")
, test "slices of two"
(assertEqual (Ok [ [ 9, 7 ], [ 7, 8 ], [ 8, 6 ], [ 6, 7 ], [ 7, 5 ], [ 5, 6 ], [ 6, 4 ] ])
(slices 2 "97867564")
, test "slices of three"
(assertEqual (Ok [ [ 9, 7, 8 ], [ 7, 8, 6 ], [ 8, 6, 7 ], [ 6, 7, 5 ], [ 7, 5, 6 ], [ 5, 6, 4 ] ])
(slices 3 "97867564")
, test "slices of four"
(assertEqual (Ok [ [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] ])
(slices 4 "01234")
, test "slices of five"
(assertEqual (Ok [ [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ] ])
(slices 5 "01234")
, test "overly long slice"
(assertEqual (Ok [])
(slices 4 "012")
, test "overly short slice"
(assertEqual (Err ("Invalid size: 0"))
(slices 0 "01234")
, test "input has non numbers"
(assertEqual (Err "could not convert string 'a' to an Int")
(slices 2 "0123abc")
main : Program Never
main =
runSuite tests
runSuite tests
@ -2,49 +2,49 @@ module SpaceAge exposing (..)
type Planet
= Mercury
| Venus
| Earth
| Mars
| Jupiter
| Saturn
| Uranus
| Neptune
= Mercury
| Venus
| Earth
| Mars
| Jupiter
| Saturn
| Uranus
| Neptune
earthYearInSeconds =
365.25 * 24 * 60 * 60
365.25 * 24 * 60 * 60
ageOn : Planet -> Float -> Float
ageOn planet seconds =
seconds / (secondsPerYear planet)
seconds / (secondsPerYear planet)
secondsPerYear : Planet -> Float
secondsPerYear planet =
* case planet of
Mercury ->
* case planet of
Mercury ->
Venus ->
Venus ->
Earth ->
Earth ->
Mars ->
Mars ->
Jupiter ->
Jupiter ->
Saturn ->
Saturn ->
Uranus ->
Uranus ->
Neptune ->
Neptune ->
@ -6,35 +6,26 @@ import SpaceAge exposing (Planet(..), ageOn)
tests : Test
tests =
[ test
"age in earth years"
(assertEqual 32 (round (ageOn Earth 1000000000)))
, test
"age in mercury years"
(assertEqual 281 (round (ageOn Mercury 2134835688)))
, test
"age in venus years"
(assertEqual 10 (round (ageOn Venus 189839836)))
, test
"age on mars"
(assertEqual 39 (round (ageOn Mars 2329871239)))
, test
"age on jupiter"
(assertEqual 2 (round (ageOn Jupiter 901876382)))
, test
"age on saturn"
(assertEqual 3 (round (ageOn Saturn 3000000000)))
, test
"age on uranus"
(assertEqual 1 (round (ageOn Uranus 3210123456)))
, test
"age on neptune"
(assertEqual 2 (round (ageOn Neptune 8210123456)))
suite "SpaceAge"
[ test "age in earth years"
(assertEqual 32 (round (ageOn Earth 1000000000)))
, test "age in mercury years"
(assertEqual 281 (round (ageOn Mercury 2134835688)))
, test "age in venus years"
(assertEqual 10 (round (ageOn Venus 189839836)))
, test "age on mars"
(assertEqual 39 (round (ageOn Mars 2329871239)))
, test "age on jupiter"
(assertEqual 2 (round (ageOn Jupiter 901876382)))
, test "age on saturn"
(assertEqual 3 (round (ageOn Saturn 3000000000)))
, test "age on uranus"
(assertEqual 1 (round (ageOn Uranus 3210123456)))
, test "age on neptune"
(assertEqual 2 (round (ageOn Neptune 8210123456)))
main : Program Never
main =
runSuite tests
runSuite tests
@ -5,17 +5,17 @@ import List
keep : (a -> Bool) -> List a -> List a
keep predicate list =
List.foldr (consIf predicate) [] list
List.foldr (consIf predicate) [] list
discard : (a -> Bool) -> List a -> List a
discard predicate list =
List.foldr (consIf (\v -> not <| predicate v)) [] list
List.foldr (consIf (\v -> not <| predicate v)) [] list
consIf : (a -> Bool) -> a -> List a -> List a
consIf predicate value list =
if predicate value then
value :: list
if predicate value then
value :: list
@ -7,103 +7,78 @@ import String
even : Int -> Bool
even number =
number % 2 == 0
number % 2 == 0
odd : Int -> Bool
odd number =
number % 2 == 1
number % 2 == 1
isFirstLetter : String -> String -> Bool
isFirstLetter letter word =
(String.left 1 word) == letter
(String.left 1 word) == letter
lessThanTen : number -> Bool
lessThanTen num =
num < 10
num < 10
tests : Test
tests =
[ test
"empty keep"
(keep lessThanTen [])
, test
"keep everything"
[ 1, 2, 3 ]
(keep lessThanTen [ 1, 2, 3 ])
, test
"keep first and last"
[ 1, 3 ]
(keep odd [ 1, 2, 3 ])
, test
"keep nothing"
(keep even [ 1, 3, 5, 7 ])
, test
"keep neither first nor last"
[ 2 ]
(keep even [ 1, 2, 3 ])
, test
"keep strings"
[ "zebra", "zombies", "zealot" ]
(keep (isFirstLetter "z") [ "apple", "zebra", "banana", "zombies", "cherimoya", "zealot" ])
, test
"empty discard"
(discard lessThanTen [])
, test
"discard everything"
(discard lessThanTen [ 1, 2, 3 ])
, test
"discard first and last"
[ 2 ]
(discard odd [ 1, 2, 3 ])
, test
"discard nothing"
[ 1, 3, 5, 7 ]
(discard even [ 1, 3, 5, 7 ])
, test
"discard neither first nor last"
[ 1, 3 ]
(discard even [ 1, 2, 3 ])
, test
"discard strings"
[ "apple", "banana", "cherimoya" ]
(discard (isFirstLetter "z") [ "apple", "zebra", "banana", "zombies", "cherimoya", "zealot" ])
suite "Strain"
[ test "empty keep"
(assertEqual []
(keep lessThanTen [])
, test "keep everything"
(assertEqual [ 1, 2, 3 ]
(keep lessThanTen [ 1, 2, 3 ])
, test "keep first and last"
(assertEqual [ 1, 3 ]
(keep odd [ 1, 2, 3 ])
, test "keep nothing"
(assertEqual []
(keep even [ 1, 3, 5, 7 ])
, test "keep neither first nor last"
(assertEqual [ 2 ]
(keep even [ 1, 2, 3 ])
, test "keep strings"
(assertEqual [ "zebra", "zombies", "zealot" ]
(keep (isFirstLetter "z") [ "apple", "zebra", "banana", "zombies", "cherimoya", "zealot" ])
, test "empty discard"
(assertEqual []
(discard lessThanTen [])
, test "discard everything"
(assertEqual []
(discard lessThanTen [ 1, 2, 3 ])
, test "discard first and last"
(assertEqual [ 2 ]
(discard odd [ 1, 2, 3 ])
, test "discard nothing"
(assertEqual [ 1, 3, 5, 7 ]
(discard even [ 1, 3, 5, 7 ])
, test "discard neither first nor last"
(assertEqual [ 1, 3 ]
(discard even [ 1, 2, 3 ])
, test "discard strings"
(assertEqual [ "apple", "banana", "cherimoya" ]
(discard (isFirstLetter "z") [ "apple", "zebra", "banana", "zombies", "cherimoya", "zealot" ])
main : Program Never
main =
runSuite tests
runSuite tests
@ -3,37 +3,37 @@ module Sublist exposing (..)
version : Int
version =
type ListComparison
= Equal
| Superlist
| Sublist
| Unequal
= Equal
| Superlist
| Sublist
| Unequal
sublist : List a -> List a -> ListComparison
sublist alist blist =
if alist == blist then
else if inList alist blist then
else if inList blist alist then
if alist == blist then
else if inList alist blist then
else if inList blist alist then
inList : List a -> List a -> Bool
inList alist blist =
getLastInList sublist =
Maybe.withDefault [] (List.tail sublist)
if (List.length alist) < (List.length blist) then
else if (List.take (List.length blist) alist) == blist then
inList (getLastInList alist) blist
getLastInList sublist =
Maybe.withDefault [] (List.tail sublist)
if (List.length alist) < (List.length blist) then
else if (List.take (List.length blist) alist) == blist then
inList (getLastInList alist) blist
@ -6,68 +6,48 @@ import Sublist exposing (version, sublist, ListComparison(..))
tests : Test
tests =
[ test
"the solution is for the correct version of the test"
(assertEqual 2 version)
, test
"empty equals empty"
(assertEqual Equal (sublist [] []))
, test
"empty is a sublist of anything"
(assertEqual Sublist (sublist [] [ 1, 2 ]))
, test
"anything is a superlist of empty"
(assertEqual Superlist (sublist [ 1, 2 ] []))
, test
"1 is not 2"
(assertEqual Unequal (sublist [ 1 ] [ 2 ]))
, test
"compare larger equal lists"
(assertEqual Equal (sublist [ 1, 1, 1 ] [ 1, 1, 1 ]))
, test
"sublist at start"
(assertEqual Sublist (sublist [ 1, 2, 3 ] [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]))
, test
"sublist in the middle"
(assertEqual Sublist (sublist [ 4, 3, 2 ] [ 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ]))
, test
"sublist at end"
(assertEqual Sublist (sublist [ 3, 4, 5 ] [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]))
, test
"partially matching sublist at start"
(assertEqual Sublist (sublist [ 1, 1, 2 ] [ 1, 1, 1, 2 ]))
, test
"sublist early in huge list"
(assertEqual Sublist (sublist [ 3, 4, 5 ] [1..100000]))
, test
"huge sublist not in list"
(assertEqual Unequal (sublist [10..5001] [1..5000]))
, test
"superlist at start"
(assertEqual Superlist (sublist [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] [ 1, 2, 3 ]))
, test
"superlist in middle"
(assertEqual Superlist (sublist [ 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ] [ 4, 3, 2 ]))
, test
"superlist at end"
(assertEqual Superlist (sublist [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] [ 3, 4, 5 ]))
, test
"partially matching superlist at start"
(assertEqual Superlist (sublist [ 1, 1, 1, 2 ] [ 1, 1, 2 ]))
, test
"superlist early in huge list"
(assertEqual Superlist (sublist [1..100000] [ 3, 4, 5 ]))
, test
"recurring values sublist"
(assertEqual Sublist (sublist [ 1, 2, 1, 2, 3 ] [ 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1 ]))
, test
"recurring values unequal"
(assertEqual Unequal (sublist [ 1, 2, 1, 2, 3 ] [ 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 1 ]))
suite "Sublist"
[ test "the solution is for the correct version of the test"
(assertEqual 2 version)
, test "empty equals empty"
(assertEqual Equal (sublist [] []))
, test "empty is a sublist of anything"
(assertEqual Sublist (sublist [] [ 1, 2 ]))
, test "anything is a superlist of empty"
(assertEqual Superlist (sublist [ 1, 2 ] []))
, test "1 is not 2"
(assertEqual Unequal (sublist [ 1 ] [ 2 ]))
, test "compare larger equal lists"
(assertEqual Equal (sublist [ 1, 1, 1 ] [ 1, 1, 1 ]))
, test "sublist at start"
(assertEqual Sublist (sublist [ 1, 2, 3 ] [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]))
, test "sublist in the middle"
(assertEqual Sublist (sublist [ 4, 3, 2 ] [ 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ]))
, test "sublist at end"
(assertEqual Sublist (sublist [ 3, 4, 5 ] [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]))
, test "partially matching sublist at start"
(assertEqual Sublist (sublist [ 1, 1, 2 ] [ 1, 1, 1, 2 ]))
, test "sublist early in huge list"
(assertEqual Sublist (sublist [ 3, 4, 5 ] [1..100000]))
, test "huge sublist not in list"
(assertEqual Unequal (sublist [10..5001] [1..5000]))
, test "superlist at start"
(assertEqual Superlist (sublist [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] [ 1, 2, 3 ]))
, test "superlist in middle"
(assertEqual Superlist (sublist [ 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ] [ 4, 3, 2 ]))
, test "superlist at end"
(assertEqual Superlist (sublist [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] [ 3, 4, 5 ]))
, test "partially matching superlist at start"
(assertEqual Superlist (sublist [ 1, 1, 1, 2 ] [ 1, 1, 2 ]))
, test "superlist early in huge list"
(assertEqual Superlist (sublist [1..100000] [ 3, 4, 5 ]))
, test "recurring values sublist"
(assertEqual Sublist (sublist [ 1, 2, 1, 2, 3 ] [ 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1 ]))
, test "recurring values unequal"
(assertEqual Unequal (sublist [ 1, 2, 1, 2, 3 ] [ 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 1 ]))
main : Program Never
main =
runSuite tests
runSuite tests
@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ module SumOfMultiples exposing (..)
sumOfMultiples : List Int -> Int -> Int
sumOfMultiples multiples limit =
List.sum (List.filter (inMultiples multiples) [1..(limit - 1)])
List.sum (List.filter (inMultiples multiples) [1..(limit - 1)])
inMultiples : List Int -> Int -> Bool
inMultiples multiples candidate =
List.any (\factor -> candidate % factor == 0) multiples
List.any (\factor -> candidate % factor == 0) multiples
@ -6,17 +6,16 @@ import SumOfMultiples exposing (sumOfMultiples)
tests : Test
tests =
"Sum Of Multiples"
[ test "[3, 5] 15" (assertEqual 45 (sumOfMultiples [ 3, 5 ] 15))
, test "[7, 13, 17] 20" (assertEqual 51 (sumOfMultiples [ 7, 13, 17 ] 20))
, test "[4, 6] 15" (assertEqual 30 (sumOfMultiples [ 4, 6 ] 15))
, test "[5, 6, 8] 150" (assertEqual 4419 (sumOfMultiples [ 5, 6, 8 ] 150))
, test "[43, 47] 10000" (assertEqual 2203160 (sumOfMultiples [ 43, 47 ] 10000))
, test "[5, 25] 51" (assertEqual 275 (sumOfMultiples [ 5, 25 ] 51))
suite "Sum Of Multiples"
[ test "[3, 5] 15" (assertEqual 45 (sumOfMultiples [ 3, 5 ] 15))
, test "[7, 13, 17] 20" (assertEqual 51 (sumOfMultiples [ 7, 13, 17 ] 20))
, test "[4, 6] 15" (assertEqual 30 (sumOfMultiples [ 4, 6 ] 15))
, test "[5, 6, 8] 150" (assertEqual 4419 (sumOfMultiples [ 5, 6, 8 ] 150))
, test "[43, 47] 10000" (assertEqual 2203160 (sumOfMultiples [ 43, 47 ] 10000))
, test "[5, 25] 51" (assertEqual 275 (sumOfMultiples [ 5, 25 ] 51))
main : Program Never
main =
runSuite tests
runSuite tests
@ -5,17 +5,17 @@ import Set
triangleKind : number -> number -> number -> Result String String
triangleKind x y z =
if x <= 0 || y <= 0 || z <= 0 then
Err "Invalid lengths"
else if x + y <= z || x + z <= y || y + z <= x then
Err "Violates inequality"
case Set.size (Set.fromList [ x, y, z ]) of
1 ->
Ok "equilateral"
if x <= 0 || y <= 0 || z <= 0 then
Err "Invalid lengths"
else if x + y <= z || x + z <= y || y + z <= x then
Err "Violates inequality"
case Set.size (Set.fromList [ x, y, z ]) of
1 ->
Ok "equilateral"
2 ->
Ok "isosceles"
2 ->
Ok "isosceles"
_ ->
Ok "scalene"
_ ->
Ok "scalene"
@ -6,56 +6,40 @@ import Triangle exposing (triangleKind)
tests : Test
tests =
[ test
"equilateral triangles have equal sides"
(assertEqual (Ok "equilateral") (triangleKind 2 2 2))
, test
"larger equilateral triangles also have equal sides"
(assertEqual (Ok "equilateral") (triangleKind 10 10 10))
, test
"isosceles triangles have last two sides equal"
(assertEqual (Ok "isosceles") (triangleKind 3 4 4))
, test
"isosceles triangles have first and last sides equal"
(assertEqual (Ok "isosceles") (triangleKind 4 3 4))
, test
"isosceles triangles have two first sides equal"
(assertEqual (Ok "isosceles") (triangleKind 4 4 3))
, test
"isosceles triangles have in fact exactly two sides equal"
(assertEqual (Ok "isosceles") (triangleKind 10 10 2))
, test
"scalene triangles have no equal sides"
(assertEqual (Ok "scalene") (triangleKind 3 4 5))
, test
"scalene triangles have no equal sides at a larger scale too"
(assertEqual (Ok "scalene") (triangleKind 10 11 12))
, test
"scalene triangles have no equal sides at a larger scale too 2"
(assertEqual (Ok "scalene") (triangleKind 5 4 2))
, test
"very small triangles are legal"
(assertEqual (Ok "scalene") (triangleKind 0.4 0.6 0.3))
, test
"triangles with no size are illegal"
(assertEqual (Err "Invalid lengths") (triangleKind 0 0 0))
, test
"triangles with negative sides are illegal"
(assertEqual (Err "Invalid lengths") (triangleKind 3 4 -5))
, test
"triangles violating triangle inequality are illegal 1"
(assertEqual (Err "Violates inequality") (triangleKind 1 1 3))
, test
"triangles violating triangle inequality are illegal 2"
(assertEqual (Err "Violates inequality") (triangleKind 2 4 2))
, test
"triangles violating triangle inequality are illegal 3"
(assertEqual (Err "Violates inequality") (triangleKind 7 3 2))
suite "triangleKind"
[ test "equilateral triangles have equal sides"
(assertEqual (Ok "equilateral") (triangleKind 2 2 2))
, test "larger equilateral triangles also have equal sides"
(assertEqual (Ok "equilateral") (triangleKind 10 10 10))
, test "isosceles triangles have last two sides equal"
(assertEqual (Ok "isosceles") (triangleKind 3 4 4))
, test "isosceles triangles have first and last sides equal"
(assertEqual (Ok "isosceles") (triangleKind 4 3 4))
, test "isosceles triangles have two first sides equal"
(assertEqual (Ok "isosceles") (triangleKind 4 4 3))
, test "isosceles triangles have in fact exactly two sides equal"
(assertEqual (Ok "isosceles") (triangleKind 10 10 2))
, test "scalene triangles have no equal sides"
(assertEqual (Ok "scalene") (triangleKind 3 4 5))
, test "scalene triangles have no equal sides at a larger scale too"
(assertEqual (Ok "scalene") (triangleKind 10 11 12))
, test "scalene triangles have no equal sides at a larger scale too 2"
(assertEqual (Ok "scalene") (triangleKind 5 4 2))
, test "very small triangles are legal"
(assertEqual (Ok "scalene") (triangleKind 0.4 0.6 0.3))
, test "triangles with no size are illegal"
(assertEqual (Err "Invalid lengths") (triangleKind 0 0 0))
, test "triangles with negative sides are illegal"
(assertEqual (Err "Invalid lengths") (triangleKind 3 4 -5))
, test "triangles violating triangle inequality are illegal 1"
(assertEqual (Err "Violates inequality") (triangleKind 1 1 3))
, test "triangles violating triangle inequality are illegal 2"
(assertEqual (Err "Violates inequality") (triangleKind 2 4 2))
, test "triangles violating triangle inequality are illegal 3"
(assertEqual (Err "Violates inequality") (triangleKind 7 3 2))
main : Program Never
main =
runSuite tests
runSuite tests
@ -7,18 +7,18 @@ import Regex
wordCount : String -> Dict String Int
wordCount sentence =
|> String.toLower
|> depunctuate
|> String.words
|> List.foldl (\w d -> Dict.update w incrMaybe d) Dict.empty
|> String.toLower
|> depunctuate
|> String.words
|> List.foldl (\w d -> Dict.update w incrMaybe d) Dict.empty
depunctuate : String -> String
depunctuate =
Regex.replace Regex.All (Regex.regex "[^a-z0-9 ]") (\_ -> "")
Regex.replace Regex.All (Regex.regex "[^a-z0-9 ]") (\_ -> "")
incrMaybe : Maybe Int -> Maybe Int
incrMaybe maybe =
(Maybe.withDefault 0 maybe) + 1 |> Just
(Maybe.withDefault 0 maybe) + 1 |> Just
@ -7,47 +7,34 @@ import WordCount exposing (wordCount)
tests : Test
tests =
"Word Count"
[ test
"count one word"
[ ( "word", 1 ) ]
(wordCount "word" |> Dict.toList)
, test
"count one of each word"
[ ( "each", 1 ), ( "of", 1 ), ( "one", 1 ) ]
(wordCount "one of each" |> Dict.toList)
, test
"multiple occurrences of a word"
[ ( "blue", 1 ), ( "fish", 4 ), ( "one", 1 ), ( "red", 1 ), ( "two", 1 ) ]
(wordCount "one fish two fish red fish blue fish" |> Dict.toList)
, test
"ignore punctuation"
[ ( "as", 1 ), ( "car", 1 ), ( "carpet", 1 ), ( "java", 1 ), ( "javascript", 1 ) ]
(wordCount "car : carpet as java : javascript!!&@$%^&" |> Dict.toList)
, test
"include numbers"
[ ( "1", 1 ), ( "2", 1 ), ( "testing", 2 ) ]
(wordCount "testing, 1, 2 testing" |> Dict.toList)
, test
"normalize case"
[ ( "go", 3 ), ( "stop", 2 ) ]
(wordCount "go Go GO Stop stop" |> Dict.toList)
suite "Word Count"
[ test "count one word"
(assertEqual [ ( "word", 1 ) ]
(wordCount "word" |> Dict.toList)
, test "count one of each word"
(assertEqual [ ( "each", 1 ), ( "of", 1 ), ( "one", 1 ) ]
(wordCount "one of each" |> Dict.toList)
, test "multiple occurrences of a word"
(assertEqual [ ( "blue", 1 ), ( "fish", 4 ), ( "one", 1 ), ( "red", 1 ), ( "two", 1 ) ]
(wordCount "one fish two fish red fish blue fish" |> Dict.toList)
, test "ignore punctuation"
(assertEqual [ ( "as", 1 ), ( "car", 1 ), ( "carpet", 1 ), ( "java", 1 ), ( "javascript", 1 ) ]
(wordCount "car : carpet as java : javascript!!&@$%^&" |> Dict.toList)
, test "include numbers"
(assertEqual [ ( "1", 1 ), ( "2", 1 ), ( "testing", 2 ) ]
(wordCount "testing, 1, 2 testing" |> Dict.toList)
, test "normalize case"
(assertEqual [ ( "go", 3 ), ( "stop", 2 ) ]
(wordCount "go Go GO Stop stop" |> Dict.toList)
main : Program Never
main =
runSuite tests
runSuite tests
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