module Main (..) where import Task import Console import ElmTest exposing (..) import Dict exposing (Dict) import WordCount exposing (wordCount) tests : Test tests = suite "Hamming" [ test "count one word" (assertEqual (Dict.fromList [ ( "word", 1 ) ]) (wordCount "word") ) , test "count one of each word" (assertEqual (Dict.fromList [ ( "one", 1 ), ( "of", 1 ), ( "each", 1 ) ]) (wordCount "one of each") ) , test "multiple occurrences of a word" (assertEqual (Dict.fromList [ ( "one", 1 ), ( "fish", 4 ), ( "two", 1 ), ( "red", 1 ), ( "blue", 1 ) ]) (wordCount "one fish two fish red fish blue fish") ) , test "ignore punctuation" (assertEqual (Dict.fromList [ ( "car", 1 ), ( "carpet", 1 ), ( "as", 1 ), ( "java", 1 ), ( "javascript", 1 ) ]) (wordCount "car : carpet as java : javascript!!&@$%^&") ) , test "include numbers" (assertEqual (Dict.fromList [ ( "testing", 2 ), ( "1", 1 ), ( "2", 1 ) ]) (wordCount "testing, 1, 2 testing") ) , test "normalize case" (assertEqual (Dict.fromList [ ( "go", 3 ), ( "stop", 2 ) ]) (wordCount "go Go GO Stop stop") ) ] port runner : Signal (Task.Task x ()) port runner = (consoleRunner tests)