module Tests exposing (..) import Test exposing (..) import Expect import NucleotideCount exposing (nucleotideCounts, version) tests : Test tests = describe "NucleotideCount" [ test "the solution is for the correct version of the test" <| \() -> Expect.equal 2 version , test "empty dna strand has no nucleotides" <| \() -> Expect.equal { a = 0, t = 0, c = 0, g = 0 } (nucleotideCounts "") , skip <| test "repetitive sequence has only guanine" <| \() -> Expect.equal { a = 0, t = 0, c = 0, g = 8 } (nucleotideCounts "GGGGGGGG") , skip <| test "counts all nucleotides" <| \() -> Expect.equal { a = 20, t = 21, c = 12, g = 17 } (nucleotideCounts "AGCTTTTCATTCTGACTGCAACGGGCAATATGTCTCTGTGTGGATTAAAAAAAGAGTGTCTGATAGCAGC") ]