#!/usr/bin/env bash declare -i TEST_RESULT=0 FAILED_EXERCISES='' for example_file in exercises/**/*.example do exercise_dir=$(dirname $example_file) exercise=$(basename $example_file .example) mv "$exercise_dir/$exercise.elm" "$exercise_dir/$exercise.impl" mv "$exercise_dir/$exercise.example" "$exercise_dir/$exercise.elm" echo '-------------------------------------------------------' echo "Testing $exercise" elm-make $exercise_dir/*Tests.elm --yes --output build.js && node build.js if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then TEST_RESULT=1 FAILED_EXERCISES+="$exercise\n" fi if [ $WITH_FORMAT ]; then elm-format $exercise_dir/*.elm --yes fi mv "$exercise_dir/$exercise.elm" "$exercise_dir/$exercise.example" mv "$exercise_dir/$exercise.impl" "$exercise_dir/$exercise.elm" done if [ $TEST_RESULT -ne 0 ]; then echo "The following exercises failed" printf $FAILED_EXERCISES exit $TEST_RESULT fi if [ $WITH_FORMAT ]; then git diff --quiet --exit-code if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "*******************************************************************" echo "*******************************************************************" echo "**Git diff found - perhaps some of your changes are not formatted?*" echo "** Please inspect the diffs before pushing. **" echo "*******************************************************************" echo "*******************************************************************" exit 1 fi fi