Erik Simmler 8f82b36223 Fix tests (#106)
Fixes #100

* Upgrade Node Test Runner and Test Files
* Avoid Installing Deps in Each Exercise
2016-08-22 20:31:41 -04:00

49 lines
2.3 KiB

port module Main exposing (..)
import Test.Runner.Node exposing (run)
import Json.Encode exposing (Value)
import Test exposing (..)
import Expect
import Triangle exposing (triangleKind, Triangle(..))
tests : Test
tests =
describe "triangleKind"
[ test "equilateral triangles have equal sides" <|
\() -> Expect.equal (Ok Equilateral) (triangleKind 2 2 2)
, test "larger equilateral triangles also have equal sides" <|
\() -> Expect.equal (Ok Equilateral) (triangleKind 10 10 10)
, test "isosceles triangles have last two sides equal" <|
\() -> Expect.equal (Ok Isosceles) (triangleKind 3 4 4)
, test "isosceles triangles have first and last sides equal" <|
\() -> Expect.equal (Ok Isosceles) (triangleKind 4 3 4)
, test "isosceles triangles have two first sides equal" <|
\() -> Expect.equal (Ok Isosceles) (triangleKind 4 4 3)
, test "isosceles triangles have in fact exactly two sides equal" <|
\() -> Expect.equal (Ok Isosceles) (triangleKind 10 10 2)
, test "scalene triangles have no equal sides" <|
\() -> Expect.equal (Ok Scalene) (triangleKind 3 4 5)
, test "scalene triangles have no equal sides at a larger scale too" <|
\() -> Expect.equal (Ok Scalene) (triangleKind 10 11 12)
, test "scalene triangles have no equal sides at a larger scale too 2" <|
\() -> Expect.equal (Ok Scalene) (triangleKind 5 4 2)
, test "very small triangles are legal" <|
\() -> Expect.equal (Ok Scalene) (triangleKind 0.4 0.6 0.3)
, test "triangles with no size are illegal" <|
\() -> Expect.equal (Err "Invalid lengths") (triangleKind 0 0 0)
, test "triangles with negative sides are illegal" <|
\() -> Expect.equal (Err "Invalid lengths") (triangleKind 3 4 -5)
, test "triangles violating triangle inequality are illegal 1" <|
\() -> Expect.equal (Err "Violates inequality") (triangleKind 1 1 3)
, test "triangles violating triangle inequality are illegal 2" <|
\() -> Expect.equal (Err "Violates inequality") (triangleKind 7 3 2)
main : Program Value
main =
run emit tests
port emit : ( String, Value ) -> Cmd msg