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poker logic. git-svn-id: file:///srv/svn/euler@70 e5f4c3ec-3c0c-11df-b522-21efaa4426b5
416 lines
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416 lines
15 KiB
import operator
import random
class InvalidCard(Exception):
"""Invalid Card Exception
Thrown if an invalid face value or suit is supplied for a card
class InvalidHand(Exception):
"""Invalid Hand Exception
Thrown if the hand being created includes zero or more than 5 cards
def unique_combinations(items, n):
if n==0: yield []
for i in xrange(len(items)):
for cc in unique_combinations(items[i+1:],n-1):
yield [items[i]]+cc
class Card:
"""Represents a single poker playing card"""
VALUES = {'T': 10, 'J': 11, 'Q': 12, 'K': 13, 'A': 14}
SUITS = {'Hearts': 'H', 'Diamonds': 'D', 'Clubs': 'C', 'Spades': 'S'}
def __init__(self, string):
self.value = string[0]
if self.value in '23456789':
self.value = int(self.value)
self.value = Card.VALUES[self.value]
except KeyError as e:
raise InvalidCard('Invalid value: {0}'.format(string))
self.suit = string[1]
if not self.suit in Card.SUITS.values():
raise InvalidCard('Invalid suit: {0}'.format(string))
def __cmp__(self, other):
"""Compare hand values
Compares this card's value with another. Used for sorting.
result = cmp(self.value, other.value)
if result == 0:
"""Values are identical, suits differ. Doesn't affect ranking in
any way."""
result = cmp(self.suit, other.suit)
return result
def __repr__(self):
"""Builds a string representation of the hand"""
val = self.value
for k, v in Card.VALUES.iteritems():
if self.value == v:
val = k
return str.format('{0}{1}', val, self.suit)
class Deck():
def __init__(self):
self.__cards = []
for suit in Card.SUITS.values():
for i in range(2,15):
if i >= 10:
for k, v in Card.VALUES.iteritems():
if i == v: value = k
value = i
self.__cards.append(Card('{0}{1}'.format(value, suit)))
def shuffle(self):
def cards(self):
return self.__cards
def deal(self, n=1, players=[]):
if players:
for i in range(n):
for player in players:
cards = []
for i in range(n):
return cards
class Hand:
'High Card',
'One Pair',
'Two Pairs',
'Three of a Kind',
'Full House',
'Four of a Kind',
'Straight Flush',
'Royal Flush'
def __init__(self, cards):
if len(cards) < 1 or len(cards) > 5:
raise InvalidHand(cards)
self.__rank = None
self.__cards = sorted([Card(c) for c in cards], reverse=True)
self.__values = []
def __repr__(self):
"""Builds a string representation of the hand"""
return str.format("Cards: {0} Rank: '{1}' Values: {2}",
def rank(self):
"""Get the hand rank
Determines the rank of the poker hand if it has not already been
computed, and returns it.
if self.__rank:
return self.__rank
flush = True
straight = False
last = None
merged = {}
for c in self.__cards:
if last:
if flush and c.suit != last.suit:
flush = False
last = c
if c.value in merged:
merged[c.value] = merged[c.value] + 1
merged[c.value] = 1
if (len(merged)) == 5:
# All unique cards, check for a straight
if self.__cards[0].value - self.__cards[4].value == 4:
straight = True
if self.__cards[4].value == 2 and self.__cards[1].value == 5 and self.__cards[0].value == 14:
straight = True
# Set the value of the ace to 1 and resort so hand comparisons work correctly
self.__cards[0].value = 1
self.__cards = sorted(self.__cards, reverse=True)
if straight and flush:
if self.__cards[0].value == 14:
self.__rank = Hand.ROYAL_FLUSH
self.__rank = Hand.STRAIGHT_FLUSH
elif flush:
self.__rank = Hand.FLUSH
elif straight:
self.__rank = Hand.STRAIGHT
self.__rank = Hand.HIGH_CARD
self.__values = [c.value for c in self.__cards]
multiples = [m for m in sorted(merged.items(), key = operator.itemgetter(1), reverse = True) if m[1] > 1]
if len(multiples) > 1:
if multiples[0][1] == multiples[1][1]:
self.__rank = Hand.TWO_PAIRS
self.__rank = Hand.FULL_HOUSE
elif multiples:
if multiples[0][1] > 3:
self.__rank = Hand.FOUR_OF_A_KIND
elif multiples[0][1] == 3:
self.__rank = Hand.THREE_OF_A_KIND
self.__rank = Hand.ONE_PAIR
mvalues = sorted([m[0] for m in multiples], reverse=True)
self.__values = mvalues + [c.value for c in self.__cards if c.value not in mvalues]
if not self.__rank:
self.__rank = Hand.HIGH_CARD
return self.__rank
def values(self):
"""Returns a list of card values for the hand
Values for sets are provided first in order of importance and descending
strength, followed by all additional card values in order of descending
strength. Used for comparison and sorting.
Full House ['5S', '5D', '5H', '8S', '8C']
Values = [5, 8]
Two Pair ['9D', '9S', '5H', '5C', 'KH']
Values = [9, 5, 13]
Straight ['AS', '2H', '3C', '4C', '5H']
Values = [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
if not self.__values:
return self.__values
def cards(self):
return self.__cards
def create_best_hand(cards):
"""Create the strongest possible poker hand
Using the supplied cards, this will build the strongest possible five-
card poker hand.
Uses smart hand creation if more than five cards are specified.
if len(cards) <= 5:
return Hand(cards)
for hand in Hand.create_best_hand_smart(cards):
return hand
return false
def create_best_hand_bruteforce(cards):
"""Create the strongest possible poker hand
Builds every possible poker hand from the supplied set of cards, and
returns the strongest result.
combos = unique_combinations(cards, 5)
hands = [Hand(combo) for combo in combos]
hands = sorted(hands, reverse=True)
return hands[0]
def create_best_hand_smart(cards):
"""Create the strongest possible poker hand
Intelligently seeks out the strongest possible poker hand from the
supplied set of cards using the following steps:
* Find all flushes
* Find all straights
** Return best hand present in both flushes and straights, if applicable
* Find all sets
** Return best quads with top remaining card
** Find and return best full house
** Find and return best three of a kind with top remaining cards
** Find and return best two pair with top remaining cards
** Find and return best single pair with top remaining cards
** Return top 5 cards
cards = sorted([Card(c) for c in cards], reverse=True)
# Get all flushes
flushes = []
for suit in Card.SUITS.values():
suited = [str(c) for c in cards if c.suit == suit]
if len(suited) >= 5:
combos = unique_combinations(suited, 5)
for combo in combos: flushes.append(Hand(combo))
flushes = sorted(flushes, reverse=True)
if (flushes and flushes[0].rank() >= Hand.STRAIGHT_FLUSH):
# Straight flush! No need to check anything else
yield flushes[0]
#Get all sets
merged = {}
for c in cards:
if c.value in merged:
merged[c.value] = merged[c.value] + 1
merged[c.value] = 1
multiples = [m for m in sorted(merged.items(), key = operator.itemgetter(1), reverse = True) if m[1] > 1]
quads = [c[0] for c in multiples if c[1] == 4]
quads = [c for c in cards if c.value in quads]
trips = [c[0] for c in multiples if c[1] == 3]
trips = [c for c in cards if c.value in trips]
pairs = [c[0] for c in multiples if c[1] == 2]
pairs = [c for c in cards if c.value in pairs]
remaining = [c for c in cards if c.value not in [m[0] for m in multiples]]
if quads:
h = quads[:4]
remaining = [c for c in cards if c.value not in [cc.value for cc in h]][:1]
for r in remaining: h.append(r)
yield Hand([str(c) for c in h])
if trips and pairs:
# Get a full house together
h = trips[:3]
remaining = pairs[:2]
for r in remaining: h.append(r)
yield Hand([str(c) for c in h])
if flushes:
# We've already got a flush, return it!
yield flushes[0]
# Look for a straight!
mvals = sorted(merged.keys(), reverse=True)
for i in range(0, len(mvals) -4, 1):
if (mvals[i] - mvals[i + 4]) == 4:
# Regular straight
h = [[c for c in cards if c.value == v][0] for v in mvals[i:i + 5]]
yield Hand([str(c) for c in h])
elif 14 in [c.value for c in cards] and mvals[i + 1] == 5 and mvals[i + 4] == 2:
# Ace low straight
h = [[c for c in cards if c.value == v][0] for v in mvals[i + 1:i + 5]]
h.append([c for c in cards if c.value == 14][0])
yield Hand([str(c) for c in h])
if trips:
h = trips[:3]
remaining = [c for c in cards if c.value not in [cc.value for cc in h]][:2]
for r in remaining: h.append(r)
yield Hand([str(c) for c in h])
if pairs:
if len(pairs) > 2:
h = pairs[:4]
remaining = [c for c in cards if c.value not in [cc.value for cc in h]][:1]
for r in remaining: h.append(r)
yield Hand([str(c) for c in h])
h = pairs
remaining = [c for c in cards if c.value not in [cc.value for cc in h]][:3]
for r in remaining: h.append(r)
yield Hand([str(c) for c in h])
# High card, send the top 5 reverse-sorted cards
yield Hand([str(c) for c in cards[:5]])
def __cmp__(self, other):
"""Compare hand rankings
Compares this hand with another by first checking rank, and if they are
equal in that regard, by their card values. Used for sorting.
result = cmp(self.rank(), other.rank())
if (result == 0):
# Compare hand values
for i in range(len(self.values())):
result = cmp(self.values()[i], other.values()[i])
if (result != 0):
return result
return result
class ChinesePokerHand:
def __init__(self, cards):
if len(cards) != 13:
raise InvalidHand();
self.__cards = cards
def build_hands(self):
def build_hands_dumb(self):
self.__bottom = Hand.create_best_hand([str(c) for c in self.__cards])
self.__middle = Hand.create_best_hand([str(c) for c in self.__cards if c not in self.__bottom.cards()])
self.__top = Hand.create_best_hand([str(c) for c in self.__cards if c not in (self.__bottom.cards() + self.__middle.cards())])
def __repr__(self):
return 'Chinese Poker Hand:\n\tTop: {0}\n\tMiddle: {1}\n\tBottom: {2}'.format(self.__top, self.__middle, self.__bottom)
class Player:
def __init__(self, name):
self.__name = name
self.__hand = None
self.__cards = []
self.__community_cards = []
def add_card(self, card, community=False):
if community:
# Rebuild and re-evaluate hand
self.__hand = Hand.create_best_hand([str(c) for c in self.__community_cards + self.__cards])
def discard(self, index):
self.__hand = Hand.create_best_hand([str(c) for c in self.__community_cards + self.__cards])
def hand(self):
return self.__hand
def __repr__(self):
return '"{0}"\n\tCards: {1}\n\tHand: {2}'.format(self.__name, self.__cards, self.__hand)
def __cmp__(self, other):
return cmp(self.hand(), other.hand())
if __name__ == '__main__':
deck = Deck()
players = []
for i in range(1,10):
players.append(Player('Player {0}'.format(i)))
community_cards = []
deck.deal(2, players)
for player in players:
for card in community_cards:
player.add_card(card, True)
players = sorted(players, reverse=True)
print 'Community', community_cards
for player in players:
print player
print '\nChinese Poker Example'
deck = Deck()
for i in range(4):
cards = deck.deal(13)
chinese = ChinesePokerHand(cards)
print chinese |