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2012-08-31 04:58:30 +00:00
module Main where
import Data.List (sort, findIndices)
import System.Random (randomRIO)
testboard :: String
testboard = "O_X_X_O__"
getList :: Int -> IO [String]
getList n = if n==0 then return [] else do i <- getLine; is <- getList(n-1); return (i:is)
findEmpty :: String -> [Int]
findEmpty board = findIndices (\c -> c == '_') board
sets :: [[Int]]
sets = [[0,1,2],
findMoves :: String -> Char -> [(Int, Int)]
findMoves board player = moves
where moves = [(scoreIndex i, i) | i <- indexes]
indexes = findEmpty board
scoreIndex x = sum $ map (scoreSet player) $ findSets board x
bestMoves :: [(Int, Int)] -> [Int]
bestMoves [] = []
bestMoves moves = [snd m | m <- sortedMoves, bestScore == fst m]
where sortedMoves = reverse.sort $ moves
bestScore = fst $ head sortedMoves
findSets :: String -> Int -> [String]
findSets board index = sets''
where sets' = filter (\x -> elem index x) sets
sets'' = map chars' sets'
chars' = map (\x -> board !! x)
scoreSet :: Char -> String -> Int
scoreSet player set
| (elem 'O' set) && (elem 'X' set) = 0
| otherwise = 2 ^ (length.filter (\x -> x /= '_') $ set)
otherPlayer :: Char -> Char
otherPlayer 'X' = 'O'
otherPlayer 'O' = 'X'
coords :: Int -> (Int, Int)
coords index = (y, x)
where y = index `div` 3
x = index `rem` 3
main = do
-- If player is X, I'm the first player.
-- If player is O, I'm the second player.
player <- getLine
-- Read the board now. The board is a list of strings filled with X, O or _.
board <- getList 3
let moves = bestMoves $ findMoves (concat board) (player !! 0)
r <- randomRIO (1, length(moves))
let nextMove = coords $ moves !! (r - 1)
-- Proceed with processing and print 2 integers separated by a single space.
putStrLn.(\(x, y) -> show x ++ " " ++ show y) $ nextMove