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# File : cut.pl
# Author : spjspj
use strict;
use LWP::Simple;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
# Main
if (scalar (@ARGV) < 4)
print ("Usage: cut.pl <file> <term> <helper> <operation>!\n");
print (" . File can be - list, STDIN, or an actual file\n");
print (" . Term can be - a regex you're looking for\n");
print (" . Operation can be - grep, filegrep, count, size, strip_http, matrix_flip(for converting ringing touches!), oneupcount, wget\n");
print (" . Helper is dependent on the operation you're doing. A number for grep will go +/- that amount \n");
print (" cut.pl bob.txt dave 5 grep\n");
print (" cut.pl all_java2.java TOKEN_STARTS_HERE TOKEN_ENDS_HERE grep_between\n");
print (" cut.pl full_text.txt keys 0 filegrep\n");
print (" cut.pl full_text.txt 0 0 make_code_bat\n");
print (" dir /a /b /s *.java | cut.pl stdin 0 0 make_code_bat > bob.bat\n");
print (" dir /a /b /s *.xml | cut.pl stdin 0 0 make_code_bat > bob_xml.bat\n");
print (" cut.pl d:\\perl_programs output.*txt 7 age_dir | cut.pl list . 0 grep\n");
print (" cut.pl bob.txt 0 0 uniquelines \n");
print (" cut.pl file 0 0 strip_http\n");
print (" cut.pl stdin \";;;\" \"1,2,3,4\" fields\n");
print (" cut.pl bob.txt 0 0 matrix_flip\n");
print (" cut.pl bob.txt 0 0 condense (Used for making similar lines in files smaller..)\n");
print (" cut.pl bob.txt 0 0 str_condense (Used for making similar lines in files smaller..)\n");
print (" cut.pl stdin \"http://bob.com/a=XXX.id\" 1000 oneupcount \n");
print (" cut.pl stdin \"http://www.comlaw.gov.au/Details/XXX\" 1000 wget\n");
print (" cut.pl stdin \"http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=XXX\" 5274 oneupcount\n");
print (" cut.pl stdin \"http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=XXX' 5274 wget\n");
print (" cut.pl modern_bluesa \";;;\" \"0,7\" fields | cut.pl stdin \";;;\" 3 wordcombos\n");
print (" cut.pl modern_bluesa \";;;\" \"0,7\" fields | cut.pl stdin 0 0 uniquewords\n");
print (" cut.pl modern_bluesa \";;;\" \"0,2\" images_html\n");
print (" cut.pl stdin start_ _end letters\n");
print (' echo "" | cut.pl stdin "http://www.slightlymagic.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=70&t=4554&start=30" 0 wget');
print ("\n");
print (" cut.pl all_java.java \"\\\+\\\+\\\+\\\+\" \"extends token\" cut_on_first_display_with_second\n\n");
print ("\n");
print ('\necho "" | cut.pl stdin "http://www.slightlymagic.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=70&t=14062&start=XXX" 400 oneupcount | cut.pl stdin "XXX" 400 wget\n');
print ("\n");
print ('\necho "" | cut.pl stdin "http://mythicspoiler.com/c17/cards/stalkingleonin.html" 0 wget_card_spoiler\n');
print ('dir /a /b /s *.jar | cut.pl stdin "^" "7z l -r \"" replace | cut.pl stdin "$" "\"" replace > d:\temp\xyz.bat');
print ("\n");
print ('echo "1" | cut.pl stdin "http://gatherer.wizards.com/Handlers/Image.ashx?multiverseid=16431&type=card" "6ED/Phantasmal Terrain.full.jpg" wget_image');
print ("\n");
exit 0;
my $file = $ARGV [0];
my $term = $ARGV [1];
my $helper = $ARGV [2];
my $operation = $ARGV [3];
my %combos;
my %all_combos;
my %dedup_line_hash;
my $in_between_lines = 0;
if ($file eq "list" && $operation ne "size")
while (<STDIN>)
chomp $_;
my $file = $_;
my $found_output = 0;
#print "==========\n";
#print "RUNNING: cut.pl $file $term $helper $operation \n";
open PROC, "cut.pl $file $term $helper $operation |";
while (<PROC>)
if ($found_output == 0)
print ("\n\n==================\nProcessing file: $file\n");
$found_output = 1;
print ($_);
if ($found_output > 0)
print ("\n******************xx\n");
close PROC;
if ($file eq "stdin")
open FILE, "-";
elsif ($operation eq "strip_http")
open FILE, "$file";
binmode (FILE);
elsif ($operation ne "age_dir")
open FILE, "$file";
my $current_file = '';
my $dot_current_file = '';
my $in_file = 0;
my $num_files = 0;
# size functions!
my $total_size = 0;
# OldGrep functions!
my %grep_past_lines;
my $grep_past_lines_index = 1;
my $grep_forward_lines = -1;
# Grep variables:
# Before and or after!
my $before = 0;
my $before_index = 0;
my $after = 0;
my $orig_after = 0;
my $after_index = 0;
my @before_lines;
my @after_lines;
# Grep variables:
# Check before all the time (from first line), but only checkafter after the first line is matched!
my $use_before = 0;
my $use_after = 0;
my $num_lines_after = 0;
if ($helper =~ m/^\d+$/)
$before = $helper;
$use_before = 1;
if ($helper eq "0")
$use_before = 0;
$after = 0;
$use_after = 1;
$orig_after = $helper;
elsif ($helper =~ m/^-\d+/)
$before = -1 * $helper;
$use_before = 1;
elsif ($helper =~ m/^\+\d+/)
$after = 0;
$orig_after = $helper;
$use_after = 1;
# Count functions!
my $count = 1;
my $seen_http = 0;
my $lines_http = 0;
my %matrix_flip;
my $matrix_row = 0;
my $matrix_col = 0;
my $max_matrix_col = 0;
my $condense_begin = 1;
my $condense_line = "";
my $condense_start = "";
my $condense_regex = "";
my $condense_count = 0;
if ($operation eq "oneupcount")
my $i = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $helper; $i ++)
my $l = $term;
$l =~ s/XXX/$i/;
print ("$l\n");
if ($operation eq "wget_seed")
my $i;
for ($i = 10; $i < $helper + 10; $i++)
my $url = $term;
$url = "http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?action=random";
my $content = get $url;
$content =~ s/\s\s/ /gim;
$content =~ s/\s\s/ /gim;
$content =~ s/\n//gim;
$content =~ s/.*multiverseid=(\d+).*/$1/gim;
print "$content\n";
my %kkks;
if ($operation eq "filegrep")
open KEYS, "$term";
while (<KEYS>)
$kkks {"^$_"} = 1;
if ($operation eq "make_code_bat")
print ("\@echo off\n");
my %ulines;
my $ulines_count = 0;
my @cut_on_term;
my $saw_helper_cut_on_term = 0;
while (<FILE>)
chomp $_;
my $line = $_;
if ($operation eq "grepold")
if ($line !~ m/$term/i && $grep_forward_lines < 0)
$grep_past_lines {$grep_past_lines_index} = $line;
$grep_past_lines_index ++;
if ($grep_past_lines_index > $helper)
$grep_past_lines_index = 1;
elsif ($line =~ m/$term/i)
my $i = $grep_past_lines_index;
if (defined ($grep_past_lines {$i}))
print $grep_past_lines {$i}, " --- 22222\n";
if ($i > $helper) { $i = 1; }
while ($i != $grep_past_lines_index)
if (defined ($grep_past_lines {$i}))
print $grep_past_lines {$i}, " --- 33333\n";
$i ++;
if ($i > $helper) { $i = 1; }
print "\n", $line, "\n";
my %new_hash;
%grep_past_lines = %new_hash;
$grep_past_lines_index = 1;
$grep_forward_lines = $helper + 1;
if ($grep_forward_lines <= $helper && $grep_forward_lines > 0)
print $line, " --- 44444\n";
if ($grep_forward_lines == 0)
print "\n";
if ($operation eq "wget")
my $i;
my $url = $term;
$url =~ s/XXX/$line/;
print ("Looking at :$url:\n");
my $content = get $url;
die "Couldn't get $url" unless defined $content;
$content =~ s/\s\s/ /gim;
$content =~ s/\s\s/ /gim;
$content =~ s/\n//gim;
print $url, "\n\n\n\n\n", "=================\n", $content, "============\n";
if ($operation eq "wget_card_spoiler")
my $i;
my $url = $term;
$url =~ s/XXX/$line/;
my $content = get $url;
die "Couldn't get $url" unless defined $content;
$content =~ s/\s\s/ /gim;
$content =~ s/\s\s/ /gim;
$content =~ s/\n//gim;
$content =~ s/^.*CARD NAME-*->/CARD NAME-->/gim;
$content =~ s/<!-*-END CARD.*$//gim;
# Example: <!--CARD NAME-->Licia, Sanguine Tribune </font></td></tr><tr><td colspan="2" valign="top"> <!--MANA COST--> 5RWB </td></tr><tr><td colspan="2" valign="top"> <!--TYPE--> Legendary Creature - Vampire Soldier </td></tr><tr><td colspan="2" valign="top"> <!--CARD TEXT--> Licia, Sanguine Tribune costs 1 less to cast for each 1 life you gained this turn. <br><br> First strike, lifelink <br><br> Pay 5 life: Put three +1/+1 counters on Licia. Activate this ability only on your turn and only once each turn. </td></tr><tr><td colspan="2" valign="top"><i> <!--FLAVOR TEXT--> "I give my blood, my life, all I have in exchange for victory." </i></td></tr><tr><td colspan="2" valign="top"></td></tr><tr><td width="210" valign="bottom"><font size="1"> <!--ILLUS--> Illus. Magali Villeneuve <!--Set Number--><i> </i></font></td><td valign="bottom" align="left"><font size="2"> <!--P/T--> 4/4 <!--END CARD TEXT--><!--END CARD TEXT--><!--END CARD TEXT--><!--END CARD TEXT--><!--END CARD TEXT--><!--END CARD TEXT-->
# >>> Duelist's Heritage|Commander 2016|1|R|{2}{W}|Enchantment|||Whenever one or more creatures attack, you may have target attacking creature gain double strike until end of turn.|
$content =~ m/.*CARD NAME-*-> *(.*?) *</im;
my $card_name = $1;
$content =~ m/.*MANA COST-*->(.*?)</im;
my $mana_cost = $1;
$mana_cost =~ s/ //gim;
$mana_cost =~ s/(.)/{$1}/gim;
$content =~ m/.*TYPE-*->(.*?)</im;
my $type = $1;
$content =~ m/.*TEXT-*->(.*?)<!-*-FLAVOR/im;
my $text = $1;
$text =~ s/<br[ \/]*?>/\$/img;
$text =~ s/\$ *\$/\$/img;
$text =~ s/<[^>]+>//img;
$text =~ s/[\$ ]*$//img;
$content =~ m/.*P\/T-*-> *(.*?) *\/ *(.*?) *(<|$)/im;
my $p = $1;
my $t = $2;
print ("$card_name|Commander 2017|??|CURM|$mana_cost|$type|$p|$t|$text|\n");
if ($operation eq "wget_image")
my $i;
if (!(-f "$helper"))
my $url = $term;
print ("Download :$url:\n");
my $content = get $url;
print ("Saw " . length ($content) . " bytes!\n");
print ("Save in $helper\n");
open OUTPUT, "> " . $helper or die "No dice!";
binmode (OUTPUT);
print OUTPUT $content;
close OUTPUT;
print $url, " >>> ", $helper, "\n";
print ("Found $helper existed already..\n");
if (-s "$helper" == 0)
`del "$helper"`;
if ($operation eq "grep")
if ($line !~ m/$term/i && $use_after && $after > 0)
print ($line, "\n");
if ($after == 0)
print ("aaa===================\n");
if ($line !~ m/$term/i && $use_before)
$before_lines [$before_index] = $line;
#print (" >>>> adding in $before_index ($line)\n");
#print (join (',,,', @before_lines));
#print ("\n");
$before_index ++;
if ($before_index >= $before)
$before_index = 0;
if ($line =~ m/$term/i)
if ($use_before)
#print ("bbb===================\n");
my $b = $before_index;
my $ok_once = 1;
while ($b != $before_index || $ok_once)
if (defined ($before_lines [$b]))
#print ("bbb" , $before_lines [$b], "\n");#.($b, .$before. $before_index, $ok_once).\n");
print ($before_lines [$b], "\n");#.($b, .$before. $before_index, $ok_once).\n");
$ok_once = 0;
if ($b >= $before - 1)
$b = -1;
my @new_array;
@before_lines = @new_array;
print ("$line\n");
if ($use_after)
$after = $orig_after;
if ($operation eq "grep_between")
if ($line =~ m/$term/i)
print ("\n===================================================================\n");
print ($line, "\n");
$in_between_lines = 1;
if ($line !~ m/$helper/i && $in_between_lines)
print ($line, "\n");
if ($line =~ m/$helper/i && $in_between_lines)
print ($line, "\n");
$in_between_lines = 0;
if ($operation eq "filegrep")
my $k;
my $print = 1;
foreach $k (keys (%kkks))
if ($line =~ m/$k/ && $print)
$print = 0;
print ($line, "\n");
if ($operation eq "size")
if (-f $line)
my $sizer = -s $line;
my $zzz = " $sizer";
$zzz =~ s/.*(........................)$/$1/;
print ($zzz, " --- $line\n");
$total_size += $sizer;
if ($operation eq "count")
print ("$count - $line\n");
if ($operation eq "strip_http")
# Has to work on a file..
if ($line =~ m/.*HTTP/)
$seen_http = 1;
print ("SEEN HTTP\n");
#print (">>$line<<\n");
$lines_http ++;
if ($seen_http && $line eq "")
$seen_http = 2;
if ($operation eq "replace")
my $orig_line = $line;
$line =~ s/$term/$helper/gi;
if ($helper =~ m/\\n/)
$line =~ s/\\n/\n/gi;
if ($helper =~ m/''/)
$line =~ s/''/"/gi;
print ("$line\n");
eval("\$orig_line =~ s/$term/$helper/gi;");
#print ("$orig_line\n");
if ($operation eq "dedup_line")
$line =~ m/::(.*)::/;
my $user = $1;
my $new_line;
$line =~ s/.*://;
while ($line =~ s/,([^,]*),/,/im)
$new_line .= "\n$user:$1\n";
if (not defined ($dedup_line_hash {"$user:$1"}))
$dedup_line_hash {"$user:$1"} = 1;
$dedup_line_hash {$user} ++;
print ("$new_line\n");
if ($operation eq "matrix_flip")
my @chars = split //, $line;
$matrix_col = 0;
my $char;
foreach $char (@chars)
$matrix_flip {"$matrix_row,$matrix_col"} = $char;
$matrix_col ++;
if ($max_matrix_col < $matrix_col)
$max_matrix_col = $matrix_col;
$matrix_row ++;
if ($operation eq "str_condense")
if ($line =~ m/(.)(\1{3,})/)
$line =~ s/(.)(\1{3,})/sprintf ("$1!%d#", length ($2));/eg;
print $line, "\n";
if ($operation eq "condense")
if ($condense_begin == 1)
#print (" begin........... $line \n");
$condense_begin = 0;
$condense_line = $line;
$condense_start = $line;
$condense_start =~ s/^(.{10,25}).*/$1/;
$condense_start =~ s/\W/./g;
$condense_count = 0;
if ($line =~ $condense_start)
#print (" similar........... $line \n");
if ($condense_count > 1)
$condense_line .= " {+similar=$condense_count}";
print $condense_line, "\n";
$condense_line = $line;
if ($condense_line !~ m/......./)
$condense_begin = 1;
$condense_start = $line;
$condense_start =~ s/^(.{10,25}).*/$1/;
$condense_start =~ s/\W/./g;
$condense_count = 0;
if ($operation eq "fields")
#$line = "BBB$term$line$term";
my @fs = split /$term/, $line;
my @shows = split /,/, "$helper,";
my $s;
foreach $s (@shows)
if ($s eq "Rest")
print $line;
elsif ($s eq "NewLine")
print "\n";
print $fs [$s], "$term";
print "\n";
if ($operation eq "wordcombos")
my @fs = split /$term/, $line;
# The first one is key, the rest need to be made into something
my $current_key = $fs [0];
my $current_val = $fs [1];
$current_val =~ s/ /XXX/g;
$current_val =~ s/\W//g;
$current_val =~ s/XXX*/ /g;
#print $current_key , " ---- ", $current_val, "\n";
my @words = split / /, uc ($current_val);
my $w;
my $ws;
for ($w = 0; $w < scalar (@words); $w++)
my $x;
$ws = $words [$w];
for ($x = $w + 1; $x < $w + $helper; $x++)
$ws .= "," . $words [$x];
#$ws .= ";;;" . $current_key;
$combos {$ws} ++;
$all_combos {$ws} .= ";;;" . $current_key;
if ($operation eq "uniquewords")
$line .= " ";
my @words = split / /, uc ($line);
my $w;
my $ws;
for ($w = 0; $w < scalar (@words); $w++)
$combos {$words [$w]} ++;
if ($operation eq "cut_on_first_display_with_second")
if ($line =~ m/$helper/img) # cut_on_term
if ($saw_helper_cut_on_term)
print join ("\n", @cut_on_term);
#print ("\nNothing in this segment!!\n");
$saw_helper_cut_on_term = 0;
my @new_array;
@cut_on_term = @new_array;
push @cut_on_term, $line;
if ($line =~ m/$term/img)
$saw_helper_cut_on_term = 1;
if ($operation eq "images_html")
my @fs = split /$term/, $line;
my @shows = split /,/, "$helper,";
my $s;
# <img src='http://gatherer.wizards.com/Handlers/Image.ashx?multiverseid=220251&type=card'/>
if ($fs[$shows[0]] =~ m/\*/)
my $id = $fs[$shows[0]];
$id =~ s/\*//g;
$id =~ s/ //g;
my $x = "<img src='http://gatherer.wizards.com/Handlers/Image.ashx?multiverseid=XXX&type=card'/>";
$x =~ s/XXX/$id/;
print "$fs[$shows[1]]<br>$x";
print "\n";
if ($operation eq "make_code_bat")
if ($line !~ m/all_/img)
print ("echo \" $line +++++++\"\n");
print ("type \"$line\"\n");
if ($operation eq "uniquelines")
if (!defined ($ulines {$line}))
$ulines {$line} = 1;
$ulines_count ++;
print $line, "\n";
#print "xxx $ulines_count\n";
if ($operation eq "countlines")
$ulines {$line} ++;
if ($operation eq "age_dir2")
opendir DIR, $file or die "cannot open dir $file: $!";
print $file, "\n";
my $nextFile;
foreach $nextFile (grep {-f && ($helper > -M)} readdir DIR)
#print $nextFile, " -- $helper - ", -M, "\n";
if ($nextFile =~ m/$term/)
print "type $nextFile\n";
if ($operation eq "age_dir")
my $i;
my $cmd = "type ";
my $next_term = $term;
for ($i = 0; $i < $helper; $i++)
$next_term = $term;
my $now = time();
my $yyyymmdd = strftime "%Y%m%d", localtime($now - $i * 24*3600);
$next_term =~ s/YYYYMMDD/$yyyymmdd/;
$cmd .= " $next_term ";
print $cmd;
if ($operation eq "matrix_flip")
my $i;
my $j;
for ($i = 0; $i < $max_matrix_col; $i++)
for ($j = 0; $j < $matrix_row; $j++)
print ($matrix_flip {"$j,$i"});
print ("\n");
if ($operation eq "size")
print ($total_size, " --- Cumulative total\n");
close FILE;
if ($operation eq "strip_http")
if ($seen_http == 2)
`tail +$lines_http > /tmp/_cut_file; chmod 777 /tmp/_cut_file`;
`mv /tmp/_cut_file $file`;
if ($operation eq "condense")
if ($condense_count > 1)
$condense_line .= " {+similar=$condense_count}";
print $condense_line, "\n";
if ($operation eq "wordcombos")
my $v;
my @keys = keys (%combos);
my @new_keys;
my $v = 0;
my $k;
foreach $k (@keys)
if ($k =~ m/,,/) { next; }
#if ($k !~ m/WHENEVER/) { next; }
#if ($combos {$k} > 10)
#push @new_keys, $combos {$k}; # . " ---- " . $k . ",,," . $all_combos {$k};
push @new_keys, $k;
$v ++;
my @jjs = sort @new_keys;
foreach $k (sort @jjs)
print $k, "\n";
if ($operation eq "dedup_line")
my $k;
for $k (sort keys (%dedup_line_hash))
if ($k !~ m/.*:.*/)
print ("$k ---> $dedup_line_hash{$k}\n");
if ($k =~ m/(.*):(.*)\s*$/)
if ($dedup_line_hash{$1} > 7)
print ("/h $2\n");
if ($operation eq "uniquewords")
my $v;
my @keys = keys (%combos);
my @new_keys;
my $v = 0;
my $k;
my $i = 0;
foreach $k (@keys)
$i ++;
print $combos {$k}, "; $k\n";
if ($operation eq "countlines")
my $line;
#foreach $line (sort {$a <=> $b} values %ulines)
foreach $line (sort { $ulines{$a} <=> $ulines{$b} } keys %ulines)
print ("$ulines{$line} ==== $line\n");
if ($operation eq "letters")
#open PROC, "cut.pl $file $term $helper $operation |";
my %as;
$as {"A"} = 1;
$as {"B"} = 1;
$as {"C"} = 1;
$as {"D"} = 1;
$as {"E"} = 1;
$as {"F"} = 1;
$as {"G"} = 1;
$as {"H"} = 1;
$as {"I"} = 1;
$as {"J"} = 1;
$as {"K"} = 1;
$as {"L"} = 1;
$as {"M"} = 1;
$as {"N"} = 1;
$as {"O"} = 1;
$as {"P"} = 1;
$as {"Q"} = 1;
$as {"R"} = 1;
$as {"S"} = 1;
$as {"T"} = 1;
$as {"U"} = 1;
$as {"V"} = 1;
$as {"W"} = 1;
$as {"X"} = 1;
$as {"Y"} = 1;
$as {"Z"} = 1;
my $k;
foreach $k (sort keys (%as))
my $k2;
foreach $k2 (sort keys (%as))
print "$term$k$k2$helper\n";