2017-01-07 01:28:08 +11:00
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# File: gen_all_files_in_dck.pl
# Author: spjspj
# Purpose: Print all cards in .dck format
use strict;
use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number);
my $dataFile = "mtg-cards-data.txt";
my $setsFile = "mtg-sets-data.txt";
my $knownSetsFile = "known-sets.txt";
my %sets;
my %knownSets;
my @setCards;
my %nameSetNumber;
my %setNumber;
sub toCamelCase
my $string = $_[0];
$string =~ s/\b([\w']+)\b/ucfirst($1)/ge;
$string =~ s/[-,\s\']//g;
return $string;
2017-07-07 21:42:49 +10:00
my $option = $ARGV[0];
2017-01-07 01:28:08 +11:00
open (DATA, $setsFile) || die "can't open $setsFile";
while(my $line = <DATA>)
my @data = split('\\|', $line);
$sets{$data[0]} = $data[1];
$sets{toCamelCase($data[0])} = $data[1];
2017-07-07 21:42:49 +10:00
my $dir_listing = "dir \/a \/b \/s ..\\Mage.Sets\\src\\mage\\sets | find \".java\" |";
2017-01-07 01:28:08 +11:00
open (DIR_LISTING, "$dir_listing");
my %setsForJavafile;
my $totalCards = 0;
while (<DIR_LISTING>)
my $file = $_;
my $name = "";
my $cardNum = "";
open (JAVA_FILE, "$file");
my $fileKey = $file;
$fileKey =~ s/^.*[\/\\]//;
if ($file !~ m/\.java$/)
while (<JAVA_FILE>)
# Eg: Card Name
#cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Bonds of Quicksilver", 102, Rarity.COMMON, mage.cards.b.BondsOfQuicksilver.class));
my $line = $_;
# Eg: Set Trigraph
#super("Commander 2016 Edition", "C16", ExpansionSet.buildDate(2016, 11, 11), SetType.SUPPLEMENTAL);
$line =~ s/\\\"/'/img;
if ($line =~ m/super\("[^"]*?", "([^"]*?)", ExpansionSet.buildDate.*/img)
my $trigraph = $1;
my $f = $fileKey;
$f =~ s/ Edition//;
$f =~ s/\.java//;
$f = toCamelCase($f);
$setsForJavafile {$f} = $trigraph;
2017-07-07 21:42:49 +10:00
if ($line !~ m/$option/img)
if ($line =~ m/SetCardInfo\("([^"]+)",([^,]+),/im)
2017-01-07 01:28:08 +11:00
$name = $1;
$cardNum = $2;
$cardNum =~ s/[^a-z0-9]//img;
my $f = $fileKey;
$f =~ s/ Edition//;
$f =~ s/\.java//;
$f = toCamelCase($f);
if ($cardNum !~ m/\d\d\d\d/)
print ("1 [$setsForJavafile{$f}:$cardNum] $name\n");
close (JAVA_FILE);
print ("Found a total of $totalCards\n");