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synced 2025-01-11 11:05:23 +00:00
AI: improved target amount abilities:
* added support to search targets from multiple opponents instead one; * added support of TargetCreaturePermanentAmount and all new target types; * added new priorities (kills most valuable first); * added bad and good conditions (choose most valuable in good case and most weakest in bad case, e.g. damage yourself); * fixed that AI targets opponent for good ability instead yourself;
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 361 additions and 62 deletions
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ import java.util.Map.Entry;
* suitable for two player games and some multiplayer games
* @author BetaSteward_at_googlemail.com
* @author BetaSteward_at_googlemail.com, JayDi85
public class ComputerPlayer extends PlayerImpl implements Player {
@ -440,6 +440,7 @@ public class ComputerPlayer extends PlayerImpl implements Player {
abilityControllerId = target.getAbilityController();
// TODO: improve to process multiple opponents instead random
UUID randomOpponentId;
if (target.getTargetController() != null) {
randomOpponentId = getRandomOpponent(target.getTargetController(), game);
@ -936,81 +937,141 @@ public class ComputerPlayer extends PlayerImpl implements Player {
public boolean chooseTargetAmount(Outcome outcome, TargetAmount target, Ability source, Game game) {
// TODO: make same code for chooseTarget (without filter and target type dependence)
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("chooseTarget: " + outcome.toString() + ':' + target.toString());
UUID opponentId = game.getOpponents(playerId).iterator().next();
if (target.getOriginalTarget() instanceof TargetCreatureOrPlayerAmount
|| target.getOriginalTarget() instanceof TargetAnyTargetAmount) {
if (outcome == Outcome.Damage && game.getPlayer(opponentId).getLife() <= target.getAmountRemaining()) {
return tryAddTarget(target, opponentId, target.getAmountRemaining(), source, game);
List<Permanent> targets;
if (outcome.isGood()) {
targets = threats(playerId, source.getSourceId(), StaticFilters.FILTER_PERMANENT_CREATURE, game, target.getTargets());
} else {
targets = threats(opponentId, source.getSourceId(), StaticFilters.FILTER_PERMANENT_CREATURE, game, target.getTargets());
for (Permanent permanent : targets) {
if (target.canTarget(getId(), permanent.getId(), source, game)) {
if (permanent.getToughness().getValue() <= target.getAmountRemaining()) {
return tryAddTarget(target, permanent.getId(), permanent.getToughness().getValue(), source, game);
if (outcome.isGood() && target.canTarget(getId(), getId(), source, game)) {
return tryAddTarget(target, opponentId, target.getAmountRemaining(), source, game);
} else if (target.canTarget(getId(), opponentId, source, game)) {
// no permanent target so take opponent
return tryAddTarget(target, opponentId, target.getAmountRemaining(), source, game);
} else if (target.canTarget(getId(), playerId, source, game)) {
return tryAddTarget(target, opponentId, target.getAmountRemaining(), source, game);
return false;
UUID sourceId = source != null ? source.getSourceId() : null;
// process multiple opponents by random
List<UUID> opponents;
if (target.getTargetController() != null) {
opponents = new ArrayList<>(game.getOpponents(target.getTargetController()));
} else if (source != null && source.getControllerId() != null) {
opponents = new ArrayList<>(game.getOpponents(source.getControllerId()));
} else {
opponents = new ArrayList<>(game.getOpponents(getId()));
if (target.getOriginalTarget() instanceof TargetCreatureOrPlaneswalkerAmount) {
List<Permanent> targets;
if (outcome.isGood()) {
targets = threats(playerId, source.getSourceId(), StaticFilters.FILTER_PERMANENT_CREATURE, game, target.getTargets());
} else {
targets = threats(opponentId, source.getSourceId(), StaticFilters.FILTER_PERMANENT_CREATURE, game, target.getTargets());
for (Permanent permanent : targets) {
if (target.canTarget(getId(), permanent.getId(), source, game)) {
if (permanent.getToughness().getValue() <= target.getAmountRemaining()) {
return tryAddTarget(target, permanent.getId(), permanent.getToughness().getValue(), source, game);
List<Permanent> targets;
// ONE KILL PRIORITY: player -> planeswalker -> creature
if (outcome == Outcome.Damage) {
// player kill
for (UUID opponentId : opponents) {
Player opponent = game.getPlayer(opponentId);
if (opponent != null
&& target.canTarget(getId(), opponentId, source, game)
&& opponent.getLife() <= target.getAmountRemaining()) {
return tryAddTarget(target, opponentId, opponent.getLife(), source, game);
if (target.getFilter() instanceof FilterPermanent) {
targets = threats(null, source.getSourceId(), (FilterPermanent) target.getFilter(), game, target.getTargets());
Permanent possibleTarget = null;
for (Permanent permanent : targets) {
if (target.canTarget(getId(), permanent.getId(), source, game)) {
if (permanent.isCreature()) {
if (permanent.getToughness().getValue() <= target.getAmountRemaining()) {
tryAddTarget(target, permanent.getId(), permanent.getToughness().getValue(), source, game);
} else {
possibleTarget = permanent;
} else if (permanent.isPlaneswalker()) {
int loy = permanent.getCounters(game).getCount(CounterType.LOYALTY);
if (loy <= target.getAmountRemaining()) {
return tryAddTarget(target, permanent.getId(), loy, source, game);
} else {
possibleTarget = permanent;
// permanents kill
for (UUID opponentId : opponents) {
targets = threats(opponentId, sourceId, StaticFilters.FILTER_PERMANENT_CREATURE_OR_PLANESWALKER_A, game, target.getTargets());
// planeswalker kill
for (Permanent permanent : targets) {
if (permanent.isPlaneswalker() && target.canTarget(getId(), permanent.getId(), source, game)) {
int loy = permanent.getCounters(game).getCount(CounterType.LOYALTY);
if (loy <= target.getAmountRemaining()) {
return tryAddTarget(target, permanent.getId(), loy, source, game);
if (possibleTarget != null) {
return tryAddTarget(target, possibleTarget.getId(), target.getAmountRemaining(), source, game);
// creature kill
for (Permanent permanent : targets) {
if (permanent.isCreature() && target.canTarget(getId(), permanent.getId(), source, game)) {
if (permanent.getToughness().getValue() <= target.getAmountRemaining()) {
return tryAddTarget(target, permanent.getId(), permanent.getToughness().getValue(), source, game);
// NORMAL PRIORITY: planeswalker -> player -> creature
// own permanents will be checked multiple times... that's ok
for (UUID opponentId : opponents) {
if (outcome.isGood()) {
targets = threats(getId(), sourceId, StaticFilters.FILTER_PERMANENT, game, target.getTargets());
} else {
targets = threats(opponentId, sourceId, StaticFilters.FILTER_PERMANENT, game, target.getTargets());
// planeswalkers
for (Permanent permanent : targets) {
if (permanent.isPlaneswalker() && target.canTarget(getId(), permanent.getId(), source, game)) {
return tryAddTarget(target, permanent.getId(), target.getAmountRemaining(), source, game);
// players
if (outcome.isGood() && target.canTarget(getId(), getId(), source, game)) {
return tryAddTarget(target, getId(), target.getAmountRemaining(), source, game);
if (!outcome.isGood() && target.canTarget(getId(), opponentId, source, game)) {
return tryAddTarget(target, opponentId, target.getAmountRemaining(), source, game);
// creature
for (Permanent permanent : targets) {
if (permanent.isCreature() && target.canTarget(getId(), permanent.getId(), source, game)) {
return tryAddTarget(target, permanent.getId(), target.getAmountRemaining(), source, game);
// BAD PRIORITY, e.g. need bad target on yourself or good target on opponent
// priority: creature (non killable, killable) -> planeswalker -> player
if (!target.isRequired(sourceId, game)) {
return false;
for (UUID opponentId : opponents) {
if (!outcome.isGood()) {
// bad on yourself, uses weakest targets
targets = threats(getId(), sourceId, StaticFilters.FILTER_PERMANENT, game, target.getTargets(), false);
} else {
targets = threats(opponentId, sourceId, StaticFilters.FILTER_PERMANENT, game, target.getTargets(), false);
// creatures - non killable (TODO: add extra skill checks like undestructeable)
for (Permanent permanent : targets) {
if (permanent.isCreature() && target.canTarget(getId(), permanent.getId(), source, game)) {
int safeDamage = Math.min(permanent.getToughness().getValue() - 1, target.getAmountRemaining());
if (safeDamage > 0) {
return tryAddTarget(target, permanent.getId(), safeDamage, source, game);
// creatures - all
for (Permanent permanent : targets) {
if (permanent.isCreature() && target.canTarget(getId(), permanent.getId(), source, game)) {
return tryAddTarget(target, permanent.getId(), target.getAmountRemaining(), source, game);
// planeswalkers
for (Permanent permanent : targets) {
if (permanent.isPlaneswalker() && target.canTarget(getId(), permanent.getId(), source, game)) {
return tryAddTarget(target, permanent.getId(), target.getAmountRemaining(), source, game);
// players
for (UUID opponentId : opponents) {
if (target.canTarget(getId(), getId(), source, game)) {
return tryAddTarget(target, getId(), target.getAmountRemaining(), source, game);
} else if (target.canTarget(getId(), opponentId, source, game)) {
return tryAddTarget(target, opponentId, target.getAmountRemaining(), source, game);
log.warn("No proper AI target handling: " + target.getClass().getName());
return false;
@ -2361,6 +2422,11 @@ public class ComputerPlayer extends PlayerImpl implements Player {
protected List<Permanent> threats(UUID playerId, UUID sourceId, FilterPermanent filter, Game game, List<UUID> targets) {
return threats(playerId, sourceId, filter, game, targets, true);
protected List<Permanent> threats(UUID playerId, UUID sourceId, FilterPermanent filter, Game game, List<UUID> targets, boolean mostValueableGoFirst) {
// most valuable/powerfull permanents goes at first
List<Permanent> threats;
if (playerId == null) {
threats = game.getBattlefield().getActivePermanents(filter, this.getId(), sourceId, game); // all permanents within the range of the player
@ -2377,7 +2443,9 @@ public class ComputerPlayer extends PlayerImpl implements Player {
Collections.sort(threats, new PermanentComparator(game));
if (mostValueableGoFirst) {
return threats;
@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
package org.mage.test.AI.basic;
import mage.abilities.Ability;
import mage.abilities.SpellAbility;
import mage.abilities.common.EntersBattlefieldTriggeredAbility;
import mage.abilities.common.SimpleActivatedAbility;
import mage.abilities.costs.mana.ManaCostsImpl;
import mage.abilities.effects.common.DamageMultiEffect;
import mage.constants.CardType;
import mage.constants.PhaseStep;
import mage.constants.Zone;
import mage.target.common.TargetCreaturePermanentAmount;
import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.mage.test.serverside.base.CardTestPlayerBaseAI;
* @author JayDi85
public class TargetPriorityTest extends CardTestPlayerBaseAI {
// TODO: enable _target_ tests after computerPlayer.chooseTarget will be reworks like chooseTargetAmount
public void test_target_PriorityKillByBigPT() {
addCard(Zone.HAND, playerA, "Lightning Bolt");
addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerA, "Mountain", 1);
addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerB, "Memnite", 3); // 1/1
addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerB, "Balduvian Bears", 3); // 2/2
addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerB, "Ashcoat Bear", 3); // 2/2 with ability
addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerB, "Golden Bear", 3); // 4/3
addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerB, "Battering Sliver", 3); // 4/4 with ability
castSpell(1, PhaseStep.PRECOMBAT_MAIN, playerA, "Lightning Bolt");
setStopAt(1, PhaseStep.BEGIN_COMBAT);
assertPermanentCount(playerB, "Memnite", 3);
assertPermanentCount(playerB, "Balduvian Bears", 3);
assertPermanentCount(playerB, "Ashcoat Bear", 3);
assertPermanentCount(playerB, "Golden Bear", 3 - 1);
assertPermanentCount(playerB, "Battering Sliver", 3);
public void test_target_PriorityByKillByLowPT() {
addCard(Zone.HAND, playerA, "Lightning Bolt");
addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerA, "Mountain", 1);
addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerB, "Memnite", 3); // 1/1
//addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerB, "Balduvian Bears", 3); // 2/2
//addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerB, "Ashcoat Bear", 3); // 2/2 with ability
//addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerB, "Golden Bear", 3); // 4/3
addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerB, "Battering Sliver", 3); // 4/4 with ability
castSpell(1, PhaseStep.PRECOMBAT_MAIN, playerA, "Lightning Bolt");
setStopAt(1, PhaseStep.BEGIN_COMBAT);
assertPermanentCount(playerB, "Memnite", 3 - 1);
//assertPermanentCount(playerB, "Balduvian Bears", 3);
//assertPermanentCount(playerB, "Ashcoat Bear", 3);
//assertPermanentCount(playerB, "Golden Bear", 3);
assertPermanentCount(playerB, "Battering Sliver", 3);
public void test_target_PriorityKillByExtraPoints() {
addCard(Zone.HAND, playerA, "Lightning Bolt");
addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerA, "Mountain", 1);
addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerB, "Memnite", 3); // 1/1
addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerB, "Balduvian Bears", 3); // 2/2
addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerB, "Ashcoat Bear", 3); // 2/2 with ability
//addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerB, "Golden Bear", 3); // 4/3
addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerB, "Battering Sliver", 3); // 4/4 with ability
castSpell(1, PhaseStep.PRECOMBAT_MAIN, playerA, "Lightning Bolt");
setStopAt(1, PhaseStep.BEGIN_COMBAT);
assertPermanentCount(playerB, "Memnite", 3);
assertPermanentCount(playerB, "Balduvian Bears", 3);
assertPermanentCount(playerB, "Ashcoat Bear", 3 - 1);
//assertPermanentCount(playerB, "Golden Bear", 3);
assertPermanentCount(playerB, "Battering Sliver", 3);
public void test_targetAmount_PriorityKillByBigPT() {
addCard(Zone.HAND, playerA, "Flames of the Firebrand"); // damage 3
addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerA, "Mountain", 3);
addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerB, "Memnite", 3); // 1/1
addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerB, "Balduvian Bears", 3); // 2/2
addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerB, "Ashcoat Bear", 3); // 2/2 with ability
addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerB, "Golden Bear", 3); // 4/3
addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerB, "Battering Sliver", 3); // 4/4 with ability
castSpell(1, PhaseStep.PRECOMBAT_MAIN, playerA, "Flames of the Firebrand");
setStopAt(1, PhaseStep.BEGIN_COMBAT);
assertPermanentCount(playerB, "Memnite", 3);
assertPermanentCount(playerB, "Balduvian Bears", 3);
assertPermanentCount(playerB, "Ashcoat Bear", 3);
assertPermanentCount(playerB, "Golden Bear", 3 - 1);
assertPermanentCount(playerB, "Battering Sliver", 3);
public void test_targetAmount_PriorityByKillByLowPT() {
addCard(Zone.HAND, playerA, "Flames of the Firebrand"); // damage 3
addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerA, "Mountain", 3);
addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerB, "Memnite", 3); // 1/1
addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerB, "Balduvian Bears", 3); // 2/2
//addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerB, "Ashcoat Bear", 3); // 2/2 with ability
//addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerB, "Golden Bear", 3); // 4/3
addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerB, "Battering Sliver", 3); // 4/4 with ability
castSpell(1, PhaseStep.PRECOMBAT_MAIN, playerA, "Flames of the Firebrand");
setStopAt(1, PhaseStep.BEGIN_COMBAT);
assertPermanentCount(playerB, "Memnite", 3 - 1);
assertPermanentCount(playerB, "Balduvian Bears", 3 - 1);
//assertPermanentCount(playerB, "Ashcoat Bear", 3);
//assertPermanentCount(playerB, "Golden Bear", 3);
assertPermanentCount(playerB, "Battering Sliver", 3);
public void test_targetAmount_PriorityKillByExtraPoints() {
addCard(Zone.HAND, playerA, "Flames of the Firebrand"); // damage 3
addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerA, "Mountain", 3);
addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerB, "Memnite", 3); // 1/1
addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerB, "Balduvian Bears", 3); // 2/2
addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerB, "Ashcoat Bear", 3); // 2/2 with ability
//addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerB, "Golden Bear", 3); // 4/3
addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerB, "Battering Sliver", 3); // 4/4 with ability
castSpell(1, PhaseStep.PRECOMBAT_MAIN, playerA, "Flames of the Firebrand");
setStopAt(1, PhaseStep.BEGIN_COMBAT);
assertPermanentCount(playerB, "Memnite", 3 - 1);
assertPermanentCount(playerB, "Balduvian Bears", 3);
assertPermanentCount(playerB, "Ashcoat Bear", 3 - 1);
//assertPermanentCount(playerB, "Golden Bear", 3);
assertPermanentCount(playerB, "Battering Sliver", 3);
public void test_targetAmount_NormalCase() {
Ability ability = new SimpleActivatedAbility(Zone.ALL, new DamageMultiEffect(3), new ManaCostsImpl("R"));
ability.addTarget(new TargetCreaturePermanentAmount(3));
addCustomCardWithAbility("damage 3", playerA, ability);
addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerA, "Mountain", 1);
addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerB, "Memnite", 3); // 1/1
addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerB, "Balduvian Bears", 3); // 2/2
addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerB, "Ashcoat Bear", 3); // 2/2 with ability
addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerB, "Golden Bear", 3); // 4/3
addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerB, "Battering Sliver", 3); // 4/4 with ability
activateAbility(1, PhaseStep.PRECOMBAT_MAIN, playerA, "{R}: ");
setStopAt(1, PhaseStep.BEGIN_COMBAT);
assertPermanentCount(playerB, "Memnite", 3);
assertPermanentCount(playerB, "Balduvian Bears", 3);
assertPermanentCount(playerB, "Ashcoat Bear", 3);
assertPermanentCount(playerB, "Golden Bear", 3 - 1);
assertPermanentCount(playerB, "Battering Sliver", 3);
public void test_targetAmount_BadCase() {
// choose targets as enters battlefield (e.g. can't be canceled)
SpellAbility spell = new SpellAbility(new ManaCostsImpl("R"), "damage 3", Zone.HAND);
Ability ability = new EntersBattlefieldTriggeredAbility(new DamageMultiEffect(3));
ability.addTarget(new TargetCreaturePermanentAmount(3));
addCustomCardWithSpell(playerA, spell, ability, CardType.ENCHANTMENT);
addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerA, "Mountain", 1);
addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerA, "Memnite", 3); // 1/1
addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerA, "Balduvian Bears", 3); // 2/2
addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerA, "Ashcoat Bear", 3); // 2/2 with ability
addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerA, "Golden Bear", 3); // 4/3
addCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, playerA, "Battering Sliver", 3); // 4/4 with ability
castSpell(1, PhaseStep.PRECOMBAT_MAIN, playerA, "damage 3");
// must damage x3 Balduvian Bears by -1 to keep alive
checkDamage("pt after", 1, PhaseStep.BEGIN_COMBAT, playerA, "Balduvian Bears", 1);
showBattlefield("after", 1, PhaseStep.BEGIN_COMBAT, playerA);
setStopAt(1, PhaseStep.BEGIN_COMBAT);
assertPermanentCount(playerA, "damage 3", 1);
assertPermanentCount(playerA, "Memnite", 3);
assertPermanentCount(playerA, "Balduvian Bears", 3);
assertPermanentCount(playerA, "Ashcoat Bear", 3);
assertPermanentCount(playerA, "Golden Bear", 3);
assertPermanentCount(playerA, "Battering Sliver", 3);
Reference in a new issue