Fixed rule text of Rhys the exiled.

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LevelX2 2013-04-13 18:18:59 +02:00
parent 0ebd265197
commit 484b88ee0f

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@ -53,9 +53,10 @@ import;
public class RhysTheExiled extends CardImpl<RhysTheExiled> {
private static final FilterControlledCreaturePermanent filter = new FilterControlledCreaturePermanent("Elf");
private static final FilterControlledCreaturePermanent filter2 = new FilterControlledCreaturePermanent("Elf you control");
static {
filter.add(new SubtypePredicate("Elf"));
filter2.add(new SubtypePredicate("Elf"));
public RhysTheExiled(UUID ownerId) {
@ -67,7 +68,11 @@ public class RhysTheExiled extends CardImpl<RhysTheExiled> {
this.power = new MageInt(3);
this.toughness = new MageInt(2);
this.addAbility(new AttacksTriggeredAbility(new GainLifeEffect(new PermanentsOnBattlefieldCount(filter, 1)), false));
// Whenever Rhys the Exiled attacks, you gain 1 life for each Elf you control.
this.addAbility(new AttacksTriggeredAbility(new GainLifeEffect(new PermanentsOnBattlefieldCount(filter2, 1)), false));
// {B}, Sacrifice an Elf: Regenerate Rhys the Exiled.
Ability ability = new SimpleActivatedAbility(Constants.Zone.BATTLEFIELD, new RegenerateSourceEffect(), new ColoredManaCost(Constants.ColoredManaSymbol.B));
ability.addCost(new SacrificeTargetCost(new TargetControlledCreaturePermanent(1, 1, filter, false)));