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synced 2025-03-17 01:06:26 -09:00
[CMR] updated spoiler and reprints
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 44 additions and 4 deletions
@ -32,12 +32,17 @@ public final class CommanderLegends extends ExpansionSet {
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Amareth, the Lustrous", 266, Rarity.RARE, mage.cards.a.AmarethTheLustrous.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Amareth, the Lustrous", 266, Rarity.RARE, mage.cards.a.AmarethTheLustrous.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Amphin Mutineer", 55, Rarity.RARE, mage.cards.a.AmphinMutineer.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Amphin Mutineer", 55, Rarity.RARE, mage.cards.a.AmphinMutineer.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Ancestral Blade", 5, Rarity.COMMON, mage.cards.a.AncestralBlade.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Ancestral Blade", 5, Rarity.COMMON, mage.cards.a.AncestralBlade.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Ancient Animus", 215, Rarity.COMMON, mage.cards.a.AncientAnimus.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Arcane Signet", 297, Rarity.UNCOMMON, mage.cards.a.ArcaneSignet.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Arcane Signet", 297, Rarity.UNCOMMON, mage.cards.a.ArcaneSignet.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Archon of Coronation", 9, Rarity.MYTHIC, mage.cards.a.ArchonOfCoronation.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Archon of Coronation", 9, Rarity.MYTHIC, mage.cards.a.ArchonOfCoronation.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Armillary Sphere", 298, Rarity.COMMON, mage.cards.a.ArmillarySphere.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Aurora Phoenix", 161, Rarity.RARE, mage.cards.a.AuroraPhoenix.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Aurora Phoenix", 161, Rarity.RARE, mage.cards.a.AuroraPhoenix.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Austere Command", 12, Rarity.RARE, mage.cards.a.AustereCommand.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Averna, the Chaos Bloom", 269, Rarity.RARE, mage.cards.a.AvernaTheChaosBloom.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Averna, the Chaos Bloom", 269, Rarity.RARE, mage.cards.a.AvernaTheChaosBloom.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Bitter Revelation", 109, Rarity.COMMON, mage.cards.b.BitterRevelation.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Bladegriff Prototype", 300, Rarity.RARE, mage.cards.b.BladegriffPrototype.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Bladegriff Prototype", 300, Rarity.RARE, mage.cards.b.BladegriffPrototype.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Brago, King Eternal", 516, Rarity.RARE, mage.cards.b.BragoKingEternal.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Blasphemous Act", 162, Rarity.RARE, mage.cards.b.BlasphemousAct.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Brago, King Eternal", 516, Rarity.MYTHIC, mage.cards.b.BragoKingEternal.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Brazen Freebooter", 164, Rarity.COMMON, mage.cards.b.BrazenFreebooter.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Brazen Freebooter", 164, Rarity.COMMON, mage.cards.b.BrazenFreebooter.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Briarblade Adept", 111, Rarity.COMMON, mage.cards.b.BriarbladeAdept.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Briarblade Adept", 111, Rarity.COMMON, mage.cards.b.BriarbladeAdept.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Brinelin, the Moon Kraken", 60, Rarity.UNCOMMON, mage.cards.b.BrinelinTheMoonKraken.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Brinelin, the Moon Kraken", 60, Rarity.UNCOMMON, mage.cards.b.BrinelinTheMoonKraken.class));
@ -53,6 +58,7 @@ public final class CommanderLegends extends ExpansionSet {
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Court Street Denizen", 17, Rarity.COMMON, mage.cards.c.CourtStreetDenizen.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Court Street Denizen", 17, Rarity.COMMON, mage.cards.c.CourtStreetDenizen.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Court of Cunning", 63, Rarity.RARE, mage.cards.c.CourtOfCunning.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Court of Cunning", 63, Rarity.RARE, mage.cards.c.CourtOfCunning.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Court of Grace", 16, Rarity.RARE, mage.cards.c.CourtOfGrace.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Court of Grace", 16, Rarity.RARE, mage.cards.c.CourtOfGrace.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Cuombajj Witches", 116, Rarity.UNCOMMON, mage.cards.c.CuombajjWitches.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Demonic Lore", 118, Rarity.UNCOMMON, mage.cards.d.DemonicLore.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Demonic Lore", 118, Rarity.UNCOMMON, mage.cards.d.DemonicLore.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Doomed Traveler", 19, Rarity.COMMON, mage.cards.d.DoomedTraveler.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Doomed Traveler", 19, Rarity.COMMON, mage.cards.d.DoomedTraveler.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Dragon Mantle", 174, Rarity.COMMON, mage.cards.d.DragonMantle.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Dragon Mantle", 174, Rarity.COMMON, mage.cards.d.DragonMantle.class));
@ -65,6 +71,7 @@ public final class CommanderLegends extends ExpansionSet {
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Farhaven Elf", 225, Rarity.COMMON, mage.cards.f.FarhavenElf.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Farhaven Elf", 225, Rarity.COMMON, mage.cards.f.FarhavenElf.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("First Response", 22, Rarity.UNCOMMON, mage.cards.f.FirstResponse.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("First Response", 22, Rarity.UNCOMMON, mage.cards.f.FirstResponse.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Fleshbag Marauder", 128, Rarity.COMMON, mage.cards.f.FleshbagMarauder.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Fleshbag Marauder", 128, Rarity.COMMON, mage.cards.f.FleshbagMarauder.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Flood of Recollection", 61, Rarity.UNCOMMON, mage.cards.f.FloodOfRecollection.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Forceful Denial", 69, Rarity.COMMON, mage.cards.f.ForcefulDenial.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Forceful Denial", 69, Rarity.COMMON, mage.cards.f.ForcefulDenial.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Furnace Celebration", 181, Rarity.UNCOMMON, mage.cards.f.FurnaceCelebration.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Furnace Celebration", 181, Rarity.UNCOMMON, mage.cards.f.FurnaceCelebration.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Fyndhorn Elves", 228, Rarity.COMMON, mage.cards.f.FyndhornElves.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Fyndhorn Elves", 228, Rarity.COMMON, mage.cards.f.FyndhornElves.class));
@ -79,6 +86,8 @@ public final class CommanderLegends extends ExpansionSet {
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Ikra Shidiqi, the Usurper", 519, Rarity.MYTHIC, mage.cards.i.IkraShidiqiTheUsurper.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Ikra Shidiqi, the Usurper", 519, Rarity.MYTHIC, mage.cards.i.IkraShidiqiTheUsurper.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Immaculate Magistrate", 234, Rarity.RARE, mage.cards.i.ImmaculateMagistrate.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Immaculate Magistrate", 234, Rarity.RARE, mage.cards.i.ImmaculateMagistrate.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Imperious Perfect", 235, Rarity.UNCOMMON, mage.cards.i.ImperiousPerfect.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Imperious Perfect", 235, Rarity.UNCOMMON, mage.cards.i.ImperiousPerfect.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Inspiring Roar", 23, Rarity.COMMON, mage.cards.i.InspiringRoar.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Intangible Virtue", 24, Rarity.UNCOMMON, mage.cards.i.IntangibleVirtue.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Interpret the Signs", 75, Rarity.UNCOMMON, mage.cards.i.InterpretTheSigns.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Interpret the Signs", 75, Rarity.UNCOMMON, mage.cards.i.InterpretTheSigns.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Jeweled Lotus", 319, Rarity.MYTHIC, mage.cards.j.JeweledLotus.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Jeweled Lotus", 319, Rarity.MYTHIC, mage.cards.j.JeweledLotus.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Kamahl, Heart of Krosa", 237, Rarity.MYTHIC, mage.cards.k.KamahlHeartOfKrosa.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Kamahl, Heart of Krosa", 237, Rarity.MYTHIC, mage.cards.k.KamahlHeartOfKrosa.class));
@ -114,6 +123,7 @@ public final class CommanderLegends extends ExpansionSet {
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Omenspeaker", 83, Rarity.COMMON, mage.cards.o.Omenspeaker.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Omenspeaker", 83, Rarity.COMMON, mage.cards.o.Omenspeaker.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Path of Ancestry", 353, Rarity.COMMON, mage.cards.p.PathOfAncestry.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Path of Ancestry", 353, Rarity.COMMON, mage.cards.p.PathOfAncestry.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Patron of the Valiant", 37, Rarity.UNCOMMON, mage.cards.p.PatronOfTheValiant.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Patron of the Valiant", 37, Rarity.UNCOMMON, mage.cards.p.PatronOfTheValiant.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Perilous Myr", 330, Rarity.COMMON, mage.cards.p.PerilousMyr.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Phyrexian Rager", 142, Rarity.COMMON, mage.cards.p.PhyrexianRager.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Phyrexian Rager", 142, Rarity.COMMON, mage.cards.p.PhyrexianRager.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Phyrexian Triniform", 331, Rarity.MYTHIC, mage.cards.p.PhyrexianTriniform.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Phyrexian Triniform", 331, Rarity.MYTHIC, mage.cards.p.PhyrexianTriniform.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Prava of the Steel Legion", 38, Rarity.UNCOMMON, mage.cards.p.PravaOfTheSteelLegion.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Prava of the Steel Legion", 38, Rarity.UNCOMMON, mage.cards.p.PravaOfTheSteelLegion.class));
@ -155,13 +165,17 @@ public final class CommanderLegends extends ExpansionSet {
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Thrasios, Triton Hero", 538, Rarity.MYTHIC, mage.cards.t.ThrasiosTritonHero.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Thrasios, Triton Hero", 538, Rarity.MYTHIC, mage.cards.t.ThrasiosTritonHero.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Three Visits", 261, Rarity.UNCOMMON, mage.cards.t.ThreeVisits.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Three Visits", 261, Rarity.UNCOMMON, mage.cards.t.ThreeVisits.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Training Center", 358, Rarity.RARE, mage.cards.t.TrainingCenter.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Training Center", 358, Rarity.RARE, mage.cards.t.TrainingCenter.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Tymna the Weaver", 539, Rarity.RARE, mage.cards.t.TymnaTheWeaver.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Tymna the Weaver", 539, Rarity.MYTHIC, mage.cards.t.TymnaTheWeaver.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Undergrowth Stadium", 359, Rarity.RARE, mage.cards.u.UndergrowthStadium.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Undergrowth Stadium", 359, Rarity.RARE, mage.cards.u.UndergrowthStadium.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Valakut Invoker", 206, Rarity.COMMON, mage.cards.v.ValakutInvoker.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Valakut Invoker", 206, Rarity.COMMON, mage.cards.v.ValakutInvoker.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Vampiric Tutor", 156, Rarity.MYTHIC, mage.cards.v.VampiricTutor.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Vampiric Tutor", 156, Rarity.MYTHIC, mage.cards.v.VampiricTutor.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Vault of Champions", 360, Rarity.RARE, mage.cards.v.VaultOfChampions.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Vault of Champions", 360, Rarity.RARE, mage.cards.v.VaultOfChampions.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Vial Smasher the Fierce", 540, Rarity.MYTHIC, mage.cards.v.VialSmasherTheFierce.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Vial Smasher the Fierce", 540, Rarity.MYTHIC, mage.cards.v.VialSmasherTheFierce.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Vow of Duty", 54, Rarity.UNCOMMON, mage.cards.v.VowOfDuty.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Vow of Flight", 105, Rarity.UNCOMMON, mage.cards.v.VowOfFlight.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Vow of Lightning", 209, Rarity.UNCOMMON, mage.cards.v.VowOfLightning.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Vow of Torment", 159, Rarity.UNCOMMON, mage.cards.v.VowOfTorment.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Vow of Torment", 159, Rarity.UNCOMMON, mage.cards.v.VowOfTorment.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Vow of Wildness", 262, Rarity.UNCOMMON, mage.cards.v.VowOfWildness.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("War Room", 361, Rarity.RARE, mage.cards.w.WarRoom.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("War Room", 361, Rarity.RARE, mage.cards.w.WarRoom.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Warden of Evos Isle", 106, Rarity.UNCOMMON, mage.cards.w.WardenOfEvosIsle.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Warden of Evos Isle", 106, Rarity.UNCOMMON, mage.cards.w.WardenOfEvosIsle.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Xenagos, God of Revels", 541, Rarity.MYTHIC, mage.cards.x.XenagosGodOfRevels.class));
cards.add(new SetCardInfo("Xenagos, God of Revels", 541, Rarity.MYTHIC, mage.cards.x.XenagosGodOfRevels.class));
@ -39302,12 +39302,16 @@ Kargan Warleader|Zendikar Rising|391|U|{1}{R}{W}|Creature - Human Warrior|3|3|Ot
The Prismatic Piper|Commander Legends|1|C|{5}|Legendary Creature - Shapeshifter|3|3|If The Prismatic Piper is your commander, choose a color before the game begins. The Prismatic Piper is the chosen color.$Partner|
The Prismatic Piper|Commander Legends|1|C|{5}|Legendary Creature - Shapeshifter|3|3|If The Prismatic Piper is your commander, choose a color before the game begins. The Prismatic Piper is the chosen color.$Partner|
Ancestral Blade|Commander Legends|5|C|{1}{W}|Artifact - Equipment|||When Ancestral Blade enters the battlefield, create a 1/1 white Soldier creature token, then attach Ancestral Blade to it.$Equipped creature gets +1/+1.$Equip {1}|
Ancestral Blade|Commander Legends|5|C|{1}{W}|Artifact - Equipment|||When Ancestral Blade enters the battlefield, create a 1/1 white Soldier creature token, then attach Ancestral Blade to it.$Equipped creature gets +1/+1.$Equip {1}|
Archon of Coronation|Commander Legends|9|M|{4}{W}{W}|Creature - Archon|5|5|Flying$When Archon of Coronation enters the battlefield, you become the monarch.$As long as you're the monarch, damage doesn't cause you to lose life.|
Archon of Coronation|Commander Legends|9|M|{4}{W}{W}|Creature - Archon|5|5|Flying$When Archon of Coronation enters the battlefield, you become the monarch.$As long as you're the monarch, damage doesn't cause you to lose life.|
Ardenn, Intrepid Archaeologist|Commander Legends|10|U|{2}{W}|Legendary Creature - Kor Scout|2|2|At the beginning of combat on your turn, you may attach any number of Auras and Equipment you control to target permanent or player.$Partner|
Austere Command|Commander Legends|12|R|{4}{W}{W}|Sorcery|||Choose two —$• Destroy all artifacts.$• Destroy all enchantments.$• Destroy all creatures with converted mana cost 3 or less.$• Destroy all creatures with converted mana cost 4 or greater.|
Cage of Hands|Commander Legends|14|C|{2}{W}|Enchantment - Aura|||Enchant creature$Enchanted creature can't attack or block.${1}{W}: Return Cage of Hands to its owner's hand.|
Cage of Hands|Commander Legends|14|C|{2}{W}|Enchantment - Aura|||Enchant creature$Enchanted creature can't attack or block.${1}{W}: Return Cage of Hands to its owner's hand.|
Captain's Call|Commander Legends|15|C|{3}{W}|Sorcery|||Create three 1/1 white Soldier creature tokens.|
Captain's Call|Commander Legends|15|C|{3}{W}|Sorcery|||Create three 1/1 white Soldier creature tokens.|
Court of Grace|Commander Legends|16|R|{2}{W}{W}|Enchantment|||When Court of Grace enters the battlefield, you become the monarch.$At the beginning of your upkeep, create a 1/1 white Spirit creature token with flying. If you're the monarch, create a 4/4 white Angel creature token with flying instead.|
Court of Grace|Commander Legends|16|R|{2}{W}{W}|Enchantment|||When Court of Grace enters the battlefield, you become the monarch.$At the beginning of your upkeep, create a 1/1 white Spirit creature token with flying. If you're the monarch, create a 4/4 white Angel creature token with flying instead.|
Court Street Denizen|Commander Legends|17|C|{2}{W}|Creature - Human Soldier|2|2|Whenever another white creature enters the battlefield under your control, tap target creature an opponent controls.|
Court Street Denizen|Commander Legends|17|C|{2}{W}|Creature - Human Soldier|2|2|Whenever another white creature enters the battlefield under your control, tap target creature an opponent controls.|
Doomed Traveler|Commander Legends|19|C|{W}|Creature - Human Soldier|1|1|When Doomed Traveler dies, create a 1/1 white Spirit creature token with flying.|
Doomed Traveler|Commander Legends|19|C|{W}|Creature - Human Soldier|1|1|When Doomed Traveler dies, create a 1/1 white Spirit creature token with flying.|
First Response|Commander Legends|22|U|{3}{W}|Enchantment|||At the beginning of each upkeep, if you lost life last turn, create a 1/1 white Soldier creature token.|
First Response|Commander Legends|22|U|{3}{W}|Enchantment|||At the beginning of each upkeep, if you lost life last turn, create a 1/1 white Soldier creature token.|
Inspiring Roar|Commander Legends|23|C|{3}{W}|Sorcery|||Put a +1/+1 counter on each creature you control.|
Intangible Virtue|Commander Legends|24|U|{1}{W}|Enchantment|||Creature tokens you control get +1/+1 and have vigilance.|
Keeper of the Accord|Commander Legends|27|R|{3}{W}|Creature - Human Soldier|3|4|At the beginning of each opponent's end step, if that player controls more creatures than you, create a 1/1 white Soldier creature token.$At the beginning of each opponent's end step, if that player controls more lands than you, you may search your library for a basic Plains card, put it onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle your library.|
Keeper of the Accord|Commander Legends|27|R|{3}{W}|Creature - Human Soldier|3|4|At the beginning of each opponent's end step, if that player controls more creatures than you, create a 1/1 white Soldier creature token.$At the beginning of each opponent's end step, if that player controls more lands than you, you may search your library for a basic Plains card, put it onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle your library.|
Keleth, Sunmane Familiar|Commander Legends|28|U|{1}{W}|Legendary Creature - Horse|1|1|Whenever a commander you control attacks, put a +1/+1 counter on it.$Partner|
Keleth, Sunmane Familiar|Commander Legends|28|U|{1}{W}|Legendary Creature - Horse|1|1|Whenever a commander you control attacks, put a +1/+1 counter on it.$Partner|
Kinsbaile Courier|Commander Legends|29|C|{2}{W}|Creature - Kithkin Soldier|2|1|When Kinsbaile Courier enters the battlefield, put a +1/+1 counter on target creature.$Encore {2}{W}|
Kinsbaile Courier|Commander Legends|29|C|{2}{W}|Creature - Kithkin Soldier|2|1|When Kinsbaile Courier enters the battlefield, put a +1/+1 counter on target creature.$Encore {2}{W}|
@ -39323,8 +39327,10 @@ Rebbec, Architect of Ascension|Commander Legends|42|U|{3}{W}|Legendary Creature
Return to Dust|Commander Legends|43|U|{2}{W}{W}|Instant|||Exile target artifact or enchantment. If you cast this spell during your main phase, you may exile up to one other target artifact or enchantment.|
Return to Dust|Commander Legends|43|U|{2}{W}{W}|Instant|||Exile target artifact or enchantment. If you cast this spell during your main phase, you may exile up to one other target artifact or enchantment.|
Seraphic Greatsword|Commander Legends|45|M|{1}{W}|Artifact - Equipment|||Equipped creature gets +2/+2.$Whenever equipped creature attacks the player with the most life or tied for most life, create a 4/4 white Angel creature token with flying that's tapped and attacking that player.$Equip {4}|
Seraphic Greatsword|Commander Legends|45|M|{1}{W}|Artifact - Equipment|||Equipped creature gets +2/+2.$Whenever equipped creature attacks the player with the most life or tied for most life, create a 4/4 white Angel creature token with flying that's tapped and attacking that player.$Equip {4}|
Slash the Ranks|Commander Legends|47|R|{3}{W}{W}|Sorcery|||Destroy all creatures and planeswalkers except for commanders.|
Slash the Ranks|Commander Legends|47|R|{3}{W}{W}|Sorcery|||Destroy all creatures and planeswalkers except for commanders.|
Vow of Duty|Commander Legends|54|U|{2}{W}|Enchantment - Aura|||Enchant creature$Enchanted creature gets +2/+2, has vigilance, and can't attack you or a planeswalker you control.|
Amphin Mutineer|Commander Legends|55|R|{3}{U}|Creature - Salamander Pirate|3|3|When Amphin Mutineer enters the battlefield, exile up to one target non-Salamander creature. That creature's controller creates a 4/3 blue Salamander Warrior creature token.$Encore {4}{U}{U}|
Amphin Mutineer|Commander Legends|55|R|{3}{U}|Creature - Salamander Pirate|3|3|When Amphin Mutineer enters the battlefield, exile up to one target non-Salamander creature. That creature's controller creates a 4/3 blue Salamander Warrior creature token.$Encore {4}{U}{U}|
Brinelin, the Moon Kraken|Commander Legends|60|U|{6}{U}{U}|Legendary Creature - Kraken|6|8|When Brinelin, the Moon Kraken enters the battlefield or whenever you cast a spell with converted mana cost 6 or greater, you may return target nonland permanent to its owner's hand.$Partner|
Brinelin, the Moon Kraken|Commander Legends|60|U|{6}{U}{U}|Legendary Creature - Kraken|6|8|When Brinelin, the Moon Kraken enters the battlefield or whenever you cast a spell with converted mana cost 6 or greater, you may return target nonland permanent to its owner's hand.$Partner|
Flood of Recollection|Commander Legends|61|U|{U}{U}|Sorcery|||Return target instant or sorcery card from your graveyard to your hand. Exile Flood of Recollection.|
Confiscate|Commander Legends|62|U|{4}{U}{U}|Enchantment - Aura|||Enchant permanent$You control enchanted permanent.|
Confiscate|Commander Legends|62|U|{4}{U}{U}|Enchantment - Aura|||Enchant permanent$You control enchanted permanent.|
Court of Cunning|Commander Legends|63|R|{1}{U}{U}|Enchantment|||When Court of Cunning enters the battlefield, you become the monarch.$At the beginning of your upkeep, any number of target players each mill two cards. If you're the monarch, each of those players mills ten cards instead.|
Court of Cunning|Commander Legends|63|R|{1}{U}{U}|Enchantment|||When Court of Cunning enters the battlefield, you become the monarch.$At the beginning of your upkeep, any number of target players each mill two cards. If you're the monarch, each of those players mills ten cards instead.|
Eligeth, Crossroads Augur|Commander Legends|66|R|{4}{U}{U}|Legendary Creature - Sphinx|5|6|Flying$If you would scry a number of cards, draw that many cards instead.$Partner|
Eligeth, Crossroads Augur|Commander Legends|66|R|{4}{U}{U}|Legendary Creature - Sphinx|5|6|Flying$If you would scry a number of cards, draw that many cards instead.$Partner|
@ -39347,10 +39353,15 @@ Siani, Eye of the Storm|Commander Legends|95|U|{3}{U}|Legendary Creature - Djinn
Siren Stormtamer|Commander Legends|96|U|{U}|Creature - Siren Pirate Wizard|1|1|Flying${U}, Sacrifice Siren Stormtamer: Counter target spell or ability that targets you or a creature you control.|
Siren Stormtamer|Commander Legends|96|U|{U}|Creature - Siren Pirate Wizard|1|1|Flying${U}, Sacrifice Siren Stormtamer: Counter target spell or ability that targets you or a creature you control.|
Sphinx of the Second Sun|Commander Legends|99|M|{6}{U}{U}|Creature - Sphinx|6|6|Flying$At the beginning of your postcombat main phase, you get an additional beginning phase after this phase.|
Sphinx of the Second Sun|Commander Legends|99|M|{6}{U}{U}|Creature - Sphinx|6|6|Flying$At the beginning of your postcombat main phase, you get an additional beginning phase after this phase.|
Supreme Will|Commander Legends|102|U|{2}{U}|Instant|||Choose one —$• Counter target spell unless its controller pays {3}.$• Look at the top four cards of your library. Put one of them into your hand and the rest on the bottom of your library in any order.|
Supreme Will|Commander Legends|102|U|{2}{U}|Instant|||Choose one —$• Counter target spell unless its controller pays {3}.$• Look at the top four cards of your library. Put one of them into your hand and the rest on the bottom of your library in any order.|
Vow of Flight|Commander Legends|105|U|{2}{U}|Enchantment - Aura|||Enchant creature$Enchanted creature gets +2/+2, has flying, and can't attack you or a planeswalker you control.|
Warden of Evos Isle|Commander Legends|106|U|{2}{U}|Creature - Bird Wizard|2|2|Flying$Creature spells with flying you cast cost {1} less to cast.|
Warden of Evos Isle|Commander Legends|106|U|{2}{U}|Creature - Bird Wizard|2|2|Flying$Creature spells with flying you cast cost {1} less to cast.|
Wrong Turn|Commander Legends|107|R|{2}{U}|Instant|||Target opponent gains control of target creature.|
Armix, Filigree Thrasher|Commander Legends|108|U|{2}{B}|Legendary Artifact Creature - Golem|3|2|Whenever Armix, Filigree Thrasher attacks, you may discard a card. When you do, target creature defending player controls gets -X/-X until end of turn, where X is the number of artifacts you control plus the number of artifact cards in your graveyard.$Partner|
Bitter Revelation|Commander Legends|109|C|{3}{B}|Sorcery|||Look at the top four cards of your library. Put two of them into your hand and the rest into your graveyard. You lose 2 life.|
Briarblade Adept|Commander Legends|111|C|{4}{B}|Creature - Elf Assassin|3|4|Whenever Briarblade Adept attacks, target creature an opponent controls get -1/-1 until end of turn.$Encore {3}{B}|
Briarblade Adept|Commander Legends|111|C|{4}{B}|Creature - Elf Assassin|3|4|Whenever Briarblade Adept attacks, target creature an opponent controls get -1/-1 until end of turn.$Encore {3}{B}|
Cast Down|Commander Legends|112|U|{1}{B}|Instant|||Destroy target nonlegendary creature.|
Cast Down|Commander Legends|112|U|{1}{B}|Instant|||Destroy target nonlegendary creature.|
Court of Ambition|Commander Legends|114|R|{2}{B}{B}|Enchantment|||When Court of Ambition enters the battlefield, you become the monarch.$At the beginning of your upkeep, each opponent loses 3 life unless they discard a card. If you're the monarch, instead each opponent loses 6 life unless they discard two cards.|
Court of Ambition|Commander Legends|114|R|{2}{B}{B}|Enchantment|||When Court of Ambition enters the battlefield, you become the monarch.$At the beginning of your upkeep, each opponent loses 3 life unless they discard a card. If you're the monarch, instead each opponent loses 6 life unless they discard two cards.|
Cuombajj Witches|Commander Legends|116|U|{B}{B}|Creature - Human Wizard|1|3|{T}: Cuombajj Witches deals 1 damage to any target and 1 damage to any target of an opponent's choice.|
Demonic Lore|Commander Legends|118|U|{2}{B}|Enchantment|||When Demonic Lore enters the battlefield, draw three cards.$At the beginning of your end step, you lose 2 life for each card in your hand.|
Demonic Lore|Commander Legends|118|U|{2}{B}|Enchantment|||When Demonic Lore enters the battlefield, draw three cards.$At the beginning of your end step, you lose 2 life for each card in your hand.|
Exquisite Huntmaster|Commander Legends|122|C|{3}{B}|Creature - Elf Warrior|4|2|When Exquisite Huntmaster dies, create a 1/1 green Elf Warrior creature token.$Encore {4}{B}|
Exquisite Huntmaster|Commander Legends|122|C|{3}{B}|Creature - Elf Warrior|4|2|When Exquisite Huntmaster dies, create a 1/1 green Elf Warrior creature token.$Encore {4}{B}|
Eyeblight Cullers|Commander Legends|124|C|{4}{B}|Creature - Elf Warrior|3|3|When Eyeblight Cullers dies, create three 1/1 green Elf Warrior creature tokens, then mill three cards.|
Eyeblight Cullers|Commander Legends|124|C|{4}{B}|Creature - Elf Warrior|3|3|When Eyeblight Cullers dies, create three 1/1 green Elf Warrior creature tokens, then mill three cards.|
@ -39359,6 +39370,7 @@ Keskit, the Flesh Sculptor|Commander Legends|131|U|{2}{B}|Legendary Creature - H
Null Caller|Commander Legends|140|U|{3}{B}|Creature - Vampire Shaman|2|4|{3}{B}, Exile a creature card from your graveyard: Create a tapped 2/2 black Zombie creature token.|
Null Caller|Commander Legends|140|U|{3}{B}|Creature - Vampire Shaman|2|4|{3}{B}, Exile a creature card from your graveyard: Create a tapped 2/2 black Zombie creature token.|
Opposition Agent|Commander Legends|141|R|{2}{B}|Creature - Human Rogue|3|2|Flash$You control your opponents while they're searching their libraries.$While an opponent is searching their library, they exile each card they find. You may play those cards for as long as they remain exiled, and you may spend mana as though it were mana of any color to cast them.|
Opposition Agent|Commander Legends|141|R|{2}{B}|Creature - Human Rogue|3|2|Flash$You control your opponents while they're searching their libraries.$While an opponent is searching their library, they exile each card they find. You may play those cards for as long as they remain exiled, and you may spend mana as though it were mana of any color to cast them.|
Phyrexian Rager|Commander Legends|142|C|{2}{B}|Creature - Horror|2|2|When Phyrexian Rager enters the battlefield, you draw a card and you lose 1 life.|
Phyrexian Rager|Commander Legends|142|C|{2}{B}|Creature - Horror|2|2|When Phyrexian Rager enters the battlefield, you draw a card and you lose 1 life.|
Plague Reaver|Commander Legends|143|R|{2}{B}|Creature - Beast|6|5|At the beginning of your end step, sacrifice each other creature you control.$Discard two cards, Sacrifice Plague Reaver: Choose target opponent. Return Plague Reaver to the battlefield under that player's control at the beginning of their next upkeep.|
Profane Transfusion|Commander Legends|145|M|{6}{B}{B}{B}|Sorcery|||Two target players exchange life totals. You create an X/X colorless Horror artifact creature token, where X is the difference between those players' life totals.|
Profane Transfusion|Commander Legends|145|M|{6}{B}{B}{B}|Sorcery|||Two target players exchange life totals. You create an X/X colorless Horror artifact creature token, where X is the difference between those players' life totals.|
Sengir, the Dark Baron|Commander Legends|149|R|{4}{B}{B}|Legendary Creature - Vampire Noble|4|4|Flying$Whenever another creature dies, put two +1/+1 counters on Sengir, the Dark Baron.$Whenever another player loses the game, you gain life equal to that player's life total as the turn began.$Partner|
Sengir, the Dark Baron|Commander Legends|149|R|{4}{B}{B}|Legendary Creature - Vampire Noble|4|4|Flying$Whenever another creature dies, put two +1/+1 counters on Sengir, the Dark Baron.$Whenever another player loses the game, you gain life equal to that player's life total as the turn began.$Partner|
Szat's Will|Commander Legends|152|R|{4}{B}|Instant|||Choose one. If you control a commander as you cast this spell, you may choose both.$• Each opponent sacrifices a creature they control with the greatest power.$• Exile all cards from all opponents' graveyards, then create X 0/1 black Thrull creature tokens, where X is the greatest power among creature cards exiled this way.|
Szat's Will|Commander Legends|152|R|{4}{B}|Instant|||Choose one. If you control a commander as you cast this spell, you may choose both.$• Each opponent sacrifices a creature they control with the greatest power.$• Exile all cards from all opponents' graveyards, then create X 0/1 black Thrull creature tokens, where X is the greatest power among creature cards exiled this way.|
@ -39368,6 +39380,7 @@ Vampiric Tutor|Commander Legends|156|M|{B}|Instant|||Search your library for a c
Vow of Torment|Commander Legends|159|U|{2}{B}|Enchantment - Aura|||Enchant creature$Enchanted creature gets +2/+2, has menace, and can't attack you or a planeswalker you control.|
Vow of Torment|Commander Legends|159|U|{2}{B}|Enchantment - Aura|||Enchant creature$Enchanted creature gets +2/+2, has menace, and can't attack you or a planeswalker you control.|
Alena, Kessig Trapper|Commander Legends|160|U|{4}{R}|Legendary Creature - Human Scout|4|3|First strike${T}: Add an amount of {R} equal to the greatest power among creatures you control that entered the battlefield this turn.$Partner|
Alena, Kessig Trapper|Commander Legends|160|U|{4}{R}|Legendary Creature - Human Scout|4|3|First strike${T}: Add an amount of {R} equal to the greatest power among creatures you control that entered the battlefield this turn.$Partner|
Aurora Phoenix|Commander Legends|161|R|{4}{R}{R}|Creature - Phoenix|5|3|Flying$Cascade$Whenever you cast a spell with cascade, return Aurora Phoenix from your graveyard to your hand.|
Aurora Phoenix|Commander Legends|161|R|{4}{R}{R}|Creature - Phoenix|5|3|Flying$Cascade$Whenever you cast a spell with cascade, return Aurora Phoenix from your graveyard to your hand.|
Blasphemous Act|Commander Legends|162|R|{8}{R}|Sorcery|||This spell costs {1} less to cast for each creature on the battlefield.$Blasphemous Act deals 13 damage to each creature.|
Brazen Freebooter|Commander Legends|164|C|{3}{R}|Creature - Human Pirate|3|3|When Brazen Freebooter enters the battlefield, create a Treasure token.|
Brazen Freebooter|Commander Legends|164|C|{3}{R}|Creature - Human Pirate|3|3|When Brazen Freebooter enters the battlefield, create a Treasure token.|
Breeches, Brazen Plunderer|Commander Legends|165|U|{3}{R}|Legendary Creature - Goblin Pirate|3|3|Menace$Whenever one or more Pirates you control deal damage to your opponents, exile the top card of each of those opponents' libraries. You may play those cards this turn, and you may spend mana as though it were mana of any color to cast those spells.$Partner|
Breeches, Brazen Plunderer|Commander Legends|165|U|{3}{R}|Legendary Creature - Goblin Pirate|3|3|Menace$Whenever one or more Pirates you control deal damage to your opponents, exile the top card of each of those opponents' libraries. You may play those cards this turn, and you may spend mana as though it were mana of any color to cast those spells.$Partner|
Coastline Marauders|Commander Legends|168|U|{2}{R}|Creature - Human Pirate|0|3|Trample$Whenever Coastline Marauders attacks, it gets +1/+0 until end of turn for each land defending player controls.$Encore {4}{R}{R}|
Coastline Marauders|Commander Legends|168|U|{2}{R}|Creature - Human Pirate|0|3|Trample$Whenever Coastline Marauders attacks, it gets +1/+0 until end of turn for each land defending player controls.$Encore {4}{R}{R}|
@ -39384,7 +39397,12 @@ Meteoric Mace|Commander Legends|192|U|{4}{R}{R}|Artifact - Equipment|||Equipped
Port Razer|Commander Legends|193|M|{3}{R}{R}|Creature - Orc Pirate|4|4|Whenever Port Razer deals combat damage to a player, untap each creature you control. After this combat phase, there is an additional combat phase.$Port Razer can't attack a player it has already attacked this turn.|
Port Razer|Commander Legends|193|M|{3}{R}{R}|Creature - Orc Pirate|4|4|Whenever Port Razer deals combat damage to a player, untap each creature you control. After this combat phase, there is an additional combat phase.$Port Razer can't attack a player it has already attacked this turn.|
Rograkh, Son of Rohgahh|Commander Legends|197|U|{0}|Legendary Creature - Kobold Warrior|0|1|First strike, menace, trample$Partner|
Rograkh, Son of Rohgahh|Commander Legends|197|U|{0}|Legendary Creature - Kobold Warrior|0|1|First strike, menace, trample$Partner|
Soul's Fire|Commander Legends|200|C|{2}{R}|Instant|||Target creature you control deals damage equal to its power to any target.|
Soul's Fire|Commander Legends|200|C|{2}{R}|Instant|||Target creature you control deals damage equal to its power to any target.|
Soulfire Eruption|Commander Legends|201|M|{6}{R}{R}{R}|Sorcery|||Choose any amount of target creatures, planeswalkers, or players. For each one, exile the top card of your library, then Soulfire Eruption deals damage to that target equal to the exiled card's converted mana cost. You may play cards exiled this way until the end of the your next turn.|
Valakut Invoker|Commander Legends|206|C|{2}{R}|Creature - Human Shaman|2|3|{8}: Valakut Invoker deals 3 damage to any target.|
Valakut Invoker|Commander Legends|206|C|{2}{R}|Creature - Human Shaman|2|3|{8}: Valakut Invoker deals 3 damage to any target.|
Vow of Lightning|Commander Legends|209|U|{2}{R}|Enchantment - Aura|||Enchant creature$Enchanted creature gets +2/+2, has first strike, and can't attack you or a planeswalker you control.|
Ancient Animus|Commander Legends|215|C|{1}{G}|Instant|||Put a +1/+1 counter on target creature you control if it's legendary. Then it fights target creature an opponent controls.|
Apex Devastator|Commander Legends|217|M|{8}{G}{G}|Creature - Hydra Chimera|10|10|Cascade, cascade, cascade, cascade.|
Court of Bounty|Commander Legends|220|R|{2}{G}{G}|Enchantment|||When Court of Bounty enters the battlefield, you become the monarch.$At the beginning of your upkeep, you may put a land card from your hand onto the battlefield. If you're the monarch, instead you may put a creature or land card from your hand onto the battlefield.|
Entourage of Trest|Commander Legends|224|C|{4}{G}|Creature - Elf Soldier|4|4|When Entourage of Trest enters the battlefield, you become the monarch.$Entourage of Trest can block an additional creature each combat as long as you're the monarch.|
Entourage of Trest|Commander Legends|224|C|{4}{G}|Creature - Elf Soldier|4|4|When Entourage of Trest enters the battlefield, you become the monarch.$Entourage of Trest can block an additional creature each combat as long as you're the monarch.|
Farhaven Elf|Commander Legends|225|C|{2}{G}|Creature - Elf Druid|1|1|When Farhaven Elf enters the battlefield, you may search your library for a basic land card, put it onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle your library.|
Farhaven Elf|Commander Legends|225|C|{2}{G}|Creature - Elf Druid|1|1|When Farhaven Elf enters the battlefield, you may search your library for a basic land card, put it onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle your library.|
Fyndhorn Elves|Commander Legends|228|C|{G}|Creature - Elf Druid|1|1|{T}: Add {G}.|
Fyndhorn Elves|Commander Legends|228|C|{G}|Creature - Elf Druid|1|1|{T}: Add {G}.|
@ -39402,6 +39420,7 @@ Numa, Joraga Chieftain|Commander Legends|246|U|{2}{G}|Legendary Creature - Elf W
Soul's Might|Commander Legends|257|C|{4}{G}|Sorcery|||Put X +1/+1 counters on target creature, where X is that creature's power.|
Soul's Might|Commander Legends|257|C|{4}{G}|Sorcery|||Put X +1/+1 counters on target creature, where X is that creature's power.|
Sweet-Gum Recluse|Commander Legends|260|R|{4}{G}{G}|Creature - Spider|0|3|Flash$Cascade$Reach$When Sweet-Gum Recluse enters the battlefield, put three +1/+1 counters on each of any number of target creatures that entered the battlefield this turn.|
Sweet-Gum Recluse|Commander Legends|260|R|{4}{G}{G}|Creature - Spider|0|3|Flash$Cascade$Reach$When Sweet-Gum Recluse enters the battlefield, put three +1/+1 counters on each of any number of target creatures that entered the battlefield this turn.|
Three Visits|Commander Legends|261|U|{1}{G}|Sorcery|||Search your library for a Forest card and put that card onto the battlefield. Then shuffle your library.|
Three Visits|Commander Legends|261|U|{1}{G}|Sorcery|||Search your library for a Forest card and put that card onto the battlefield. Then shuffle your library.|
Vow of Wildness|Commander Legends|262|U|{2}{G}|Enchantment - Aura|||Enchant creature$Enchanted creature gets +3/+3, has trample, and can't attack you or a planeswalker you control.|
Amareth, the Lustrous|Commander Legends|266|R|{3}{G}{U}{W}|Legendary Creature - Dragon|6|6|Flying$Whenever another permanent enters the battlefield under your control, look at the top card of your library. If it shares a card type with that permanent, you may reveal that card and put it into your hand.|
Amareth, the Lustrous|Commander Legends|266|R|{3}{G}{U}{W}|Legendary Creature - Dragon|6|6|Flying$Whenever another permanent enters the battlefield under your control, look at the top card of your library. If it shares a card type with that permanent, you may reveal that card and put it into your hand.|
Archelos, Lagoon Mystic|Commander Legends|268|R|{1}{B}{G}{U}|Legendary Creature - Turtle Shaman|2|4|As long as Archelos, Lagoon Mystic is tapped, other permanents enter the battlefield tapped.$As long as Archelos, Lagoon Mystic is untapped, other permanents enter the battlefield untapped.|
Archelos, Lagoon Mystic|Commander Legends|268|R|{1}{B}{G}{U}|Legendary Creature - Turtle Shaman|2|4|As long as Archelos, Lagoon Mystic is tapped, other permanents enter the battlefield tapped.$As long as Archelos, Lagoon Mystic is untapped, other permanents enter the battlefield untapped.|
Averna, the Chaos Bloom|Commander Legends|269|R|{G}{U}{R}|Legendary Creature - Elemental Shaman|4|2|As you cascade, you may put a land card from among the exiled cards onto the battlefield tapped.|
Averna, the Chaos Bloom|Commander Legends|269|R|{G}{U}{R}|Legendary Creature - Elemental Shaman|4|2|As you cascade, you may put a land card from among the exiled cards onto the battlefield tapped.|
@ -39409,13 +39428,16 @@ Belbe, Corrupted Observer|Commander Legends|270|R|{B}{G}|Legendary Creature - Zo
Blim, Comedic Genius|Commander Legends|272|R|{2}{B}{R}|Legendary Creature - Imp|4|3|Flying$Whenever Blim, Comedic Genius deals combat damage to a player, that player gains control of target permanent you control. Then each player loses life and discards cards equal to the number of permanents they control but don't own.|
Blim, Comedic Genius|Commander Legends|272|R|{2}{B}{R}|Legendary Creature - Imp|4|3|Flying$Whenever Blim, Comedic Genius deals combat damage to a player, that player gains control of target permanent you control. Then each player loses life and discards cards equal to the number of permanents they control but don't own.|
Colfenor, the Last Yew|Commander Legends|274|R|{3}{W}{B}{G}|Legendary Creature - Treefolk Shaman|3|7|Vigilance, reach$Whenever Colfenor, the Last Yew or another creature you control dies, return up to one other target creature card with lesser toughness from your graveyard to your hand.|
Colfenor, the Last Yew|Commander Legends|274|R|{3}{W}{B}{G}|Legendary Creature - Treefolk Shaman|3|7|Vigilance, reach$Whenever Colfenor, the Last Yew or another creature you control dies, return up to one other target creature card with lesser toughness from your graveyard to your hand.|
Ghen, Arcanum Weaver|Commander Legends|275|R|{R}{W}{B}|Legendary Creature - Human Wizard|2|3|{R}{W}{B}, {T}, Sacrifice an enchantment: Return target enchantment card from your graveyard to the battlefield.|
Ghen, Arcanum Weaver|Commander Legends|275|R|{R}{W}{B}|Legendary Creature - Human Wizard|2|3|{R}{W}{B}, {T}, Sacrifice an enchantment: Return target enchantment card from your graveyard to the battlefield.|
Gnostro, Voice of the Crags|Commander Legends|276|R|{1}{U}{R}{W}|Legendary Creature - Chimera|3|3|{T}: Choose one. X is the number of spells you've cast this turn.$• Scry X.$• Gnostro, Voice of the Crags deals X damage to target creature.$• You gain X life.|
Gor Muldrak, Amphinologist|Commander Legends|277|R|{1}{G}{U}|Legendary Creature - Human Scout|3|2|You and permanents you control have protection from Salamanders.$At the beginning of your end step, each player who controls the fewest creatures creates a 4/3 blue Salamander Warrior creature token.|
Gor Muldrak, Amphinologist|Commander Legends|277|R|{1}{G}{U}|Legendary Creature - Human Scout|3|2|You and permanents you control have protection from Salamanders.$At the beginning of your end step, each player who controls the fewest creatures creates a 4/3 blue Salamander Warrior creature token.|
Liesa, Shroud of Dusk|Commander Legends|286|R|{2}{W}{W}{B}|Legendary Creature - Angel|5|5|Rather than pay {2} for each previous time you've cast this spell from the command zone this game, pay 2 life that many times.$Flying, lifelink$Whenever a player casts a spell, they lose 2 life.|
Liesa, Shroud of Dusk|Commander Legends|286|R|{2}{W}{W}{B}|Legendary Creature - Angel|5|5|Rather than pay {2} for each previous time you've cast this spell from the command zone this game, pay 2 life that many times.$Flying, lifelink$Whenever a player casts a spell, they lose 2 life.|
Nymris, Oona's Trickster|Commander Legends|288|R|{3}{U}{B}|Legendary Creature - Faerie Knight|1|6|Flash$Flying$Whenever you cast your first spell during each opponent's turn, look at the top two cards of your library. Put one of those cards into your hand and the other into your graveyard.|
Nymris, Oona's Trickster|Commander Legends|288|R|{3}{U}{B}|Legendary Creature - Faerie Knight|1|6|Flash$Flying$Whenever you cast your first spell during each opponent's turn, look at the top two cards of your library. Put one of those cards into your hand and the other into your graveyard.|
Obeka, Brute Chronologist|Commander Legends|289|R|{1}{U}{B}{R}|Legendary Creature - Ogre Wizard|3|4|{T}: The player whose turn it is may end the turn.|
Thalisse, Reverent Medium|Commander Legends|291|U|{3}{W}{B}|Legendary Creature - Human Cleric|3|4|At the beginning of each end step, create X 1/1 white Spirit creature tokens with flying, where X is the number of tokens you created this turn.|
Thalisse, Reverent Medium|Commander Legends|291|U|{3}{W}{B}|Legendary Creature - Human Cleric|3|4|At the beginning of each end step, create X 1/1 white Spirit creature tokens with flying, where X is the number of tokens you created this turn.|
Yurlok of Scorch Thrash|Commander Legends|293|R|{1}{B}{R}{G}|Legendary Creature - Viashino Shaman|4|4|Vigilance$A player losing unspent mana causes that player to lose that much life.${1}, {T}: Each player adds {B}{R}{G}.|
Yurlok of Scorch Thrash|Commander Legends|293|R|{1}{B}{R}{G}|Legendary Creature - Viashino Shaman|4|4|Vigilance$A player losing unspent mana causes that player to lose that much life.${1}, {T}: Each player adds {B}{R}{G}.|
Zara, Renegade Recruiter|Commander Legends|294|R|{3}{U}{R}|Legendary Creature - Human Pirate|4|3|Flying$Whenever Zara, Renegade Recruiter attacks, look at defending player's hand. You may put a creature card from it onto the battlefield under your control tapped and attacking that palyer or a planeswalker they control. Return that creature to its owner's hand at the beginning of the next end step.|
Zara, Renegade Recruiter|Commander Legends|294|R|{3}{U}{R}|Legendary Creature - Human Pirate|4|3|Flying$Whenever Zara, Renegade Recruiter attacks, look at defending player's hand. You may put a creature card from it onto the battlefield under your control tapped and attacking that palyer or a planeswalker they control. Return that creature to its owner's hand at the beginning of the next end step.|
Arcane Signet|Commander Legends|297|U|{2}|Artifact|||{T}: Add one mana of any color in your commander's color identity.|
Arcane Signet|Commander Legends|297|U|{2}|Artifact|||{T}: Add one mana of any color in your commander's color identity.|
Armillary Sphere|Commander Legends|298|C|{2}|Artifact|||{2}, {T}, Sacrifice Armillary Sphere: Search your library for up to two basic land cards, reveal them, put them into your hand, then shuffle your library.|
Bladegriff Prototype|Commander Legends|300|R|{5}|Artifact Creature - Griffin|3|2|Flying$Whenever Bladegriff Prototype deals combat damage to a player, destroy target nonland permanent of that player's choice that one of your opponents controls.|
Bladegriff Prototype|Commander Legends|300|R|{5}|Artifact Creature - Griffin|3|2|Flying$Whenever Bladegriff Prototype deals combat damage to a player, destroy target nonland permanent of that player's choice that one of your opponents controls.|
Charcoal Diamond|Commander Legends|303|C|{2}|Artifact|||Charcoal Diamond enters the battlefield tapped.${T}: Add {B}.|
Charcoal Diamond|Commander Legends|303|C|{2}|Artifact|||Charcoal Diamond enters the battlefield tapped.${T}: Add {B}.|
Commander's Sphere|Commander Legends|306|C|{3}|Artifact|||{T}: Add one mana of any color in your commander's color identity.$Sacrifice Commander's Sphere: Draw a card.|
Commander's Sphere|Commander Legends|306|C|{3}|Artifact|||{T}: Add one mana of any color in your commander's color identity.$Sacrifice Commander's Sphere: Draw a card.|
@ -39425,6 +39447,7 @@ Maelstrom Colossus|Commander Legends|322|C|{8}|Artifact Creature - Golem|7|7|Cas
Marble Diamond|Commander Legends|323|C|{2}|Artifact|||Marble Diamond enters the battlefield tapped.${T}: Add {W}.|
Marble Diamond|Commander Legends|323|C|{2}|Artifact|||Marble Diamond enters the battlefield tapped.${T}: Add {W}.|
Mask of Memory|Commander Legends|324|U|{2}|Artifact - Equipment|||Whenever equipped creature deals combat damage to a player, you may draw two cards. If you do, discard a card.$Equip {1}|
Mask of Memory|Commander Legends|324|U|{2}|Artifact - Equipment|||Whenever equipped creature deals combat damage to a player, you may draw two cards. If you do, discard a card.$Equip {1}|
Mindless Automaton|Commander Legends|326|U|{4}|Artifact Creature - Construct|0|0|Mindless Automaton enters the battlefield with two +1/+1 counters on it.${1}, Discard a card: Put a +1/+1 counter on Mindless Automaton.$Remove two +1/+1 counters from Mindless Automaton: Draw a card.|
Mindless Automaton|Commander Legends|326|U|{4}|Artifact Creature - Construct|0|0|Mindless Automaton enters the battlefield with two +1/+1 counters on it.${1}, Discard a card: Put a +1/+1 counter on Mindless Automaton.$Remove two +1/+1 counters from Mindless Automaton: Draw a card.|
Perilous Myr|Commander Legends|330|C|{2}|Artifact Creature - Myr|1|1|When Perilous Myr dies, it deals 2 damage to any target.|
Phyrexian Triniform|Commander Legends|331|M|{9}|Artifact Creature - Golem|9|9|When Phyrexian Triniform dies, create three 3/3 colorless Golem artifact creature tokens.$Encore {12}|
Phyrexian Triniform|Commander Legends|331|M|{9}|Artifact Creature - Golem|9|9|When Phyrexian Triniform dies, create three 3/3 colorless Golem artifact creature tokens.$Encore {12}|
Prophetic Prism|Commander Legends|334|C|{2}|Artifact|||When Prophetic Prism enters the battlefield, draw a card.${1}, {T}: Add one mana of any color.|
Prophetic Prism|Commander Legends|334|C|{2}|Artifact|||When Prophetic Prism enters the battlefield, draw a card.${1}, {T}: Add one mana of any color.|
Rings of Brighthearth|Commander Legends|335|R|{3}|Artifact|||Whenever you activate an ability, if it isn't a mana ability, you may pay {2}. If you do, copy that ability. You may choose new targets for the copy.|
Rings of Brighthearth|Commander Legends|335|R|{3}|Artifact|||Whenever you activate an ability, if it isn't a mana ability, you may pay {2}. If you do, copy that ability. You may choose new targets for the copy.|
@ -39432,6 +39455,7 @@ Sandstone Oracle|Commander Legends|336|U|{7}|Artifact Creature - Sphinx|4|4|Flyi
Scroll Rack|Commander Legends|337|M|{2}|Artifact|||{1}, {T}: Exile any number of cards from your hand face down. Put that many cards from the top of your library into your hand. Then look at the exiled cards and put them on top of your library in any order.|
Scroll Rack|Commander Legends|337|M|{2}|Artifact|||{1}, {T}: Exile any number of cards from your hand face down. Put that many cards from the top of your library into your hand. Then look at the exiled cards and put them on top of your library in any order.|
Sky Diamond|Commander Legends|341|C|{2}|Artifact|||Sky Diamond enters the battlefield tapped.${T}: Add {U}.|
Sky Diamond|Commander Legends|341|C|{2}|Artifact|||Sky Diamond enters the battlefield tapped.${T}: Add {U}.|
Staff of Domination|Commander Legends|343|R|{3}|Artifact|||{1}: Untap Staff of Domination.${2}, {T}: You gain 1 life.${3}, {T}: Untap target creature.${4}, {T}: Tap target creature.${5}, {T}: Draw a card.|
Staff of Domination|Commander Legends|343|R|{3}|Artifact|||{1}: Untap Staff of Domination.${2}, {T}: You gain 1 life.${3}, {T}: Untap target creature.${4}, {T}: Tap target creature.${5}, {T}: Draw a card.|
Staunch Throneguard|Commander Legends|344|C|{5}|Artifact Creature - Construct|2|5|Vigilance$When Staunch Throneguard enters the battlefield, you become the monarch.|
Command Beacon|Commander Legends|349|R||Land|||{T}: Add {C}.${T}, Sacrifice Command Beacon: Put your commander into your hand from the command zone.|
Command Beacon|Commander Legends|349|R||Land|||{T}: Add {C}.${T}, Sacrifice Command Beacon: Put your commander into your hand from the command zone.|
Command Tower|Commander Legends|350|C||Land|||{T}: Add one mana of any color in your commander's color identity.|
Command Tower|Commander Legends|350|C||Land|||{T}: Add one mana of any color in your commander's color identity.|
Path of Ancestry|Commander Legends|353|C||Land|||Path of Ancestry enters the battlefield tapped.${T}: Add one mana of any color in your commander's color identity. When that mana is spent to cast a creature spell that shares a creature type with your commander, scry 1.|
Path of Ancestry|Commander Legends|353|C||Land|||Path of Ancestry enters the battlefield tapped.${T}: Add one mana of any color in your commander's color identity. When that mana is spent to cast a creature spell that shares a creature type with your commander, scry 1.|
@ -39446,7 +39470,7 @@ Acidic Slime|Commander Legends|421|U|{3}{G}{G}|Creature - Ooze|2|2|Deathtouch$Wh
Myriad Landscape|Commander Legends|487|U||Land|||Myriad Landscape enters the battlefield tapped.${T}: Add {C}.${2}, {T}, Sacrifice Myriad Landscape: Search your library for up to two basic land cards that share a land type, put them onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle your library.|
Myriad Landscape|Commander Legends|487|U||Land|||Myriad Landscape enters the battlefield tapped.${T}: Add {C}.${2}, {T}, Sacrifice Myriad Landscape: Search your library for up to two basic land cards that share a land type, put them onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle your library.|
Reliquary Tower|Commander Legends|488|U||Land|||You have no maximum hand size.${T}: Add {C}.|
Reliquary Tower|Commander Legends|488|U||Land|||You have no maximum hand size.${T}: Add {C}.|
Najeela, the Blade-Blossom|Commander Legends|514|M|{2}{R}|Legendary Creature - Human Warrior|3|2|Whenever a Warrior attacks, you may have its controller create a 1/1 white Warrior creature token that's tapped and attacking.${W}{U}{B}{R}{G}: Untap all attacking creatures. They gain trample, lifelink, and haste until end of turn. After this phase, there is an additional combat phase. Activate this ability only during combat.|
Najeela, the Blade-Blossom|Commander Legends|514|M|{2}{R}|Legendary Creature - Human Warrior|3|2|Whenever a Warrior attacks, you may have its controller create a 1/1 white Warrior creature token that's tapped and attacking.${W}{U}{B}{R}{G}: Untap all attacking creatures. They gain trample, lifelink, and haste until end of turn. After this phase, there is an additional combat phase. Activate this ability only during combat.|
Brago, King Eternal|Commander Legends|516|R|{2}{W}{U}|Legendary Creature - Spirit Noble|2|4|Flying$Whenever Brago, King Eternal deals combat damage to a player, exile any number of target nonland permanents you control, then return those cards to the battlefield under their owner's control.|
Brago, King Eternal|Commander Legends|516|M|{2}{W}{U}|Legendary Creature - Spirit Noble|2|4|Flying$Whenever Brago, King Eternal deals combat damage to a player, exile any number of target nonland permanents you control, then return those cards to the battlefield under their owner's control.|
Ikra Shidiqi, the Usurper|Commander Legends|519|M|{3}{B}{G}|Legendary Creature - Naga Wizard|3|7|Menace$Whenever a creature you control deals combat damage to a player, you gain life equal to that creature's toughness.$Partner|
Ikra Shidiqi, the Usurper|Commander Legends|519|M|{3}{B}{G}|Legendary Creature - Naga Wizard|3|7|Menace$Whenever a creature you control deals combat damage to a player, you gain life equal to that creature's toughness.$Partner|
Kydele, Chosen of Kruphix|Commander Legends|524|M|{2}{G}{U}|Legendary Creature - Human Wizard|2|3|{T}: Add {C} for each card you've drawn this turn.$Partner|
Kydele, Chosen of Kruphix|Commander Legends|524|M|{2}{G}{U}|Legendary Creature - Human Wizard|2|3|{T}: Add {C} for each card you've drawn this turn.$Partner|
Ludevic, Necro-Alchemist|Commander Legends|525|M|{1}{U}{R}|Legendary Creature - Human Wizard|1|4|At the beginning of each player's end step, that player may draw a card if a player other than you lost life this turn.$Partner|
Ludevic, Necro-Alchemist|Commander Legends|525|M|{1}{U}{R}|Legendary Creature - Human Wizard|1|4|At the beginning of each player's end step, that player may draw a card if a player other than you lost life this turn.$Partner|
@ -39458,9 +39482,11 @@ Rakdos, Lord of Riots|Commander Legends|532|M|{B}{B}{R}{R}|Legendary Creature -
Sidar Kondo of Jamuraa|Commander Legends|535|M|{2}{G}{W}|Legendary Creature - Human Knight|2|5|Flanking$Creatures your opponents control without flying or reach can't block creatures with power 2 or less.$Partner|
Sidar Kondo of Jamuraa|Commander Legends|535|M|{2}{G}{W}|Legendary Creature - Human Knight|2|5|Flanking$Creatures your opponents control without flying or reach can't block creatures with power 2 or less.$Partner|
Silas Renn, Seeker Adept|Commander Legends|536|M|{1}{U}{B}|Legendary Artifact Creature - Human|2|2|Deathtouch$Whenever Silas Renn, Seeker Adept deals combat damage to a player, choose target artifact card in your graveyard. You may cast that card this turn.$Partner|
Silas Renn, Seeker Adept|Commander Legends|536|M|{1}{U}{B}|Legendary Artifact Creature - Human|2|2|Deathtouch$Whenever Silas Renn, Seeker Adept deals combat damage to a player, choose target artifact card in your graveyard. You may cast that card this turn.$Partner|
Thrasios, Triton Hero|Commander Legends|538|M|{G}{U}|Legendary Creature - Merfolk Wizard|1|3|{4}: Scry 1, then reveal the top card of your library. If it's a land card, put it onto the battlefield tapped. Otherwise, draw a card.$Partner|
Thrasios, Triton Hero|Commander Legends|538|M|{G}{U}|Legendary Creature - Merfolk Wizard|1|3|{4}: Scry 1, then reveal the top card of your library. If it's a land card, put it onto the battlefield tapped. Otherwise, draw a card.$Partner|
Tymna the Weaver|Commander Legends|539|R|{1}{W}{B}|Legendary Creature - Human Cleric|2|2|Lifelink$At the beginning of your postcombat main phase, you may pay X life, where X is the number of opponents that were dealt combat damage this turn. If you do, draw X cards.$Partner|
Tymna the Weaver|Commander Legends|539|M|{1}{W}{B}|Legendary Creature - Human Cleric|2|2|Lifelink$At the beginning of your postcombat main phase, you may pay X life, where X is the number of opponents that were dealt combat damage this turn. If you do, draw X cards.$Partner|
Vial Smasher the Fierce|Commander Legends|540|M|{1}{B}{R}|Legendary Creature - Goblin Berserker|2|3|Whenever you cast your first spell each turn, choose an opponent at random. Vial Smasher the Fierce deals damage equal to that spell's converted mana cost to that player or a planeswalker that player controls.$Partner|
Vial Smasher the Fierce|Commander Legends|540|M|{1}{B}{R}|Legendary Creature - Goblin Berserker|2|3|Whenever you cast your first spell each turn, choose an opponent at random. Vial Smasher the Fierce deals damage equal to that spell's converted mana cost to that player or a planeswalker that player controls.$Partner|
Xenagos, God of Revels|Commander Legends|541|M|{3}{R}{G}|Legendary Enchantment Creature - God|6|5|Indestructible$As long as your devotion to red and green is less than seven, Xenagos isn't a creature.$At the beginning of combat on your turn, another target creature you control gains haste and gets +X/+X until end of turn, where X is that creature's power.|
Xenagos, God of Revels|Commander Legends|541|M|{3}{R}{G}|Legendary Enchantment Creature - God|6|5|Indestructible$As long as your devotion to red and green is less than seven, Xenagos isn't a creature.$At the beginning of combat on your turn, another target creature you control gains haste and gets +X/+X until end of turn, where X is that creature's power.|
Zur the Enchanter|Commander Legends|544|M|{1}{W}{U}{B}|Legendary Creature - Human Wizard|1|4|Flying$Whenever Zur the Enchanter attacks, you may search your library for an enchantment card with converted mana cost 3 or less and put it onto the battlefield. If you do, shuffle your library.|
Zur the Enchanter|Commander Legends|544|M|{1}{W}{U}{B}|Legendary Creature - Human Wizard|1|4|Flying$Whenever Zur the Enchanter attacks, you may search your library for an enchantment card with converted mana cost 3 or less and put it onto the battlefield. If you do, shuffle your library.|
Ramos, Dragon Engine|Commander Legends|545|M|{6}|Legendary Artifact Creature - Dragon|4|4|Flying$Whenever you cast a spell, put a +1/+1 counter on Ramos, Dragon Engine for each of that spell's colors.$Remove five +1/+1 counters from Ramos: Add {W}{W}{U}{U}{B}{B}{R}{R}{G}{G}. Activate this ability only once each turn.|
Ramos, Dragon Engine|Commander Legends|545|M|{6}|Legendary Artifact Creature - Dragon|4|4|Flying$Whenever you cast a spell, put a +1/+1 counter on Ramos, Dragon Engine for each of that spell's colors.$Remove five +1/+1 counters from Ramos: Add {W}{W}{U}{U}{B}{B}{R}{R}{G}{G}. Activate this ability only once each turn.|
Hans Eriksson|Commander Legends|599|R|{2}{R}{G}|Legendary Creature - Human Scout|1|4|Whenever Hans Eriksson attacks, reveal the top card of your library. If it's a creature card, put it onto the battlefield tapped and attacking defending player or a planeswalker they control. Otherwise, put that card into your hand. When you put a creature card onto the battlefield this way, it fights Hans Eriksson.|
Armored Skyhunter|Commander Legends|617|R|{3}{W}|Creature - Cat Knight|3|3|Flying$Whenever Armored Skyhunter attacks, look at the top six cards of your library. You may put an Aura or Equipment card from among them onto the battlefield. If an Equipment is put onto the battlefield this way, you may attach it to a creature you control. Put the rest of those cards on the bottom of your library in a random order.|
Mana Confluence|Commander Legends|721|M||Land|||{T}, Pay 1 life: Add one mana of any color.|
Mana Confluence|Commander Legends|721|M||Land|||{T}, Pay 1 life: Add one mana of any color.|
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