This commit is contained in:
jeffwadsworth 2021-02-12 22:58:39 -06:00
parent 8a16eda062
commit 82f40f04ae

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@ -196,11 +196,11 @@ class ValkiGodOfLiesReturnExiledCardEffect extends OneShotEffect {
public boolean apply(Game game, Ability source) {
Player controller = game.getPlayer(source.getControllerId());
MageObject Valki = game.getObject(source.getSourceId());
MageObject ValkiOnBattlefield = game.getLastKnownInformation(source.getSourceId(), Zone.BATTLEFIELD);
if (controller != null
&& Valki != null) {
// Valki, God of Lies has changed zone, so make sure to get the exile zone information from its previous state
UUID exileId = CardUtil.getExileZoneId(source.getSourceId().toString() + (Valki.getZoneChangeCounter(game) - 1), game);
&& ValkiOnBattlefield != null) {
// Valki, God of Lies has changed zone, so make sure to get the exile zone via its last known battlefield state
UUID exileId = CardUtil.getExileZoneId(source.getSourceId().toString() + (ValkiOnBattlefield.getZoneChangeCounter(game)), game);
ExileZone exile = game.getExile().getExileZone(exileId);
Permanent sourcePermanent = game.getPermanentOrLKIBattlefield(source.getSourceId());
if (exile != null