Test framework: added choices support for multiple targets with multiple damage spells (targetName^X=3);

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Oleg Agafonov 2018-12-01 08:20:46 +04:00
parent dca5b645aa
commit d65dab9a95
2 changed files with 47 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -2867,6 +2867,51 @@ public class TestPlayer implements Player {
public boolean chooseTargetAmount(Outcome outcome, TargetAmount target,
Ability source, Game game
) {
// command format: targetName^X=3
// chooseTargetAmount calls by TargetAmount for EACH target cycle
Assert.assertTrue("chooseTargetAmount supports only one target, but found " + target.getMaxNumberOfTargets(), target.getMaxNumberOfTargets() <= 1);
Assert.assertNotEquals("chooseTargetAmount need remaining > 0", 0, target.getAmountRemaining());
if (!targets.isEmpty()) {
boolean founded = false;
String foundedRecord = "";
for(String targetRecord : targets) {
String[] choiceSettings = targetRecord.split("\\^");
if (choiceSettings.length == 2 && choiceSettings[1].startsWith("X=")) {
// can choice
String choiceName = choiceSettings[0];
int choiceAmount = Integer.parseInt(choiceSettings[1].substring(2));
Assert.assertNotEquals("choice amount must be not zero", 0, choiceAmount);
Assert.assertTrue("choice amount " + choiceAmount + "must be <= remaining " + target.getAmountRemaining(), choiceAmount <= target.getAmountRemaining());
for(UUID possibleTarget : target.possibleTargets(source.getSourceId(), source.getControllerId(), game)) {
MageObject objectPermanent = game.getObject(possibleTarget);
Player objectPlayer = game.getPlayer(possibleTarget);
String objectName = objectPermanent != null ? objectPermanent.getName() : objectPlayer.getName();
if (objectName.equals(choiceName)) {
if (!target.getTargets().contains(possibleTarget) && target.canTarget(possibleTarget, source, game)) {
// can select
target.addTarget(possibleTarget, choiceAmount, source, game);
founded = true;
foundedRecord = targetRecord;
break CheckTargets;
if (founded) {
// all done
return true;
return computerPlayer.chooseTargetAmount(outcome, target, source, game);

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@ -222,6 +222,8 @@ public abstract class CardTestPlayerAPIImpl extends MageTestPlayerBase implement
logger.debug("Winner: " + currentGame.getWinner());
logger.info("Test has been executed. Execution time: " + (t2 - t1) / 1000000 + " ms");
// TODO: 01.12.2018, JayDi85 - uncomment and fix MANY broken tests with wrong commands
protected TestPlayer createNewPlayer(String playerName, RangeOfInfluence rangeOfInfluence) {