* fixed https://sonarcloud.io/project/issues?id=org.xmage%3Amage-root&issues=AWIlv32RgrzAwlaaQ7rP&open=AWIlv32RgrzAwlaaQ7rP
* ensure closing of scanner if it was opened
* Refactored method in EmpyrialArchAngel to not always return same value.
* Refactored method in FalkenrathAristocrat to not always return same value.
* Refactored method in GilderBairn to not always return the same value.
* fixed left open resources, ensured quiet closing of the streams
* Refactored method in IceCave to not always return same value.
* Refactored method in KjeldoranRoyalGuard to not always return same value.
* Refactored method in LegionsInitiative to not always return same value.
* Refactored method in NaturesWill to not always return same value.
* added quiet closing method in new streamutils class, used to clean up the connectdialog
* Fix small typo
* added quiet closing to saveobjectutil
* closed resources in savegame method of gamecontroller
* properly close resources in loadGame method of GameReplay class
* further proper resource closing in ServerMessagesUtil
* fixed unclosed resources in copy method in mage framework Copier
* closed unclosed resources in copyCompressed method in Copier
* ensure closing of filewriter in manasymbols
* ensure proper closing of Stream in arcane UI
* ensure closing of datagram socket in arcane Util
* ensure resource closing in deckimport from clipboard
* ensure closing of plugin classloader
* ensured closing of zipinputstream resource
* ensure closing of fileoutputstream in ScryfallSymbolsSource
* ensure closing resources after finishing/canceling download of pictures
* remove commented code
* move locks to try block to ensure unlocking along all execution paths
* remove dangerous instance of double-checked locking
* removed dangerous instance of double checked locking in settingsmanager
* Removed dangerous instance of double-checked locking in ThemePluginImpl
* close resource which did not happen certainly
* close another stream
* ensure closing of inputstream
- Added new images and symbols downloading;
- Fixed user defined images path (now work for all images: cards, symbols, temp downloading);
- Fixed not working cancel button at download window (it close window, but tasks is working, download and didn't save);
- Fixed temp files trash all around images folder (on cancel button);
- Fixed not saving new downloaded cards on cancel button (zip file didn't close on cancel);