[SOK] Descendant of Soramaro
[BOK] Kami of theHonoredDead
[CHK] Heartbeat of Spring / Jugan, the Rising Star / Kitsune Riftwalker / Mystic Restraints / Nezumi Bone Reader / Nine Ringed Bo / Samurai of the Pale Curtain / Sensei Golden-Tail / Tenza Godo's Maul / Wicked Akuba / Yosei the Morning Star
Fixed cards
Kumano Master Yamabushi - renamed file to correct name
Myojin of Infinite Rage - fixed toughness value
UnearthlyBlizzard - reworked text
Framework changes
EquippedMatchesFilterCondition - new, To grant equipment boosts conditional
PlayerDamagedByWatcher - new, Watcher to track damaged players
CardsInControllerHandCount - fixed potential null pointer exception
LookLibraryControllerEffect - improved to handle DynamicValues
[CHK] BloodthirstyOgre / HorobiDeathsWail / KumanosPupil / MyojinOfInfiniteRage / MyojinOfLifesWeb / MyojinOfNightsReach / MyojinOfSeeingWinds / OniPossession / PainwrackerOni
PutOntoBattlefieldTargetEffect - new effect
SetCardSubtypeAttachedEffect - added constuctor with list of types
TargetControlledCreaturePermanent - added constructor with "required" and "filter"
DrawCardControllerEffect / SacrificeTargetEffect - improved text generation
CountersCount - added flag to return the number of counters as negative value
[APO] Index
[CHK] Cranial Extraction / Eight-And-A-Half-Tale / Ethereal Haze / Hankyu / He Who Hungers / Sensei's Divining Top
[GPC] CrystalSeer
[LRW] InkfathomDivers
[SHM] AphoticWisps / CeruleanWisps / CrimsonWisps / CrimsonWisps / ViridescentWisps
[10E] Discombobulate
Glissa The Traitor - Changed flying to firststrike (solves issue 431)
HiddenHorror - minor text fix
PreventAllDamageEffect - replaces PreventAllCombatDamageEffect and supports now also preventing damage outside comnbat, refactored some cards with previous individual effect
SetCardColorTargetEffect - refactored some cards with previous individual effect
LookLibraryControllerEffect - supports now variable number of cards and may shuffle after look at cards
SacrificeSourceUnlessPaysEffect - refactored getText()
Contagion Clasp - Changed counter ability outcome to unboost
Creepy Doll - Fixed outcome
Nim Deathmantle - Fix, It could target creatures going to opponents graveyard (fixes issue 383)
Bonesplitter - Fixed equip costs
Minor fixes to some cards - texts, removed unused imports, moved equip ability to last ability
EquipAbility - Added constructor with filter for equipments with equip restriction (Konda's Banner), fixed missing mana output for equip costs (please check if ok)