#!/usr/bin/perl -w #author: spjspj use strict; my $addedCards; my $GIT_CMD = "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Git\\bin\\git.exe"; my $text = `\"$GIT_CMD\" tag`; print "Assuming the tag command is on: \"$GIT_CMD\" tag\n"; my @lines = split /\n/, $text; my %order_of_tags; my $tag; foreach $tag (@lines) { my $orig_num = $tag; my $num = $tag; if ($num =~ m/(\d+)\.(\d+).(\d+)v(\d+)/img) { $num = $1 * 2000 + $2 * 100 + $3 * 20 + $4; $order_of_tags {$num} = $tag; } } my $num; my $number = 0; my %new_order; foreach $num (sort {$a<=>$b} keys (%order_of_tags)) { $number++; $new_order{$number} = "$order_of_tags{$num}, press $number:\n"; } print ("To generate from head to :\n"); foreach $num (sort {$a<=>$b} keys (%new_order)) { if ($num > $number - 10) { print (" $new_order{$num}"); } } print ("Choose your preferred tag: "); my $cmd = <STDIN>; chomp $cmd; my %cn_classes; sub read_all_card_names { print ("find \"add\" ..\\Mage.Sets\\src\\mage\\sets\\*.java\n"); my $all_cards = `find \"add\" ..\\Mage.Sets\\src\\mage\\sets\\*.java`; my @cards = split /\n/, $all_cards; my $card; foreach $card (sort @cards) { if ($card =~ m/.*SetCardInfo."([^"]+)".*\.([^\.]+).class/) { $cn_classes {$2} = $1; } } } read_all_card_names(); sub get_name_of_card_from_class { my $line = $_ [0]; if ($line =~ m/Mage.Sets.*[\/\\]([^\/\\]+)\.java/img) { my $class_name = $1; my $card_name = $class_name; if (exists ($cn_classes {$card_name})) { return ($cn_classes {$card_name}); } $card_name =~ s/(.)([A-Z])/$1 $2/g; $card_name =~ s/\d//g; $card_name =~ s/ The / the /g; $card_name =~ s/ Of / of /g; $card_name =~ s/ To / to /g; $card_name =~ s/ And / and /g; return $card_name; } return ""; } if (exists ($new_order{$cmd})) { my $tag = $new_order{$cmd}; $tag =~ s/You chose //; $tag =~ s/,.*//; chomp $tag; print ("You chose $tag\n"); print "Command is \"$GIT_CMD\" diff $tag..HEAD\n"; $text = `\"$GIT_CMD\" diff $tag..HEAD`; @lines = split /\n/, $text; my $line; my $use_next_line = 0; my $past_line = 0; my %new_cards; foreach $line (@lines) { chomp $line; if ($line =~ m/\-\-\-.*dev.*null/) { $use_next_line = 1; } elsif ($use_next_line) { if ($line =~ m/sets.*mage.cards\/[a-z]\//img) { $new_cards {get_name_of_card_from_class($line)} ++; } $use_next_line = 0; } if ($line =~ m/deleted file/) { if ($past_line =~ m/sets.*mage.cards\/[a-z]\//img) { $new_cards {get_name_of_card_from_class($past_line)} --; } } $past_line = $line; } open MTG_CARDS_DATA, "mtg-cards-data.txt"; my %all_cards; while (<MTG_CARDS_DATA>) { my $val = $_; $val =~ s/\|/xxxx/; $val =~ s/\|.*//; $val =~ m/^(.*)xxxx(.*)/; $all_cards {$1} = $2; } print ("Found these new card names!\n"); foreach $line (sort keys (%new_cards)) { if ($new_cards {$line} > 0) { print ($line, " in ", $all_cards {$line}, "\n"); } } }