# XMage - Magic, Another Game Engine

XMage allows you to play magic against one or more online players or computer opponents. It includes full rules enforcement for over **8,500** unique cards (15,481 counting all cards from different editions). Starting with Eventide, all regular sets have nearly all the cards implemented ([see here in detail which cards are implemented](http://ct-magefree.rhcloud.com/stats)).

There are public servers where you can play XMage against other players. Apart from this, you can also host your own server to play against the AI and/or your friends.

You can visit the XMage forum [here](http://www.slightlymagic.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=70).

## Features
* Deck editor to build your desired decks.
* There is a simple computer AI opponent available.
* You can play either a two player duel or a multiplayer free-for-all game with up to 10 players.
* Commander format(also up to 10 players).
* There are two tournament types supported witch can be played with up to 16 players:
 * Elimination or swiss type handling
 * Booster (also Cube) draft tournaments (4-16)
 * Sealed (also from Cube) tournaments (2-16)

## Installation
Download the latest release from [here](http://XMage.info). You need this to be able to play on the public server.

After you extract the content of the archive, you will find batch files to start the client/server in the corresponding directories. See the included readme files for more instructions.

You will need to have the [Java Runtime Environment](http://java.com/en/) Version 7.

Here you can find a log of the latest changes: [Release changes] (http://github.com/magefree/mage/wiki/Release-changes)

(look here for more in detail description what to do: http://www.slightlymagic.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=70&t=13632)

## Developer

If you are interesting in developing XMage here are a couple of links that might interest you:
* [Developer Getting Started](http://github.com/magefree/mage/wiki/Developer-Getting-Started)
* [Developer Notes](http://github.com/magefree/mage/wiki/Developer-Notes)
* [Developer Testing Tools] (http://github.com/magefree/mage/wiki/Developer-Testing-Tools)
* [Double Faced Cards](http://github.com/magefree/mage/wiki/Double-Faced-Cards)