# MAGE - Magic, Another Game Engine

MAGE allows you to play magic against one or more online players or computer opponents. It includes full rules enforcement for **5321** unique cards. Starting with Magic 2011, all sets have all the cards implemented.

There is at least one public server where you can play MAGE against other players. Apart from this, you can also host your own server to play against the AI and/or your friends.

You can visit the official MAGE forum [here](http://www.slightlymagic.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=70).

## Features
* There are 3 different computer AI opponent types available to choose from.
* You can play either a two player duel or a multiplayer free-for-all game with up to 8 players.
* There are two tournament types supported witch can be played with up to 16 players:
 * Booster Draft
 * Sealed

## Installation
Download the latest release from [here](http://download.magefree.com). You need this to be able to play on the official server.

After you extract the contents of the arhive, you will find batch files to start the client/server in the corresponding directories. See the included readme files for more instructions.

You will need to have the [Java Runtime Environment](http://java.com/en/) Version 6 Update 24 or greater. 

## Developer

If you are interesting in developing MAGE here are a couple of links that might interest you:
* [Developer Getting Started](http://github.com/magefree/mage/wiki/Developer-Getting-Started)
* [Developer Notes](http://github.com/magefree/mage/wiki/Developer-Notes)
* [Double Faced Cards](http://github.com/magefree/mage/wiki/Double-Faced-Cards)