#!/usr/bin/perl -w #author: North use Text::Template; use strict; my $dataFile = "mtg-cards-data.txt"; my $setsFile = "mtg-sets-data.txt"; my $knownSetsFile = "known-sets.txt"; my %cards; my %sets; my %knownSets; my @setCards; # gets the set name my $setName = $ARGV[0]; if(!$setName) { print 'Enter a set name: '; $setName = <STDIN>; chomp $setName; } sub toCamelCase { my $string = $_[0]; $string =~ s/\b([\w']+)\b/ucfirst($1)/ge; $string =~ s/[-,\s\']//g; $string =~ s/[\/]//g; $string; } my $cardsFound = 0; my %all_sets; print ("Opening $dataFile\n"); open (DATA, $dataFile) || die "can't open $dataFile"; while(my $line = <DATA>) { my @data = split('\\|', $line); $cards{$data[0]}{$data[1]} = \@data; if ($data[1] eq $setName) { my $cardInfo = "$data[0],,,$data[2]"; push(@setCards, $cardInfo); } else { $all_sets {$data[1]} = 1; } } # Fix up split cards my $potentialSideA; my @tempSetCards; foreach $potentialSideA (sort @setCards) { #print (">>$potentialSideA\n"); if ($potentialSideA =~ m/.*,,,(\d+)(a)$/) { my $cardNumSideB = $1 . "b"; my $val; foreach $val (sort @setCards) { if ($val =~ m/$cardNumSideB$/) { $potentialSideA =~ s/,,,.*//; $val =~ s/,,,.*//; # Add 'SideaSideb' to %cards my $ds = $cards{$val}{$setName}; #print ("$potentialSideA$val,,,$cardNumSideB\n"); my @newCard; push (@newCard, "$potentialSideA$val"); push (@newCard, "$setName"); push (@newCard, "SPLIT"); push (@newCard, @$ds[3]); push (@newCard, "$potentialSideA // $val"); $cards{$newCard[0]}{$newCard[1]} = \@newCard; $cardNumSideB =~ s/.$//; push (@tempSetCards, "$potentialSideA$val,,,$cardNumSideB"); #print ("Adding in: $potentialSideA \/\/ $val,,,$cardNumSideB\n"); $cardsFound = $cardsFound - 1; } } } elsif ($potentialSideA =~ m/.*,,,(\d+)(b)$/) { next; } else { $cardsFound = $cardsFound + 1; push (@tempSetCards, $potentialSideA); } } @setCards = @tempSetCards; close(DATA); print "Number of cards found for set " . $setName . ": " . $cardsFound . "\n"; if ($cardsFound == 0) { $setName =~ s/^(...).*/$1/; my $poss; my $foundPossibleSet = 0; my $numPossibleSets = 0; foreach $poss (sort keys (%all_sets)) { $numPossibleSets++; if ($poss =~ m/^$setName/i) { print ("Did you possibly mean: $poss ?\n"); $foundPossibleSet = 1; } } if (!$foundPossibleSet) { print ("Couldn't find any matching set for '$setName'. \n"); } print "(Note: Looked at $numPossibleSets sets in total).\nPress the enter key to exit."; $setName = <STDIN>; exit; } open (DATA, $setsFile) || die "can't open $setsFile"; while(my $line = <DATA>) { my @data = split('\\|', $line); $sets{$data[0]}= $data[1]; } close(DATA); open (DATA, $knownSetsFile) || die "can't open $knownSetsFile"; while(my $line = <DATA>) { my @data = split('\\|', $line); $knownSets{$data[0]}= $data[1]; } close(DATA); print ("Reading in existing cards in set\n"); open (SET_FILE, "../../mage/Mage.Sets/src/mage/sets/$knownSets{$setName}.java") || die "can't open $dataFile"; my %alreadyIn; while (<SET_FILE>) { my $line = $_; if ($line =~ m/SetCardInfo.*\("(.*)", (\d+).*/) { $alreadyIn {$2} = $1; } } close SET_FILE; my $name_collectorid; my %authors; my %author_counts; foreach $name_collectorid (sort @setCards) { my $cardName; my $cardNr; $name_collectorid =~ m/^(.*),,,(.*)$/; $cardName = $1; $cardNr = $2; { my $ds; $ds = $cards{$cardName}{$setName}; my $className = toCamelCase($cardName); my $setId = lc($cardName); $setId =~ s/^(.).*/$1/; my $fn = "..\\Mage.Sets\\src\\mage\\cards\\$setId\\$className.java"; if (@$ds[2] eq "SPLIT") { my $oldCardName = $cardName; $cardName = @$ds[4]; } my $plus_cardName = $cardName; $plus_cardName =~ s/ /+/img; $plus_cardName =~ s/,/+/img; $plus_cardName = "intext:\"$plus_cardName\""; my $cmd = "find /I \"\@author\" $fn"; if (!exists ($alreadyIn{$cardNr})) { if (-e $fn) { my $output = `$cmd`; chomp $output; $output =~ s/^----.*\n//img; $output =~ s/^.*author\s*//img; $authors {$fn} = $output; $author_counts {$output} ++; } } else { if (-e $fn) { my $output = `$cmd`; chomp $output; $output =~ s/^----.*\n//img; $output =~ s/^.*.author\s*//img; $authors {$fn} = $output; $author_counts {$output} ++; } } } } print "\n\n\nAuthor Counts:\n"; my $author; foreach $author (sort (keys %author_counts)) { if ($author !~ m/---/img) { print ("$author --> $author_counts{$author}"); } } print ("\nData from reading: ../../mage/Mage.Sets/src/mage/sets/$knownSets{$setName}.java\n"); print "\n\nYou are done. Press the enter key to exit."; $setName = <STDIN>;