#!/usr/bin/perl -w use WWW::Mechanize; use HTML::TreeBuilder; use Text::Template; use Data::Dumper; use strict; my $datafile = "mtg-cards-data.txt"; my @sets; my @collector; my %rarities; my %collectors; my @multiverses; my $manacost = ""; my $loyality = -1; my $power = -1; my $toughness = -1; my @texts; my @types; my %fulltoshort; $fulltoshort{'Tenth Edition'} = '10E'; $fulltoshort{'Unlimited Edition'} = '2ED'; $fulltoshort{'Revised Edition'} = '3ED'; $fulltoshort{'Fourth Edition'} = '4ED'; $fulltoshort{'Fifth Dawn'} = '5DN'; $fulltoshort{'Fifth Edition'} = '5ED'; $fulltoshort{'Classic Sixth Edition'} = '6ED'; $fulltoshort{'Seventh Edition'} = '7ED'; $fulltoshort{'Eighth Edition'} = '8ED'; $fulltoshort{'Alliances'} = 'ALL'; $fulltoshort{'Apocalypse'} = 'APC'; $fulltoshort{'Alara Reborn'} = 'ARB'; $fulltoshort{'Arabian Nights'} = 'ARN'; $fulltoshort{'Anthologies'} = 'ATH'; $fulltoshort{'Antiquities'} = 'ATQ'; $fulltoshort{'Betrayers of Kamigawa'} = 'BOK'; $fulltoshort{'Battle Royale Box Set'} = 'BRB'; $fulltoshort{'Beatdown Box Set'} = 'BTD'; $fulltoshort{'Champions of Kamigawa'} = 'CHK'; $fulltoshort{'Chronicles'} = 'CHR'; $fulltoshort{'Conflux'} = 'CON'; $fulltoshort{'Coldsnap'} = 'CSP'; $fulltoshort{'Darksteel'} = 'DST'; $fulltoshort{'Dissension'} = 'DIS'; $fulltoshort{'Deckmasters'} = 'DKM'; $fulltoshort{'The Dark'} = 'DRK'; $fulltoshort{'Darksteel'} = 'DST'; $fulltoshort{'Duel Decks: Divine vs. Demonic'} = 'DVD'; $fulltoshort{'Duel Decks: Elves vs. Goblins'} = 'EVG'; $fulltoshort{'Duel Decks: Garruk vs. Liliana'} = 'GVL'; $fulltoshort{'Duel Decks: Jace vs. Chandra'} = 'JVC'; $fulltoshort{'Duel Decks: Phyrexia vs. the Coalition'} = 'PVC'; $fulltoshort{'Eventide'} = 'EVE'; $fulltoshort{'Exodus'} = 'EXO'; $fulltoshort{'Fallen Empires'} = 'FEM'; $fulltoshort{'Future Sight'} = 'FUT'; $fulltoshort{'From the Vault: Dragons'} = 'FVD'; $fulltoshort{'From the Vault: Exiled'} = 'FVE'; $fulltoshort{'Guildpact'} = 'GPT'; $fulltoshort{'Homelands'} = 'HML'; $fulltoshort{'Planechase'} = 'HOP'; $fulltoshort{'Ice Age'} = 'ICE'; $fulltoshort{'Invasion'} = 'INV'; $fulltoshort{'Judgment'} = 'JUD'; $fulltoshort{'Limited Edition Alpha'} = 'LEA'; $fulltoshort{'Limited Edition Beta'} = 'LEB'; $fulltoshort{'Legends'} = 'LEG'; $fulltoshort{'Legions'} = 'LGN'; $fulltoshort{'Lorwyn'} = 'LRW'; $fulltoshort{'Magic 2010'} = 'M10'; $fulltoshort{'Magic 2011'} = 'M11'; $fulltoshort{'Masters Edition II'} = 'ME2'; $fulltoshort{'Masters Edition III'} = 'ME3'; $fulltoshort{'Masters Edition IV'} = 'ME4'; $fulltoshort{'Masters Edition'} = 'MED'; $fulltoshort{'Mirage'} = 'MIR'; $fulltoshort{'Mercadian Masques'} = 'MMQ'; $fulltoshort{'Morningtide'} = 'MOR'; $fulltoshort{'Mirrodin'} = 'MRD'; $fulltoshort{'Ninth Edition'} = '9ED'; $fulltoshort{'Nemesis'} = 'NEM'; $fulltoshort{'Odyssey'} = 'ODY'; $fulltoshort{'Onslaught'} = 'ONS'; $fulltoshort{'Portal Second Age'} = 'PO2'; $fulltoshort{'Prophecy'} = 'PCY'; $fulltoshort{'Planar Chaos'} = 'PLC'; $fulltoshort{'Planeshift'} = 'PLS'; $fulltoshort{'Portal'} = 'POR'; $fulltoshort{'Portal Three Kingdoms'} = 'PTK'; $fulltoshort{'Premium Deck Series: Slivers'} = 'PDS'; $fulltoshort{'Ravnica: City of Guilds'} = 'RAV'; $fulltoshort{'Rise of the Eldrazi'} = 'ROE'; $fulltoshort{'Starter 2000'} = 'S00'; $fulltoshort{'Starter 1999'} = 'S99'; $fulltoshort{'Scourge'} = 'SCG'; $fulltoshort{'Shadowmoor'} = 'SHM'; $fulltoshort{'Shards of Alara'} = 'ALA'; $fulltoshort{'Saviors of Kamigawa'} = 'SOK'; $fulltoshort{'Stronghold'} = 'STH'; $fulltoshort{'Tempest'} = 'TMP'; $fulltoshort{'Torment'} = 'TOR'; $fulltoshort{'Time Spiral "Timeshifted"'} = 'TSB'; $fulltoshort{'Time Spiral'} = 'TSP'; $fulltoshort{'Urza\'s Destiny'} = 'UDS'; $fulltoshort{'Unglued'} = 'UGL'; $fulltoshort{'Urza\'s Legacy'} = 'ULG'; $fulltoshort{'Unhinged'} = 'UNH'; $fulltoshort{'Urza\'s Saga'} = 'USG'; $fulltoshort{'Vanguard Set 1'} = 'VG1'; $fulltoshort{'Vanguard Set 2'} = 'VG2'; $fulltoshort{'Vanguard Set 3'} = 'VG3'; $fulltoshort{'Vanguard Set 4'} = 'VG4'; $fulltoshort{'MTGO Vanguard'} = 'VGO'; $fulltoshort{'Visions'} = 'VIS'; $fulltoshort{'Weatherlight'} = 'WTH'; $fulltoshort{'Worldwake'} = 'WWK'; $fulltoshort{'Zendikar'} = 'ZEN'; $fulltoshort{'Archenemy'} = 'ARC'; $fulltoshort{'Scars of Mirrodin'} = 'SOM'; $fulltoshort{'From the Vault: Relics'} = 'FVR'; $fulltoshort{'Duel Decks: Elspeth vs. Tezzeret'} = 'DDF'; $fulltoshort{'Mirrodin Besieged'} = 'MBS'; $fulltoshort{'New Phyrexia'} = 'NPH'; my %wizardstous; $wizardstous{'6E'} = '6ED'; $wizardstous{'7E'} = '7ED'; $wizardstous{'8ED'} = '8ED'; $wizardstous{'9ED'} = '9ED'; $wizardstous{'10E'} = '10E'; $wizardstous{'BD'} = 'BTD'; $wizardstous{'DDD'} = 'GVL'; $wizardstous{'CG'} = 'UDS'; $wizardstous{'ST'} = 'STH'; $wizardstous{'ONS'} = 'ONS'; $wizardstous{'P3'} = 'S99'; $wizardstous{'P4'} = 'S00'; $wizardstous{'OD'} = 'ODY'; $wizardstous{'M10'} = 'M10'; $wizardstous{'M11'} = 'M11'; $wizardstous{'LRW'} = 'LRW'; $wizardstous{'DD2'} = 'JVC'; $wizardstous{'TSB'} = 'TSB'; $wizardstous{'ZEN'} = 'ZEN'; $wizardstous{'5E'} = '5ED'; $wizardstous{'IA'} = 'ICE'; $wizardstous{'4E'} = '4ED'; $wizardstous{'3E'} = '3ED'; $wizardstous{'2U'} = '2ED'; $wizardstous{'2E'} = 'LEB'; $wizardstous{'1E'} = 'LEA'; $wizardstous{'EVG'} = 'EVG'; $wizardstous{'BR'} = 'BRB'; $wizardstous{'ME2'} = 'ME2'; $wizardstous{'ME3'} = 'ME3'; $wizardstous{'ME4'} = 'ME4'; $wizardstous{'HOP'} = 'HOP'; $wizardstous{'PO'} = 'POR'; $wizardstous{'P2'} = 'PO2'; $wizardstous{'PK'} = 'PTK'; $wizardstous{'MED'} = 'MED'; $wizardstous{'EVE'} = 'EVE'; $wizardstous{'MOR'} = 'MOR'; $wizardstous{'RAV'} = 'RAV'; $wizardstous{'SHM'} = 'SHM'; $wizardstous{'MI'} = 'MIR'; $wizardstous{'ARB'} = 'ARB'; $wizardstous{'VI'} = 'VIS'; $wizardstous{'DST'} = 'DST'; $wizardstous{'TOR'} = 'TOR'; $wizardstous{'DDC'} = 'DVD'; $wizardstous{'AP'} = 'APC'; $wizardstous{'CON'} = 'CON'; $wizardstous{'ALA'} = 'ALA'; $wizardstous{'DDE'} = 'PVC'; $wizardstous{'JUD'} = 'JUD'; $wizardstous{'WL'} = 'WTH'; $wizardstous{'MRD'} = 'MRD'; $wizardstous{'TE'} = 'TMP'; $wizardstous{'DRB'} = 'FVD'; $wizardstous{'PR'} = 'PCY'; $wizardstous{'UZ'} = 'USG'; $wizardstous{'IN'} = 'INV'; $wizardstous{'FUT'} = 'FUT'; $wizardstous{'TSP'} = 'TSP'; $wizardstous{'CHK'} = 'CHK'; $wizardstous{'EX'} = 'EXO'; $wizardstous{'FE'} = 'FEM'; $wizardstous{'PLC'} = 'PLC'; $wizardstous{'CHK'} = 'CHK'; $wizardstous{'ROE'} = 'ROE'; $wizardstous{'5DN'} = '5DN'; $wizardstous{'LE'} = 'LEG'; $wizardstous{'CH'} = 'CHR'; $wizardstous{'H09'} = 'PDS'; $wizardstous{'MM'} = 'MMQ'; $wizardstous{'GPT'} = 'GPT'; $wizardstous{'GU'} = 'ULG'; $wizardstous{'ARC'} = 'ARC'; $wizardstous{'DIS'} = 'DIS'; $wizardstous{'NE'} = 'NEM'; $wizardstous{'PS'} = 'PLS'; $wizardstous{'LGN'} = 'LGN'; $wizardstous{'AN'} = 'ARN'; $wizardstous{'WWK'} = 'WWK'; $wizardstous{'SOM'} = 'SOM'; $wizardstous{'V10'} = 'FVR'; $wizardstous{'DDF'} = 'DDF'; $wizardstous{'MBS'} = 'MBS'; $wizardstous{'NPH'} = 'NPH'; my %knownSets; $knownSets{'ARB'} = 'alarareborn'; $knownSets{'APC'} = 'apocalypse'; $knownSets{'CON'} = 'conflux'; $knownSets{'DST'} = 'darksteel'; $knownSets{'EVE'} = 'eventide'; $knownSets{'M10'} = 'magic2010'; $knownSets{'M11'} = 'magic2011'; $knownSets{'HOP'} = 'planechase'; $knownSets{'RAV'} = 'ravnika'; $knownSets{'ROE'} = 'riseoftheeldrazi'; $knownSets{'ALA'} = 'shardsofalara'; $knownSets{'10E'} = 'tenth'; $knownSets{'WWK'} = 'worldwake'; $knownSets{'ZEN'} = 'zendikar'; $knownSets{'SOM'} = 'scarsofmirrodin'; $knownSets{'GPT'} = 'guildpact'; $knownSets{'DIS'} = 'dissension'; $knownSets{'MRD'} = 'mirrodin'; $knownSets{'DDF'} = 'elspethvstezzeret'; $knownSets{'MBS'} = 'mirrodinbesieged'; $knownSets{'NPH'} = 'newphyrexia'; $knownSets{'TMP'} = 'tempest'; $knownSets{'CHK'} = 'championsofkamigawa'; my %raritiesConversion; $raritiesConversion{'C'} = 'COMMON'; $raritiesConversion{'U'} = 'UNCOMMON'; $raritiesConversion{'R'} = 'RARE'; $raritiesConversion{'M'} = 'MYTHIC'; my %mana; $mana{'Black'} = '{B}'; $mana{'Blue'} = '{U}'; $mana{'Green'} = '{G}'; $mana{'Red'} = '{R}'; $mana{'White'} = '{W}'; $mana{'Variable Colorless'} = '{X}'; $mana{'White or Black'} = '{W/B}'; $mana{'Green or White'} = '{G/W}'; $mana{'Black or Green'} = '{B/G}'; $mana{'Black or Red'} = '{B/R}'; $mana{'Blue or Red'} = '{U/R}'; $mana{'Red or Green'} = '{R/G}'; $mana{'Red or White'} = '{R/W}'; my %manatocolor; $manatocolor{'Black'} = " this.color.setBlack(true);"; $manatocolor{'Blue'} = " this.color.setBlue(true);"; $manatocolor{'Green'} = " this.color.setGreen(true);"; $manatocolor{'Red'} = " this.color.setRed(true);"; $manatocolor{'White'} = " this.color.setWhite(true);"; $manatocolor{'Red or White'} = " this.color.setWhite(true);\n this.color.setRed(true);"; my %cardtypes; $cardtypes{'Artifact'} = "CardType.ARTIFACT"; $cardtypes{'Creature'} = "CardType.CREATURE"; $cardtypes{'Enchantment'} = "CardType.ENCHANTMENT"; $cardtypes{'Instant'} = "CardType.INSTANT"; $cardtypes{'Land'} = "CardType.LAND"; $cardtypes{'Sorcery'} = "CardType.SORCERY"; my %normalid; print "Enter a card name: "; my $cardname = ; chomp $cardname; my $finded = 0; open DATA, "< $datafile" or die "Can't open datafile: $!"; while () { my $str = $_; my (undef, $name, $set, $rarity, $multiverse, $collector) = split("\\|"); if ($cardname eq $name) { die "can't find set: $set" unless defined $fulltoshort{$set}; push(@sets, $fulltoshort{$set}); $rarities{$fulltoshort{$set}} = $rarity; $collectors{$fulltoshort{$set}} = $collector; push(@multiverses, $multiverse); $finded = 1; } } die "card not found" unless $finded; my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new( autocheck => 1 ); my $parser = HTML::TreeBuilder->new(); $mech->get("http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=" . $multiverses[0] ); print "card fetched\n"; my $template = Text::Template->new(SOURCE => 'cardclass.tmpl', DELIMITERS => [ '[=', '=]' ]); my %vars; $vars{'name'} = $cardname; $cardname =~ s/[-\s\']//g; $vars{'classname'} = $cardname; $parser->parse($mech->content()); my @divs = $parser->look_down('_tag', 'div'); foreach my $div (@divs) { if (defined($div->attr('id'))) { my $id = $div->attr('id'); if ($id =~m/textRow/) { foreach my $sub ($div->look_down('_tag', 'div')) { if (defined($sub->attr('class')) && $sub->attr('class') eq 'cardtextbox') { push(@texts, $sub->as_text()); } } } if ($id =~m/typeRow/) { my $typestring = ""; my $subtype = ""; foreach my $sub ($div->look_down('_tag', 'div')) { if (defined($sub->attr('class')) && $sub->attr('class') eq 'value') { my $type = $sub->as_text(); chomp $type; while ( $type =~ m/([a-zA-z]+)( )*/g ) { push @types, $1; if (exists($cardtypes{$1})) { if (length($typestring) > 0) { $typestring .= ", " . $cardtypes{$1}; } else { $typestring = $cardtypes{$1}; } } else { $subtype .= " this.subtype.add(\"$1\");\n"; } } } } $vars{'type'} = $typestring; $vars{'subtype'} = $subtype; } if ($id =~m/manaRow/) { my $findedcolors; foreach my $sub ($div->look_down('_tag', 'img')) { if (defined($sub->attr('alt'))) { my $m = $sub->attr('alt'); if ($m =~ /^-?\d/) { $manacost .= "{" . $m . "}"; } else { die "unknown manacost: " . $m unless defined $mana{$m}; $manacost .= $mana{$m}; $findedcolors .= "\n" . $manatocolor{$m}; } } } $manacost =~ s/^\s*(\S*(?:\s+\S+)*)\s*$/$1/; $vars{'manacost'} = $manacost; $vars{'colors'} = $findedcolors; print Dumper(%vars); } if ($id =~/ptRow/) { foreach my $sub ($div->look_down('_tag', 'div')) { if (defined($sub->attr('class')) && $sub->attr('class') eq 'value') { my $str = $sub->as_text(); $str =~s/\s//; $str =~m/(.+)\/(.+)/; $vars{'power'} = $1; $vars{'toughness'} = $2; } } } if ($id =~m/currentSetSymbol/) { print "*** " . $div->as_HTML(); my ($imgurl) = $div->look_down('_tag', 'img'); $imgurl->attr('src') =~m/set=(\w+)\&.*rarity=(\w+)/; my $multiverseid = $multiverses[0]; die "can't find set conversion for $1, multiverse: $multiverseid" unless defined $wizardstous{$1}; my $set = $wizardstous{$1}; $normalid{$set} = $multiverseid; } if ($id =~m/otherSetsValue/) { foreach my $sub ($div->look_down('_tag', 'a')) { my $link = $sub->attr('href'); $link =~m/multiverseid\=(\d+)/; my $multiverseid = $1; my ($imgurl) = $sub->look_down('_tag', 'img'); $imgurl->attr('src') =~m/set=(\w+)\&.*rarity=(\w+)/; die "can't find set conversion for $1, multiverse: $multiverseid" unless defined $wizardstous{$1}; my $set = $wizardstous{$1}; $normalid{$set} = $multiverseid; } } } } for my $set (@sets) { if (exists($knownSets{$set})) { $vars{'longset'} = $knownSets{$set}; $vars{'rarity'} = $raritiesConversion{$rarities{$set}}; $vars{'collector'} = $collectors{$set}; $vars{'setcode'} = $set; my $result = $template->fill_in(HASH => \%vars); if (defined($result)) { my $filename = "../Mage.Sets/src/mage/sets/". $knownSets{$set} . "/" . $vars{'classname'} . ".java"; if (-e $filename ) { print "WARNING $filename already exists!\n"; } else { open CARD, "> $filename"; print CARD $result; close CARD; } } } }