mage/Mage.Client/release/sample-decks/2013/Standard/DailyMTG ReConstructed/dannyson's Molten Barrage.dck

14 lines
388 B

NAME:dannyson's Molten Barrage
4 [M14:147] Molten Birth
4 [M14:139] Flames of the Firebrand
4 [M14:125] Act of Treason
4 [RTR:247] Steam Vents
4 [RTR:95] Goblin Rally
4 [M14:155] Shock
4 [M14:127] Barrage of Expendables
16 [M14:242] Mountain
4 [GTC:106] Skullcrack
4 [M14:234] Island
4 [M14:163] Young Pyromancer
4 [RTR:163] Goblin Electromancer
4 [M14:160] Volcanic Geyser