mage/Mage.Client/release/sample-decks/2013/Standard/DailyMTG ReConstructed/Jordan Twiggy Melanson's Enchantment Aggro.dck

15 lines
420 B

NAME:Jordan Twiggy Melanson's Enchantment Aggro
4 [GTC:98] Madcap Skills
4 [AVR:31] Nearheath Pilgrim
4 [ISD:143] Furor of the Bitten
4 [DKA:7] Faith's Shield
11 [M14:230] Plains
4 [RTR:9] Ethereal Armor
4 [RTR:11] Fencing Ace
4 [ISD:238] Clifftop Retreat
2 [DKA:13] Loyal Cathar
4 [M13:38] War Falcon
4 [AVR:9] Call to Serve
4 [GTC:245] Sacred Foundry
4 [M13:21] Knight of Glory
3 [ISD:5] Bonds of Faith