mage/Mage.Client/release/sample-decks/2013/Standard/DailyMTG ReConstructed - Post Theros Standard
2013-10-26 10:01:34 +02:00
Brian Geddes's Mono-Black Control.dck
David Spindola's Hammer Red.dck
Gavin Verhey's Big Game Hunter.dck
Gavin Verhey's Orzhov Humans.dck
Gavin Verhey's Reaniwhip.dck
Jim Boulter's Manaburst Green.dck
Joshua Bader's Return of the Caba.dck
Kevin's White Weenie.dck
Kyle's Assemble the Forge.dck
Ryan Schwenk's Mono-Red Devotion.dck
Sam Pate's Devotion to Smashy Smashy.dck
Shouta Yasooka's UB Control.dck * Sample deck - Standard UB control. 2013-10-26 10:01:34 +02:00