mage/Mage.Client/release/sample-decks/Top8 PT and Worlds decks (Standard)
2020-08-08 23:13:30 +04:00
Abzan Control 58 PT Dragons of Tarkir (Brussels) ST 4-12-15.dck
Abzan Midrange 1 PT Khans of Tarkir (Honolulu) ST 10-12-14.dck Change AE to Ae 2016-09-17 16:59:24 +00:00
Abzan Midrange(1) 34 PT Khans of Tarkir (Honolulu) ST 10-12-14.dck
Abzan Midrange(2) 34 PT Khans of Tarkir (Honolulu) ST 10-12-14.dck
Affinity(1) 58 World Championship 2004 (San Francisco) ST 9-5-04.dck * Other: fixed sample decks to actual card numbers, fixed broken sample decks; 2020-08-08 23:13:30 +04:00
Affinity(2) 58 World Championship 2004 (San Francisco) ST 9-5-04.dck * Other: fixed sample decks to actual card numbers, fixed broken sample decks; 2020-08-08 23:13:30 +04:00
Astral Slide 1 World Championship 2004 (San Francisco) ST 9-5-04.dck * Other: fixed sample decks to actual card numbers, fixed broken sample decks; 2020-08-08 23:13:30 +04:00
Astral Slide 58 World Championship 2004 (San Francisco) ST 9-5-04.dck * Other: fixed sample decks to actual card numbers, fixed broken sample decks; 2020-08-08 23:13:30 +04:00
Bant 58 World Championship 2009 (Rome) ST 11-19-09.dck
BGW Angels 58 PT San Diego ST 2-21-10.dck Split the Judge Gift Cards set (JP) into the individual sets as listed on Scryfall. 2020-03-24 17:31:54 +01:00
Black Kessig 34 PT Dark Ascension (Honolulu) ST 2-12-12.dck
Boros 34 World Championship 2009 (Rome) ST 11-19-09.dck
Boros Landfall 2 PT Paris ST 2-13-11.dck
Boros Landfall 34 PT Paris ST 2-13-11.dck
Boss Naya 34 PT San Diego ST 2-21-10.dck Split the Judge Gift Cards set (JP) into the individual sets as listed on Scryfall. 2020-03-24 17:31:54 +01:00
Br Vampires 58 World Championship 2010 (Chiba) ST 12-12-10.dck
Bug Critical 58 World Championship 2005 (Yokohama) ST 12-4-05.dck
Critical Mass 58 World Championship 2005 (Yokohama) ST 12-4-05.dck
Dark Exalted 34 PT Kyoto ST 3-1-09.dck Split the Judge Gift Cards set (JP) into the individual sets as listed on Scryfall. 2020-03-24 17:31:54 +01:00
Devotion to Black 58 PT Theros (Dublin) ST 10-13-13.dck
Devotion to Blue 1 PT Theros (Dublin) ST 10-13-13.dck Change AE to Ae 2016-09-17 16:59:24 +00:00
Devotion to Blue 2 PT Theros (Dublin) ST 10-13-13.dck
Devotion to Blue 34 PT Theros (Dublin) ST 10-13-13.dck Change AE to Ae 2016-09-17 16:59:24 +00:00
Devotion to Green 34 PT Theros (Dublin) ST 10-13-13.dck
Devotion to Gruul 34 PT Dragons of Tarkir (Brussels) ST 4-12-15.dck
Devotion to Gruul 58 PT Dragons of Tarkir (Brussels) ST 4-12-15.dck
Devotion to Red 58 PT Theros (Dublin) ST 10-13-13.dck
Doran 58 PT Hollywood ST 5-25-08.dck
Doran Rock 1 World Championship 2007 (New York) ST 12-6-07.dck * Other: fixed sample decks to actual card numbers, fixed broken sample decks; 2020-08-08 23:13:30 +04:00
Dragonstorm 1 World Championship 2006 (Paris) ST 12-3-06.dck * Other: fixed sample decks to actual card numbers, fixed broken sample decks; 2020-08-08 23:13:30 +04:00
Eldrazi Green 34 World Championship 2010 (Chiba) ST 12-12-10.dck
Elves(1) 58 World Championship 2007 (New York) ST 12-6-07.dck
Elves(2) 58 World Championship 2007 (New York) ST 12-6-07.dck
Enduring Ideal 34 World Championship 2005 (Yokohama) ST 12-4-05.dck
Esper Control 34 PT Gatecrash (Montreal) ST 2-17-13.dck
Esper Control 58 PT Theros (Dublin) ST 10-13-13.dck Change AE to Ae 2016-09-17 16:59:24 +00:00
Faeries 58 PT Hollywood ST 5-25-08.dck Fixed Friday Night Magic cards used in sample decks. 2020-03-19 11:09:48 +01:00
Fauna Quest 58 PT Paris ST 2-13-11.dck
GB Elves 34 PT Hollywood ST 5-25-08.dck * Other: fixed sample decks to actual card numbers, fixed broken sample decks; 2020-08-08 23:13:30 +04:00
Greater Gift 2 World Championship 2005 (Yokohama) ST 12-4-05.dck Split the Judge Gift Cards set (JP) into the individual sets as listed on Scryfall. 2020-03-24 17:31:54 +01:00
Green-White Tokens Steve Rubin Pro Tour SOI 2016.dck
Gruul Deck Wins 1 PT Dragons of Tarkir (Brussels) ST 4-12-15.dck
Gruul Dragons 58 PT Dragons of Tarkir (Brussels) ST 4-12-15.dck
GW Aggro 2 World Championship 2011 (San Francisco) ST 11-20-11.dck
Heartbeat 58 PT Honolulu ST 3-5-06.dck * Other: fixed sample decks to actual card numbers, fixed broken sample decks; 2020-08-08 23:13:30 +04:00
Izzetron 58 PT Honolulu ST 3-5-06.dck * Other: fixed sample decks to actual card numbers, fixed broken sample decks; 2020-08-08 23:13:30 +04:00
Jeskai Ascendancy 58 PT Khans of Tarkir (Honolulu) ST 10-12-14.dck
Jeskai Tempo 2 PT Khans of Tarkir (Honolulu) ST 10-12-14.dck
Jeskai Tempo(1) 58 PT Khans of Tarkir (Honolulu) ST 10-12-14.dck
Jeskai Tempo(2) 58 PT Khans of Tarkir (Honolulu) ST 10-12-14.dck
Jund 1 PT San Diego ST 2-21-10.dck
Jund 2 PT San Diego ST 2-21-10.dck
Jund 2 World Championship 2009 (Rome) ST 11-19-09.dck
Jund 34 PT Magic 2015 (Portland) ST 8-3-14.dck
Jund 58 PT Magic 2015 (Portland) ST 8-3-14.dck
Jund 58 PT San Diego ST 2-21-10.dck
Jund Control(1) 58 PT Gatecrash (Montreal) ST 2-17-13.dck
Jund Control(2) 58 PT Gatecrash (Montreal) ST 2-17-13.dck
Jund(1) 58 World Championship 2009 (Rome) ST 11-19-09.dck
Jund(2) 58 World Championship 2009 (Rome) ST 11-19-09.dck
Kessig Bant 58 PT Gatecrash (Montreal) ST 2-17-13.dck
Kessig Titan 1 PT Dark Ascension (Honolulu) ST 2-12-12.dck
Kessig Titan 1 World Championship 2011 (San Francisco) ST 11-20-11.dck
Kessig Titan 2 PT Dark Ascension (Honolulu) ST 2-12-12.dck
Kithkins 34 World Championship 2008 (Memphis) ST 12-14-08.dck
Mono Red Aggro 58 PT San Diego ST 2-21-10.dck * Other: fixed sample decks to actual card numbers, fixed broken sample decks; 2020-08-08 23:13:30 +04:00
Mono W Tokens World Championship 2009 (Rome) ST 11-19-09.dck
Mystic Caw Go 1 PT Paris ST 2-13-11.dck
Mystic Caw Go 34 PT Paris ST 2-13-11.dck
Mystic Caw Go(1) 58 PT Paris ST 2-13-11.dck
Mystic Caw Go(2) 58 PT Paris ST 2-13-11.dck
Naya 34 World Championship 2009 (Rome) ST 11-19-09.dck Split the Judge Gift Cards set (JP) into the individual sets as listed on Scryfall. 2020-03-24 17:31:54 +01:00
Naya Aggro 58 PT Magic 2015 (Portland) ST 8-3-14.dck
Naya Lightsaber 1 World Championship 2009 (Rome) ST 11-19-09.dck
Naya Pod 58 PT Dark Ascension (Honolulu) ST 2-12-12.dck
Open Filigree 58 PT San Diego ST 2-21-10.dck
Orzhov Control 34 PT Magic 2015 (Portland) ST 8-3-14.dck
Orzhov Control 58 PT Magic 2015 (Portland) ST 8-3-14.dck
Orzhov Midrange 58 PT Theros (Dublin) ST 10-13-13.dck
Owling Mine 34 PT Honolulu ST 3-5-06.dck * Other: fixed sample decks to actual card numbers, fixed broken sample decks; 2020-08-08 23:13:30 +04:00
Quick n Toast 2 World Championship 2008 (Memphis) ST 12-14-08.dck
RB Sauce 34 World Championship 2008 (Memphis) ST 12-14-08.dck
Red Deck Wins 34 World Championship 2011 (San Francisco) ST 11-20-11.dck
Rock(1) 58 World Championship 2007 (New York) ST 12-6-07.dck * Other: fixed sample decks to actual card numbers, fixed broken sample decks; 2020-08-08 23:13:30 +04:00
Rock(2) 58 World Championship 2007 (New York) ST 12-6-07.dck * Other: fixed sample decks to actual card numbers, fixed broken sample decks; 2020-08-08 23:13:30 +04:00
Saint WW with Leaks 58 World Championship 2011 (San Francisco) ST 11-20-11.dck
Saito Naya 34 PT Gatecrash (Montreal) ST 2-17-13.dck
Seasons Past Control Pro Tour SOI 2016 Jon Finkel.dck * Other: fixed sample decks to actual card numbers, fixed broken sample decks; 2020-08-08 23:13:30 +04:00
Selesnya Aggro 2 PT Magic 2015 (Portland) ST 8-3-14.dck
Snow Mana Ramp 58 PT Hollywood ST 5-25-08.dck * Other: fixed sample decks to actual card numbers, fixed broken sample decks; 2020-08-08 23:13:30 +04:00
Tempered Steel 34 World Championship 2011 (San Francisco) ST 11-20-11.dck
Tempered Steel(1) 58 World Championship 2011 (San Francisco) ST 11-20-11.dck
Tempered Steel(2) 58 World Championship 2011 (San Francisco) ST 11-20-11.dck
Tempered Steel(3) 58 World Championship 2011 (San Francisco) ST 11-20-11.dck
Tezzeret Control 58 PT Paris ST 2-13-11.dck
The Aristocrats 1 PT Gatecrash (Montreal) ST 2-17-13.dck
Trinity 34 World Championship 2000 (Brussels) ST 8-6-00.dck * Other: fixed sample decks to actual card numbers, fixed broken sample decks; 2020-08-08 23:13:30 +04:00
UB Control 1 World Championship 2010 (Chiba) ST 12-12-10.dck
UB Control 2 World Championship 2010 (Chiba) ST 12-12-10.dck
UB Control 34 World Championship 2010 (Chiba) ST 12-12-10.dck
UB Control 58 PT Khans of Tarkir (Honolulu) ST 10-12-14.dck
UB Control 58 World Championship 2005 (Yokohama) ST 12-4-05.dck
UB Control Dragon 2 PT Dragons of Tarkir (Brussels) ST 4-12-15.dck
UB Control Dragonless 34 PT Dragons of Tarkir (Brussels) ST 4-12-15.dck Change AE to Ae 2016-09-17 16:59:24 +00:00
UB Control(1) 58 World Championship 2010 (Chiba) ST 12-12-10.dck
UB Control(2) 58 World Championship 2010 (Chiba) ST 12-12-10.dck
UBw Control Dragon 58 PT Dragons of Tarkir (Brussels) ST 4-12-15.dck
UW Control 1 PT Magic 2015 (Portland) ST 8-3-14.dck
UW Control 58 World Championship 2010 (Chiba) ST 12-12-10.dck
UW Delver 58 PT Dark Ascension (Honolulu) ST 2-12-12.dck
UW Human Delver 58 PT Dark Ascension (Honolulu) ST 2-12-12.dck
UWb Delver 34 PT Dark Ascension (Honolulu) ST 2-12-12.dck
UWb Delver 58 PT Dark Ascension (Honolulu) ST 2-12-12.dck
UWr Control 58 World Championship 2006 (Paris) ST 12-3-06.dck
UWR Midrange 2 PT Gatecrash (Montreal) ST 2-17-13.dck
UWR Midrange 58 PT Gatecrash (Montreal) ST 2-17-13.dck
WB Tokens 58 PT Kyoto ST 3-1-09.dck
White Weenie 34 PT San Diego ST 2-21-10.dck
WR Kithkins 58 PT Kyoto ST 3-1-09.dck
WR Vengeant 34 PT Kyoto ST 3-1-09.dck
WR Vengeant 58 PT Kyoto ST 3-1-09.dck