Please read about [known issues](#known-issues) below before
attempting to install multiple packages at once.
## Known Issues
Due to the way the HTTP routing works on my provider, the HTTP/1.1
connection will time out for long package installs -- where the
package is large and takes a while to compile -- like *magit* or *evil*.
(setq url-http-attempt-keepalives nil)
This makes things a tad more slow but means that the install completes
correctly. Otherwise the connection times out and the install goes haywire.
## Updating Packages
`package.el` now includes a mechanism to upgrade packages. After running `package-list-pacages`, type *u* (mark Upgradable packages) and then *x* (eXecute the installs and deletions). When it's done installing all the packages it will ask if you want to delete the obsolete packages and so you can hit *y* (Yes).
If you run into a problem installing or upgrading, you may need to go into your `~/.emacs.d/elpa/` directory and delete packages that are installed multiple times. This can happen when the install times out (see [Known Issues](#known-issues)).