diff --git a/html/index.erb b/html/index.erb
index f0533b62..93e0d728 100644
--- a/html/index.erb
+++ b/html/index.erb
@@ -13,11 +13,13 @@
require 'json'
archive_json = JSON.parse(File.open("../archive.json").read)
+ recipe_json = JSON.parse(File.open("../recipes.json").read)
- headers = ["Package", "Version", "Description", "Source"]
+ headers = ["Package", "Version", "Description", "Recipe", "Source"]
data = archive_json.keys.sort.map do |pkgname|
versions, deps, descr, pkgtype = archive_json[pkgname]
+ recipe = recipe_json[pkgname]
version = versions.join('.')
pkgurl = "packages/#{pkgname}-#{version}." + (pkgtype == "single" ? "el" : "tar")
recipe_url = "https://github.com/milkypostman/melpa/blob/master/recipes/#{pkgname}"
@@ -25,10 +27,17 @@
if descr =~ /(.*?)(\s*-\*-.*?)?\s*\[source:\s*(\w+)\]\s*/
descr, source = $1, $3
- ["[#{pkgname}](#{pkgurl})", version, descr, "[#{source}](#{recipe_url})"]
+ case source
+ when 'github' then source_url = "https://github.com/#{recipe['repo']}"
+ when 'wiki' then source_url = recipe.key?('files') ? nil : "http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/#{pkgname}.el"
+ else source_url = nil
+ end
+ ["[#{pkgname}](#{pkgurl})", version, descr, "[recipe](#{recipe_url})", source_url ? "[#{source}](#{source_url})" : ""]
- colwidth = [0,0,0, 9]
+ colwidth = [0,0,0,0, 9]
data.map do |row|
row.to_enum(:each_with_index).map do |e,i|
@@ -138,4 +147,4 @@ most of the packages that I am interested in.
\ No newline at end of file