I am the maintainer and co-author of this new package.
It is a minor mode for speed reading in emacs, words are displayed one
by one.
It's repo is https://github.com/ian-kelling/spray.git
Consistent eval interface for various REPLs
This package does what ESS does for R for various REPLs, including ielm.
Emacs Speaks Statistics (ESS) package has a nice function called ess-eval-region-or-line-and-step, which is assigned to C-RET. This function sends a line or a selected region to the corresponding shell (R, Julia, Stata, etc) visibly. It also start up a shell if there is none.
This package implements similar work flow for various read-eval-print-loops (REPLs) shown below.
This is a major mode for Bison grammars. I'm not the original author,
the original author wrote the major mode in 1998.
I have created a git repository and updated the major mode to conform
more closely to modern elisp conventions. I've fixed the worst build
errors, but I'm aware that checkdoc and flycheck still find plenty of
things wrong with the code.
This program emulates vim-space initially developed by Henrik Öhman
(spiiph) It help you using `<SPC>` key to repeat the last motion like
what the dot `<.>` key does to repeat the last command. The motion are
normally setup in pair, that means the `<S-SPC>` (or customized to what
one needs) to reverse that motion.
I (linktohack) latter improve it to repeat `vim-unimpared` motions like
`]q<SPC><SPC>` to go to next error (`:cn`) and ability to skip `;` and
`,` motion (`fFtT` still works, that means we press
`fa<SPC><SPC><S-SPC>` instead of `fa;;,`.) to allow us to free map ; as
: and , as <leader>
Original repo: https://github.com/linktohack/evil-space
My fork of vim-space: https://github.com/linktohack/vim-space
And evil-space: https://github.com/linktohack/evil-space