/* global window */ (function(angular, _, moment){ "use strict"; // TODO Disqus // TODO Show compatible emacs versions for any package // TODO Google Analytics http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10713708/tracking-google-analytics-page-views-with-angular-js // TODO D3 visualisation for deps // TODO Fix json encoding of versions // TODO Link to specific github branch // TODO Show recent github events on package pages where applicable // TODO Voting / starring var app = angular.module('melpa', ["ngRoute"]); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SERVICES ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// app.factory('packageService', function($http, $q) { var packages = $q.all({archive: $http.get("/archive.json"), recipes: $http.get("/recipes.json"), downloads: $http.get("/download_counts.json") // TODO: handle missing }) .then(function (info) { var calculateSourceURL = function(name, recipe) { if (recipe.fetcher == "github") { return (/\//.test(recipe.repo) ? "https://github.com/" : "https://gist.github.com/") + recipe.repo; } else if (recipe.fetcher == "wiki" && !recipe.files) { return "http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/" + name + ".el"; } else if (recipe.url) { var urlMatch = function(re, prefix) { var m = recipe.url.match(re); return m !== null ? prefix + m[0] : null; }; return urlMatch(/(bitbucket\.org\/[^\/]+\/[^\/\?]+)/, "https://") || urlMatch(/(gitorious\.org\/[^\/]+\/[^.]+)/, "https://") || urlMatch(/\Alp:(.*)/, "https://launchpad.net/") || urlMatch(/\A(https?:\/\/code\.google\.com\/p\/[^\/]+\/)/) || urlMatch(/\A(https?:\/\/[^.]+\.googlecode\.com\/)/); } return null; }; var listed = _.intersection(_.keys(info.archive.data), _.keys(info.recipes.data)); return _(listed).reduce(function(pkgs, name) { var built = info.archive.data[name]; var recipe = info.recipes.data[name]; var descr = built[2].replace(/\s*\[((?:source: )?\w+)\]$/, ""); var version = built[0].join("."); // Fix up hokey deps, which look like {"clojure-mode":{"2":[0,0]}} for 2.0.0 var deps = _.map(built[1] || {}, function (val, name) { var v1 = _.keys(val)[0]; return {name: name, version: [v1].concat(val[v1] || []).join('.')}; }); var oldNames = recipe['old-names'] || []; pkgs[name] = { name: name, version: version, dependencies: deps, description: descr, source: recipe.fetcher, downloads: _.reduce(oldNames.concat(name), function(sum, n) { return sum + (info.downloads.data[n] || 0); }, 0), fetcher: recipe.fetcher, recipeURL: "https://github.com/milkypostman/melpa/blob/master/recipes/" + name, packageURL: "packages/" + name + "-" + version + "." + (built[3] == "single" ? "el" : "tar"), sourceURL: calculateSourceURL(name, recipe), oldNames: oldNames }; return pkgs; }, {}); }); var buildStatus = $http.get("/build-status.json").then(function(r) { return r.data; }); return { getPackages: function() { return packages; }, dependenciesOn: function(name) { return packages.then(function(pkgs) { return _.values(pkgs).filter(function(p) { return _.findWhere(p.dependencies, {name: name}); }); }); }, buildStatus: function() { return buildStatus; } }; }); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Controllers ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// app.controller('PackageListCtrl', function ($scope, $timeout, packageService) { $scope.orderBy = "name"; $scope.$on('$routeChangeSuccess', function (ev, current) { $scope.enteredSearchTerms = $scope.searchTerms = current.params.q; }); var copyValue; $scope.$watch('enteredSearchTerms', function(value) { $timeout.cancel(copyValue); copyValue = $timeout(function() { $scope.searchTerms = value; }, 250); }); packageService.getPackages().then(function(pkgs){ $scope.packages = _.values(pkgs); $scope.totalDownloads = _.reduce(_.pluck($scope.packages, "downloads"), function (a, b) { return b === undefined ? a : a + b; }, 0); }); $scope.packageMatcher = function(term) { var t = term && term.toLowerCase(); var searchText = _.memoize(function(pkg) { return _([pkg.name, pkg.description, pkg.source, pkg.version, pkg.sourceURL]).compact().invoke('toLowerCase').valueOf().join(' '); }, function(pkg) { return pkg.name; }); return function(pkg) { if (!term || !term.match(/\S/)) return true; return searchText(pkg).indexOf(t) != -1; }; }; }); var detailsCtrl = app.controller('PackageDetailsCtrl', function ($scope, $q, $routeParams, $http, packageService) { var packageName = $routeParams.packageName; packageService.getPackages().then(function(pkgs) { $scope.allPackages = pkgs; $scope.pkg = pkgs[packageName]; $scope.reverseDependencies = packageService.dependenciesOn(packageName); $scope.reverseDependenciesOldNames = $q.all(_.map($scope.pkg.oldNames, packageService.dependenciesOn)).then(_.flatten); var downloadCounts = _.pluck(pkgs, 'downloads'); $scope.downloadsPercentile = _.filter(downloadCounts, function(d) { return d < $scope.pkg.downloads; }).length * 100.0 / downloadCounts.length; }); $scope.readme = $http.get("/packages/" + packageName + "-readme.txt").then(function(r) { return r.data; }); $scope.havePackage = function(pkgName) { return $scope.allPackages[pkgName]; }; }); detailsCtrl.resolve = { // Fail to resolve unless this particular package exists pkgs: function (packageService, $route, $q) { var deferred = $q.defer(); packageService.getPackages().then(function(pkgs) { if (pkgs[$route.current.params.packageName]) deferred.resolve(pkgs); else deferred.reject("No such package"); }); return deferred.promise; } }; app.controller('BuildStatusCtrl', function($scope, packageService) { packageService.buildStatus().then(function(status) { $scope.completionTime = new Date(status.completed * 1000); }); }); app.controller('AppCtrl', function($scope, $rootScope, $route, $window) { $scope.hideSplash = false; $rootScope.$on("$routeChangeSuccess", function() { $scope.hideSplash = ($route.current.controller != 'PackageListCtrl'); }); $rootScope.$on("$locationChangeSuccess", function(e, newURL, oldURL) { //jshint unused: false if (newURL && (newURL.$$route||newURL).redirectTo) return; if ($window._gaq && newURL != (oldURL + "#/")) { var l = $window.location; var path = l.pathname + l.hash + l.search; $window._gaq.push (["_trackPageview", path ]); } }); }); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Directives ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// app.directive("viewOrError", function($rootScope) { return { template: '