# MELPA MELPA is a growing collection of `package.el`-compatible elisp packages built automatically on our server from the upstream source code using simple recipes. (Think of it as a server-side version of [el-get](https://github.com/dimitri/el-get), or even [homebrew](https://github.com/mxcl/homebrew).) Packages are updated when changes are made to the MELPA repository, or at least daily. If you just want to browse and install packages, check out the [archive index page](http://melpa.milkbox.net/) for instructions. Adding packages is as simple as submitting a pull request; read on for details. ### About the name *MELPA* is *Milkypostman's ELPA* or *Milkypostman's Experimental Lisp Package Archive* if you're not into the whole brevity thing. ## Scripts * `buildpkg` -- Create an archive of the package(s) passed as arguments to the script. Built packages are put in the `packages/` folder with version corresponding to the newest HEAD revision available; given according to the `%Y%m%d` format. * `melpa` -- All the logic for generating everything in the repository based on the recipe files. By default this will clean the `packages/` directory, build all packages listed under `recipes/`, and compile the `index.html` file for the [melpa] website front page. The following arguments are accepted, clear : clean out the `packages/` directory build : build all packages in `pkglist` index : build the `index.html` file validate : naively validate that the correct number of packages were built. Note that these scripts require an Emacs with `package.el` installed, such as Emacs 24. If you have an older version of Emacs, you can get a suitable `package.el` [here](http://bit.ly/pkg-el23). [melpa]: http://melpa.milkbox.net ## Code The `package-build.el` file contains all the heavy lifting. The scripts above call the `package-build-archive` function from the command-line to actually build the package(s). Use `(package-build-all)` to build all melpa packages. Alternatively you can load this file from within Emacs and issues commands from there. The `package-build.el` automatically generates any required information for the package. For multi-file packages this include generating the file `-pkg.el` which contains *description*, *version*, and *requires* information determined by searching `-pkg.el`, `.el`, and `-pkg.el.in` if they exist in the repository. ## Contributing New Packages Packages are specified by files in the `recipes` directory. You can contribute a new package by adding a new file under `recipes` using the following form, (name :fetcher [git|github|svn|darcs|wiki] [:url ""] [:repo "github-user/repo-name"] [:files ("", ...)]) `name` : a lisp symbol that has the same name as the package being specified. `:url` : specifies the URL of the version control repository. *required for the `git`, `svn` and `darcs` fetchers* `:fetcher` : specifies the type of repository that `:url` points to. Right now package-build supports [git][git], [github][github], [subversion (svn)][svn], [darcs][darcs], and [Emacs Wiki (wiki)][emacswiki] as possible mechanisms for checking out the repository. With the exception of the Emacs Wiki fetcher, package-build uses the corresponding application to update files before building the package. The Emacs Wiki fetcher gets the latest version of the package from `http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/download/.el` where `NAME` is the package name. Note that the `:url` property is not needed for the `wiki` engine unless the name of the package file on the EmacsWiki differs from the package name being built. In the case of the `github` fetcher, use `:repo` instead of `:url`; the git URL will then be deduced. `:files` : optional property specifying the explicit files used to build the package. Automatically populated by matching all `.el` files in the root of the repository. This is necessary when there are multiple `.el` files in the repository but the package should only be built from a subset. [git]: http://git-scm.com/ [github]: https://github.com/ [svn]: http://subversion.apache.org/ [darcs]: http://darcs.net/ [emacswiki]: http://www.emacswiki.org/ ### Single File Repository [ido-ubiquitous](https://github.com/DarwinAwardWinner/ido-ubiquitous) is a repository that contains two files: * `README.md` * `ido-ubiquitous.el` Since there is only one `.el` file, this package only needs the `:url` and `:fetcher` specified, (ido-ubiquitous :url "https://github.com/DarwinAwardWinner/ido-ubiquitous.git" :fetcher git) ### Multiple Packages in one Repository The [emacs-starter-kit](https://github.com/technomancy/emacs-starter-kit) contains the *starter-kit* package along with extra packages in the `modules` directory; *starter-kit-bindings*, *starter-kit-lisp*, etc. (starter-kit :url "https://github.com/technomancy/emacs-starter-kit.git" :fetcher git) (starter-kit-bindings :url "https://github.com/technomancy/emacs-starter-kit.git" :fetcher git :files ("modules/starter-kit-bindings.el")) Notice that `:files` is not specified for `starter-kit` since package-build will automatically add all `.el` files in the root directory of the repository. The `starter-kit-bindings` repository is contained in the `modules/` subdirectory and thus needs the packages files specified explicitly. ### Submitting the Package You should first fork the MELPA repository, add your new file under `recipes`, and confirm your new package builds properly by running `buildpkg `. You can install the package that you built by running the interactive command `package-install-file` in Emacs, and specifying the newly built package which should be in the `packages/` subdirectory under the melpa directory. After verifying the entry works properly please open a pull request on Github. ## Configuration Packages end up in the `packages/` directory by default. This can be configured using the `package-build-archive-dir` variable. Repositories are checked out to the `working/` directory by default. This can be configured using the `package-build-working-dir` variable.