*MELPA* or *Milkypostman's ELPA* or *Milkypostman's Experimental Lisp Package Repository* if you're not into the whole brevity thing.

[ [Packages](#current-list-of-packages) ]
[ [Installing](#installing) ]
[ [Known Issues](#known-issues) ]
[ [Updating Packages](#updating-packages) ]
[ [Development](#development) ]

**Last Update:** *<%= Time.now.strftime("%Y.%m.%d %H:%M %z") %>* -- follow [@melpa_emacs on Twitter](https://twitter.com/melpa_emacs) for updates

  require 'json'
  archive_json = JSON.parse(File.open("../archive.json").read)
  recipe_json  = JSON.parse(File.open("../recipes.json").read)

  headers = ["Package", "Version", "Description", "Recipe", "Source"]

  data = archive_json.keys.sort.map do |pkgname|
    versions, deps, descr, pkgtype = archive_json[pkgname]
    recipe = recipe_json[pkgname]
    version = versions.join('.')
    pkgurl = "packages/#{pkgname}-#{version}." + (pkgtype == "single" ? "el" : "tar")
    recipe_url = "https://github.com/milkypostman/melpa/blob/master/recipes/#{pkgname}"
    source = 'unknown'
    if descr =~ /(.*?)(\s*-\*-.*?)?\s*\[source:\s*(\w+)\]\s*/
      descr, source = $1, $3

    source_url =
      case source
      when 'github' then "https://github.com/#{recipe['repo']}"
      when 'wiki'   then recipe.key?('files') ? nil : "http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/#{pkgname}.el"

    ["<a name=\"#{pkgname}\"></a>[#{pkgname}](#{pkgurl})", version, descr, "[recipe](#{recipe_url})", source_url ? "[#{source}](#{source_url})" : ""]

  colwidth = [0,0,0,0, 9]

  data.map do |row|
    row.to_enum(:each_with_index).map do |e,i|
      colwidth[i] = [colwidth[i], e.length].max
<%= "## Current List of #{data.size} Packages" %>
      |h,i| h + " "*(colwidth[i]-h.length) }.join(" ")
<%= colwidth.map{ |w| "-"*w }.join(" ") %>
    data.map{ |row|
    row.to_enum(:each_with_index).map{ |c,i|
       c + " "*(colwidth[i]-c.length)
       }.join(" ")

## Installing

To add the repository put this before the call to `package-initialize`
in your `init.el` file.

<!-- <script src="https://gist.github.com/1679158.js"> </script> -->

    (add-to-list 'package-archives
                 '("melpa" . "http://melpa.milkbox.net/packages/") t)

Please read about [known issues](#known-issues) below before
attempting to install multiple packages at once.

### Customizations

There is currently no way in `package.el` to exclude or include versions.  So to remedy this there is a `melpa.el` package--available in MELPA--that will allow you to enable only certain packages or exclude certain packages.  You can install the package manually by pasting this into yoru `*scratch*` buffer and evaluating it.

      (package-install-from-buffer  (package-buffer-info) 'single))

You can then customize two variables:

:   Optional Alist of enabled packages used by `package-filter'.
    The format is (ARCHIVE . PACKAGE ...), where ARCHIVE is a string
    matching an archive name in `package-archives', PACKAGE is a
    symbol of a package in ARCHIVE to enable.
    If no ARCHIVE exists in the alist, all packages are enabled.

:   Alist of packages excluded by `package-filter'.
    The format is (ARCHIVE . PACKAGE ...), where ARCHIVE is a string
    matching an archive name in `package-archives', PACKAGE is a
    symbol of a package in that archive to exclude.
    Any specified package is excluded regardless of the value of

## Known Issues

**Note:** *This fix are included in the `melpa.el` package.*

There is a small bug in Emacs24's `package.el` the order for
dependencies comes out backwards for what I needed. the problem is
patched by some *advice*.
<!-- <script src="https://gist.github.com/1679232.js"> </script> -->

    (defadvice package-compute-transaction
       package-compute-transaction-reverse (package-list requirements)
       activate compile)
      "reverse the requirements"
      (setq requirements (reverse requirements))
      (print requirements))

## Updating Packages

`package.el` now includes a mechanism to upgrade packages.  After running `package-list-packages`, type *u* (mark Upgradable packages) and then *x* (eXecute the installs and deletions).  When it's done installing all the packages it will ask if you want to delete the obsolete packages and so you can hit *y* (Yes).

If you run into a problem installing or upgrading, you may need to go into your `~/.emacs.d/elpa/` directory and delete packages that are installed multiple times.  This can happen when the install times out (see [Known Issues](#known-issues)).

## Development


Contributions are welcome.  Currently, the builder only supports
packages using git, subversion, mercurial, and darcs.  This covers
most of the packages that I am interested in.

<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.3/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/datatables/1.9.4/jquery.dataTables.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script language="javascript">
  $("table").dataTable({bPaginate: false, bLengthChange: false});
  $('div.dataTables_filter input').focus().attr("placeholder", "Enter filter terms");