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Donald Ephraim Curtis ed473afce2 Add styling to code on webpage.

2012-01-27 11:47:53 -06:00

432 lines
13 KiB

Language: Apache
Author: Ruslan Keba <rukeba@gmail.com>
Website: http://rukeba.com/
Description: language definition for Apache configuration files (httpd.conf & .htaccess)
Version: 1.1
Date: 2008-12-27
hljs.LANGUAGES.apache = function(){
var NUMBER = {className: 'number', begin: '[\\$%]\\d+'};
var CBRACKET = {
className: 'cbracket',
begin: '[\\$%]\\{', end: '\\}'
return {
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contains: [
{className: 'sqbracket', begin: '\\s\\[', end: '\\]$'},
{className: 'tag', begin: '</?', end: '>'},