mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 17:00:10 -09:00
488 lines
19 KiB
488 lines
19 KiB
/* global window */
(function(m, document, _, moment, jQuery){
"use strict";
// TODO Disqus
// TODO Show compatible emacs versions for any package
// TODO Google Analytics http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10713708/tracking-google-analytics-page-views-with-angular-js
// TODO D3 visualisation for deps
// TODO Fix json encoding of versions
// TODO Link to specific github branch
// TODO Show recent github events on package pages where applicable
// TODO Voting / starring
// Helpers
function intersperse(seq, sep) {
var res = seq.slice(0,1);
for(var i=1; i < seq.length; ++i) {
return res;
// Models
var melpa = {};
melpa.rootURL = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host;
melpa.Package = function(data) {
["name", "description", "version", "dependencies", "source",
"downloads", "fetcher", "recipeURL", "packageURL", "sourceURL", "oldNames"].map(function(p) {
this[p] = data[p];
this._searchText = _([data.name, data.description, data.version])
.compact().valueOf().join(' ').toLowerCase();
this.readmeURL = "/packages/" + data.name + "-readme.txt";
this.badgeURL = "/packages/" + data.name + "-badge.svg";
this.matchesTerm = function(term) {
return this._searchText.indexOf(term) != -1;
melpa.PackageList = function(packages) {
this.packages = packages;
this.totalDownloads = m.prop(_.reduce(_.map(packages, function(p) { return p.downloads || 0; }),
function (a, b) { return b === undefined ? a : a + b; }, 0));
this.totalPackages = m.prop(packages.length);
var savedSearches = {};
function preFilteredPackages(term) {
var prefixes = _.sortBy(_.filter(_.keys(savedSearches),
function(k) { return term.indexOf(k) === 0; }),
return prefixes.length > 0 ? savedSearches[prefixes[0]] : packages;
this.sortedPackages = function(sortBy, sortAscending) {
var sortKey = sortBy + "-" + sortAscending;
if (this.packages.sortKey === sortKey) return this.packages;
if (this.packages.sortKey === sortBy + "-" + !sortAscending) {
this.packages = this.packages.reverse();
} else {
var sorted = _.sortBy(this.packages, function(p) { return p[sortBy]; });
this.packages = sortAscending ? sorted : sorted.reverse();
this.packages.sortKey = sortKey;
return this.packages;
this.matchingPackages = function(terms) {
var t = terms.trim().toLowerCase();
var matching = savedSearches[t];
if (!matching) {
matching = savedSearches[t] = _.filter(preFilteredPackages(t),
function(p) { return p.matchesTerm(t); });
var visible = {};
_.each(matching, function(p){ visible[p.name] = true; });
return visible;
var packagesByName = {};
_.each(packages, function(p) {
packagesByName[p.name] = p;
if(p.oldNames) {
_.each(p.oldNames, function(n) { packagesByName[n] = p; });
this.packageWithName = function(name) {
return packagesByName[name];
var downloadCounts = _.pluck(packages, 'downloads');
this.downloadsPercentileForPackage = function(p) {
return _.filter(downloadCounts, function(d) { return d < p.downloads; }).length * 100.0 / downloadCounts.length;
this.dependenciesOnPackageName = function(packageName) {
return (_.filter(packages, function(p) {
return _.findWhere(p.dependencies, {name: packageName});
// Gather remote info about packages
melpa.packageList = m.sync([
m.request({method: 'GET', url: "/recipes.json"}),
m.request({method: 'GET', url: "/archive.json"}),
m.request({method: 'GET', url: "/download_counts.json"})
]).then(function (info) {
var recipes = info[0], archive = info[1], downloads = info[2];
var calculateSourceURL = function(name, recipe) {
if (recipe.fetcher == "github") {
return (/\//.test(recipe.repo) ? "https://github.com/" : "https://gist.github.com/") + recipe.repo;
} else if (recipe.fetcher == "wiki" && !recipe.files) {
return "http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/" + name + ".el";
} else if (recipe.url) {
var urlMatch = function(re, prefix) {
var m = recipe.url.match(re);
return m !== null ? prefix + m[0] : null;
return (urlMatch(/(bitbucket\.org\/[^\/]+\/[^\/\?]+)/, "https://") ||
urlMatch(/(gitorious\.org\/[^\/]+\/[^.]+)/, "https://") ||
urlMatch(/^lp:(.*)/, "https://launchpad.net/") ||
urlMatch(/^(https?:\/\/code\.google\.com\/p\/[^\/]+\/)/) ||
return null;
var listed = _.intersection(_.keys(archive), _.keys(recipes));
return new melpa.PackageList(_(listed).reduce(function(pkgs, name) {
var built = archive[name];
var recipe = recipes[name];
var version = built.ver.join(".");
var deps = _.map(built.deps || [], function (ver, name) {
return {name: name, version: ver.join('.')};
var oldNames = recipe['old-names'] || [];
pkgs.push(new melpa.Package({
name: name,
version: version,
dependencies: deps,
description: built.desc.replace(/\s*\[((?:source: )?\w+)\]$/, ""),
source: recipe.fetcher,
downloads: _.reduce(oldNames.concat(name), function(sum, n) { return sum + (downloads[n] || 0); }, 0),
fetcher: recipe.fetcher,
recipeURL: "https://github.com/milkypostman/melpa/blob/master/recipes/" + name,
packageURL: "packages/" + name + "-" + version + "." + (built.type == "single" ? "el" : "tar"),
sourceURL: calculateSourceURL(name, recipe),
oldNames: oldNames
return pkgs;
}, []));
// View helpers
function glyphicon(name) {
return m("span.glyphicon.glyphicon-" + name);
function packageLink(pkg, contents) {
return m("a", {href: "/" + encodeURIComponent(pkg.name), config: m.route},
contents || pkg.name);
function packagePath(pkg) {
if (m.route.mode !== "hash") throw "FIXME: unsupported route mode";
return "/#/" + encodeURIComponent(pkg.name);
// Package list
melpa.packagelist = {};
melpa.packagelist.controller = function() {
this.filterTerms = m.prop(m.route.param('q') || '');
this.sortBy = m.prop("name");
this.sortAscending = m.prop(true);
this.packageList = melpa.packageList;
this.matchingPackages = function() {
return this.packageList().matchingPackages(this.filterTerms());
this.sortedPackages = function() {
return this.packageList().sortedPackages(this.sortBy(), this.sortAscending());
this.toggleSort = function(field) {
if (this.sortBy() == field) {
} else {
melpa.packagelist.view = function(ctrl) {
var visible = ctrl.matchingPackages();
var sortToggler = function(field) {
return function() { return ctrl.toggleSort(field); };
var sortIndicator = function(field) {
return glyphicon((field != ctrl.sortBy()) ? "minus" : (ctrl.sortAscending() ? "chevron-down" : "chevron-up"));
return m("section#packages", [
m("h2", [
"Current List of ",
" Packages ",
m("small", [
" downloads to date"
m("p", [
m("input.form-control[type=search]", {placeholder: "Enter filter terms", autofocus: true,
value: ctrl.filterTerms(), onkeyup: m.withAttr("value", ctrl.filterTerms)}),
" ",
m("span.help-block", ["Showing ", _.keys(visible).length, " matching package(s)"])
m("table#package-list.table.table-bordered.table-responsive.table-hover", [
m("thead", [
m("tr", [
m("th.sortable", {onclick: sortToggler("name")}, ["Package", sortIndicator("name")]),
m("th.sortable", {onclick: sortToggler("description")}, ["Description", sortIndicator("description")]),
m("th.sortable", {onclick: sortToggler("version")}, ["Version", sortIndicator("version")]),
m("th", "Recipe"),
m("th.sortable", {onclick: sortToggler("fetcher")}, ["Source", sortIndicator("fetcher")]),
m("th.sortable", {onclick: sortToggler("downloads")}, ["DLs", sortIndicator("downloads")]),
ctrl.sortedPackages().filter(function(p) { return visible[p.name]; }).map(function(p) {
return m("tr", { key: p.name }, [
m("td", packageLink(p)),
m("td", packageLink(p, p.description)),
m("td.version", m("a", {href: p.packageURL}, [p.version, " ", glyphicon('download')])),
m("td.recipe", [
m("a", {href: p.recipeURL}, [
m("td.source", [
p.sourceURL ? m("a", {href: p.sourceURL}, [p.source]) : p.source
m("td", [p.downloads.toLocaleString()])
// Package details
melpa.packagedetails = {};
melpa.packagedetails.controller = function() {
this.packageName = m.route.param("package");
this.package = m.prop();
this.readme = m.prop('No description available.');
this.neededBy = m.prop([]);
this.downloadsPercentile = m.prop(0);
this.archivename = new melpa.archivename.controller();
melpa.packageList.then(function(packageList) {
var p = packageList.packageWithName(this.packageName);
if (!p) return;
this.neededBy(_.sortBy(packageList.dependenciesOnPackageName(this.packageName), 'name'));
this.packageWithName = packageList.packageWithName;
m.request({method: "GET",
url: p.readmeURL,
deserialize: function(v){return v;}
melpa.packagedetails.view = function(ctrl) {
var pkg = ctrl.package();
if (!pkg) return m("h1", ["Package not found: ", ctrl.packageName]);
this.depLink = function(dep) {
var depPkg = ctrl.packageWithName(dep.name);
var label = dep.name + " " + dep.version;
return depPkg ? packageLink(depPkg, label) : label;
this.reverseDepLink = function(dep) {
var depPkg = ctrl.packageWithName(dep.name);
return depPkg ? packageLink(depPkg, dep.name) : dep.name;
var badgeURL = melpa.rootURL + pkg.badgeURL;
var fullURL = melpa.rootURL + packagePath(pkg);
return m("section", [
m("h1", [
" ",
m("small", pkg.version)
m("p.lead", pkg.description),
m("p", [
m("a.btn.btn-default", {href: pkg.recipeURL}, [glyphicon('cutlery'), " Recipe"]), ' ',
m("a.btn.btn-default", {href: pkg.packageURL}, [glyphicon('download'), " Download"]), ' ',
(pkg.sourceURL ? m("a.btn.btn-default", {href: pkg.sourceURL}, [glyphicon('home'), " Homepage"]) : '')
m("section", [
m(".well", [
m("dl.dl-horizontal", [
m("dt", "Downloads"),
m("dd", [
m("span.muted", " (all versions)"),
", percentile: ",
m("dt", "Source"),
m("dd", [
pkg.sourceURL ? m("a", {href: pkg.sourceURL}, pkg.source) : m("span", pkg.source)
m("dt", "Dependencies"),
m("dd", intersperse(_.sortBy(pkg.dependencies, 'name').map(this.depLink), " / ")),
m("dt", "Needed by"),
m("dd", intersperse(ctrl.neededBy().map(this.reverseDepLink), " / ")),
pkg.oldNames.length > 0 ? [
m("dt", "Renamed from:"),
m("dd", intersperse(pkg.oldNames, ', '))
// m("dt", "Old name needed by:"),
// m("dd", "TODO")
] : []
m("section", [
m("h4", "Description"),
m("pre", ctrl.readme())
m("h4", "Badge code"),
m(".well", [
packageLink(pkg, m("img", {alt: ctrl.archivename.archiveName(), src: melpa.rootURL + pkg.badgeURL})),
m("dl", [
m("dt", "HTML"),
m("dd", m("pre", '<a href="' + fullURL + '"><img alt="' + ctrl.archivename.archiveName() + '" src="' + badgeURL + '"/></a>')),
m("dt", "Markdown"),
m("dd", m("pre", "[](" + fullURL + ")")),
m("dt", "Org"),
m("dd", m("pre", '[[' + fullURL + '][file:' + badgeURL + ']]'))
// Showing last build time
melpa.buildstatus = {};
melpa.buildstatus.controller = function() {
this.buildCompletionTime = m.request({method: 'GET', url: "/build-status.json"})
return new Date(status.completed * 1000);
melpa.buildstatus.view = function(ctrl) {
return m(".alert.alert-success", [
m("strong", "Last build ended: "),
m("span", [moment(ctrl.buildCompletionTime()).fromNow()])
// Changing the appearance of the MELPA Stable page
melpa.stable = m.prop(window.location.host === 'melpa-stable.milkbox.net' || window.location.host === 'stable.melpa.org');
melpa.archivename = {};
melpa.archivename.controller = function() {
this.archiveName = function() {
return melpa.stable() ? "MELPA Stable" : "MELPA";
melpa.archivename.view = function(ctrl) {
return m("span", ctrl.archiveName());
jQuery(window).load(function() {
document.title = (new melpa.archivename.controller()).archiveName();
jQuery(".archive-name").empty().each(function(i, e) {
// jshint unused: false
m.module(e, melpa.archivename);
if (melpa.stable()) {
// Static pages
melpa.staticpage = function(partialPath) {
this.controller = function() {
this.content = m.prop('');
m.request({method: "GET", url: partialPath,
deserialize: function(v){return v;}
this.view = function(ctrl) {
return m("div", [m.trust(ctrl.content())]);
// Front page
melpa.frontpage = {};
melpa.frontpage.controller = function() {
this.packagelist = new melpa.packagelist.controller();
this.buildstatus = new melpa.buildstatus.controller();
this.archivename = new melpa.archivename.controller();
melpa.frontpage.view = function(ctrl) {
return m("div", [
m("section.page-header", [
m("h1", [
m("small", " (Milkypostman’s Emacs Lisp Package Archive)")
m(".row", [
m(".col-md-8", [
m("section.jumbotron", [
m("ul", [
m("li", m.trust("<strong>Up-to-date packages built on our servers from upstream source</strong>")),
m("li", m.trust("<strong>Installable in any recent Emacs using 'package.el'</strong> - no need to install svn/cvs/hg/bzr/git/darcs/fossil etc.")),
m("li", m.trust("<strong>Curated</strong> - no obsolete, renamed, forked or randomly hacked packages")),
m("li", m.trust("<strong>Comprehensive</strong> - more packages than any other archive")),
m("li", m.trust("<strong>Automatic updates</strong> - new commits result in new packages")),
m("li", m.trust("<strong>Extensible</strong> - contribute recipes via github, and we'll build the packages"))
m(".col-md-4", [
m.trust('<a class="twitter-timeline" data-dnt="true" data-related="milkypostman,sanityinc" href="https://twitter.com/melpa_emacs" data-widget-id="311867756586864640">Tweets by @melpa_emacs</a>')
// Routing
melpa.gettingstarted = new melpa.staticpage("/partials/getting-started.html");
m.route.mode = "hash";
m.route(document.getElementById("content"), "/", {
"/": melpa.frontpage,
"/getting-started": melpa.gettingstarted,
"/:package": melpa.packagedetails
// Lazily initialise twitter widgets as they appear
window.setInterval(function() {
if (window.twttr && window.twttr.widgets) window.twttr.widgets.load();
}, 100);
})(window.m, window.document, window._, window.moment, window.jQuery);