"""OpenAPI core schemas models module""" import attr import functools import logging from base64 import b64decode, b64encode from collections import defaultdict from datetime import date, datetime from uuid import UUID import re import warnings from six import iteritems, integer_types, binary_type, text_type from openapi_core.extensions.models.factories import ModelFactory from openapi_core.schema.schemas.enums import SchemaFormat, SchemaType from openapi_core.schema.schemas.exceptions import ( InvalidSchemaValue, UndefinedSchemaProperty, MissingSchemaProperty, OpenAPISchemaError, NoOneOfSchema, MultipleOneOfSchema, NoValidSchema, UndefinedItemsSchema, InvalidCustomFormatSchemaValue, InvalidSchemaProperty, ) from openapi_core.schema.schemas.util import ( forcebool, format_date, format_datetime, format_byte, format_uuid, format_number, ) from openapi_core.schema.schemas.validators import ( TypeValidator, AttributeValidator, ) log = logging.getLogger(__name__) @attr.s class Format(object): unmarshal = attr.ib() validate = attr.ib() class Schema(object): """Represents an OpenAPI Schema.""" DEFAULT_CAST_CALLABLE_GETTER = { } STRING_FORMAT_CALLABLE_GETTER = { SchemaFormat.NONE: Format(text_type, TypeValidator(text_type)), SchemaFormat.PASSWORD: Format(text_type, TypeValidator(text_type)), SchemaFormat.DATE: Format( format_date, TypeValidator(date, exclude=datetime)), SchemaFormat.DATETIME: Format(format_datetime, TypeValidator(datetime)), SchemaFormat.BINARY: Format(binary_type, TypeValidator(binary_type)), SchemaFormat.UUID: Format(format_uuid, TypeValidator(UUID)), SchemaFormat.BYTE: Format(format_byte, TypeValidator(text_type)), } NUMBER_FORMAT_CALLABLE_GETTER = { SchemaFormat.NONE: Format(format_number, TypeValidator( integer_types + (float, ), exclude=bool)), SchemaFormat.FLOAT: Format(float, TypeValidator(float)), SchemaFormat.DOUBLE: Format(float, TypeValidator(float)), } TYPE_VALIDATOR_CALLABLE_GETTER = { SchemaType.ANY: lambda x: True, SchemaType.BOOLEAN: TypeValidator(bool), SchemaType.INTEGER: TypeValidator(integer_types, exclude=bool), SchemaType.NUMBER: TypeValidator( integer_types + (float, ), exclude=bool), SchemaType.STRING: TypeValidator( text_type, date, datetime, binary_type, UUID), SchemaType.ARRAY: TypeValidator(list, tuple), SchemaType.OBJECT: AttributeValidator('__dict__'), } def __init__( self, schema_type=None, model=None, properties=None, items=None, schema_format=None, required=None, default=None, nullable=False, enum=None, deprecated=False, all_of=None, one_of=None, additional_properties=True, min_items=None, max_items=None, min_length=None, max_length=None, pattern=None, unique_items=False, minimum=None, maximum=None, multiple_of=None, exclusive_minimum=False, exclusive_maximum=False, min_properties=None, max_properties=None): self.type = SchemaType(schema_type) self.model = model self.properties = properties and dict(properties) or {} self.items = items self.format = schema_format self.required = required or [] self.default = default self.nullable = nullable self.enum = enum self.deprecated = deprecated self.all_of = all_of and list(all_of) or [] self.one_of = one_of and list(one_of) or [] self.additional_properties = additional_properties self.min_items = int(min_items) if min_items is not None else None self.max_items = int(max_items) if max_items is not None else None self.min_length = int(min_length) if min_length is not None else None self.max_length = int(max_length) if max_length is not None else None self.pattern = pattern and re.compile(pattern) or None self.unique_items = unique_items self.minimum = int(minimum) if minimum is not None else None self.maximum = int(maximum) if maximum is not None else None self.multiple_of = int(multiple_of)\ if multiple_of is not None else None self.exclusive_minimum = exclusive_minimum self.exclusive_maximum = exclusive_maximum self.min_properties = int(min_properties)\ if min_properties is not None else None self.max_properties = int(max_properties)\ if max_properties is not None else None self._all_required_properties_cache = None self._all_optional_properties_cache = None def __getitem__(self, name): return self.properties[name] def get_all_properties(self): properties = self.properties.copy() for subschema in self.all_of: subschema_props = subschema.get_all_properties() properties.update(subschema_props) return properties def get_all_properties_names(self): all_properties = self.get_all_properties() return set(all_properties.keys()) def get_all_required_properties(self): if self._all_required_properties_cache is None: self._all_required_properties_cache =\ self._get_all_required_properties() return self._all_required_properties_cache def _get_all_required_properties(self): all_properties = self.get_all_properties() required = self.get_all_required_properties_names() return dict( (prop_name, val) for prop_name, val in iteritems(all_properties) if prop_name in required ) def get_all_required_properties_names(self): required = self.required[:] for subschema in self.all_of: subschema_req = subschema.get_all_required_properties() required += subschema_req return set(required) def get_cast_mapping(self, custom_formatters=None, strict=True): pass_defaults = lambda f: functools.partial( f, custom_formatters=custom_formatters, strict=strict) mapping = self.DEFAULT_CAST_CALLABLE_GETTER.copy() mapping.update({ SchemaType.STRING: pass_defaults(self._unmarshal_string), SchemaType.BOOLEAN: pass_defaults(self._unmarshal_boolean), SchemaType.INTEGER: pass_defaults(self._unmarshal_integer), SchemaType.NUMBER: pass_defaults(self._unmarshal_number), SchemaType.ANY: pass_defaults(self._unmarshal_any), SchemaType.ARRAY: pass_defaults(self._unmarshal_collection), SchemaType.OBJECT: pass_defaults(self._unmarshal_object), }) return defaultdict(lambda: lambda x: x, mapping) def are_additional_properties_allowed(self, one_of_schema=None): return ( (self.additional_properties is not False) and (one_of_schema is None or one_of_schema.additional_properties is not False) ) def cast(self, value, custom_formatters=None, strict=True): """Cast value to schema type""" if value is None: if not self.nullable: raise InvalidSchemaValue("Null value for non-nullable schema", value, self.type) return self.default cast_mapping = self.get_cast_mapping( custom_formatters=custom_formatters, strict=strict) if self.type is not SchemaType.STRING and value == '': return None cast_callable = cast_mapping[self.type] try: return cast_callable(value) except ValueError: raise InvalidSchemaValue( "Failed to cast value {value} to type {type}", value, self.type) def unmarshal(self, value, custom_formatters=None, strict=True): """Unmarshal parameter from the value.""" if self.deprecated: warnings.warn("The schema is deprecated", DeprecationWarning) casted = self.cast(value, custom_formatters=custom_formatters, strict=strict) if casted is None and not self.required: return None if self.enum and casted not in self.enum: raise InvalidSchemaValue( "Value {value} not in enum choices: {type}", value, self.enum) return casted def _unmarshal_string(self, value, custom_formatters=None, strict=True): if strict and not isinstance(value, (text_type, binary_type)): raise InvalidSchemaValue("Value {value} is not of type {type}", value, self.type) try: schema_format = SchemaFormat(self.format) except ValueError: msg = "Unsupported format {type} unmarshalling for value {value}" if custom_formatters is not None: formatstring = custom_formatters.get(self.format) if formatstring is None: raise InvalidSchemaValue(msg, value, self.format) else: raise InvalidSchemaValue(msg, value, self.format) else: formatstring = self.STRING_FORMAT_CALLABLE_GETTER[schema_format] try: return formatstring.unmarshal(value) except ValueError as exc: raise InvalidCustomFormatSchemaValue( "Failed to format value {value} to format {type}: {exception}", value, self.format, exc) def _unmarshal_integer(self, value, custom_formatters=None, strict=True): if strict and not isinstance(value, integer_types): raise InvalidSchemaValue("Value {value} is not of type {type}", value, self.type) return int(value) def _unmarshal_number(self, value, custom_formatters=None, strict=True): if strict and not isinstance(value, (float, ) + integer_types): raise InvalidSchemaValue("Value {value} is not of type {type}", value, self.type) try: schema_format = SchemaFormat(self.format) except ValueError: msg = "Unsupported format {type} unmarshalling for value {value}" if custom_formatters is not None: formatnumber = custom_formatters.get(self.format) if formatnumber is None: raise InvalidSchemaValue(msg, value, self.format) else: raise InvalidSchemaValue(msg, value, self.format) else: formatnumber = self.NUMBER_FORMAT_CALLABLE_GETTER[schema_format] try: return formatnumber.unmarshal(value) except ValueError as exc: raise InvalidCustomFormatSchemaValue( "Failed to format value {value} to format {type}: {exception}", value, self.format, exc) def _unmarshal_boolean(self, value, custom_formatters=None, strict=True): if strict and not isinstance(value, (bool, )): raise InvalidSchemaValue("Value {value} is not of type {type}", value, self.type) return forcebool(value) def _unmarshal_any(self, value, custom_formatters=None, strict=True): types_resolve_order = [ SchemaType.OBJECT, SchemaType.ARRAY, SchemaType.BOOLEAN, SchemaType.INTEGER, SchemaType.NUMBER, SchemaType.STRING, ] cast_mapping = self.get_cast_mapping() for schema_type in types_resolve_order: cast_callable = cast_mapping[schema_type] try: return cast_callable(value) # @todo: remove ValueError when validation separated except (OpenAPISchemaError, TypeError, ValueError): continue raise NoValidSchema(value) def _unmarshal_collection(self, value, custom_formatters=None, strict=True): if not isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): raise InvalidSchemaValue("Value {value} is not of type {type}", value, self.type) if self.items is None: raise UndefinedItemsSchema(self.type) f = functools.partial( self.items.unmarshal, custom_formatters=custom_formatters, strict=strict, ) return list(map(f, value)) def _unmarshal_object(self, value, model_factory=None, custom_formatters=None, strict=True): if not isinstance(value, (dict, )): raise InvalidSchemaValue("Value {value} is not of type {type}", value, self.type) model_factory = model_factory or ModelFactory() if self.one_of: properties = None for one_of_schema in self.one_of: try: found_props = self._unmarshal_properties( value, one_of_schema, custom_formatters=custom_formatters) except OpenAPISchemaError: pass else: if properties is not None: raise MultipleOneOfSchema(self.type) properties = found_props if properties is None: raise NoOneOfSchema(self.type) else: properties = self._unmarshal_properties( value, custom_formatters=custom_formatters) return model_factory.create(properties, name=self.model) def _unmarshal_properties(self, value, one_of_schema=None, custom_formatters=None, strict=True): all_props = self.get_all_properties() all_props_names = self.get_all_properties_names() all_req_props_names = self.get_all_required_properties_names() if one_of_schema is not None: all_props.update(one_of_schema.get_all_properties()) all_props_names |= one_of_schema.\ get_all_properties_names() all_req_props_names |= one_of_schema.\ get_all_required_properties_names() value_props_names = value.keys() extra_props = set(value_props_names) - set(all_props_names) extra_props_allowed = self.are_additional_properties_allowed( one_of_schema) if extra_props and not extra_props_allowed: raise UndefinedSchemaProperty(extra_props) properties = {} if self.additional_properties is not True: for prop_name in extra_props: prop_value = value[prop_name] properties[prop_name] = self.additional_properties.unmarshal( prop_value, custom_formatters=custom_formatters) for prop_name, prop in iteritems(all_props): try: prop_value = value[prop_name] except KeyError: if prop_name in all_req_props_names: raise MissingSchemaProperty(prop_name) if not prop.nullable and not prop.default: continue prop_value = prop.default try: properties[prop_name] = prop.unmarshal( prop_value, custom_formatters=custom_formatters) except OpenAPISchemaError as exc: raise InvalidSchemaProperty(prop_name, exc) self._validate_properties(properties, one_of_schema=one_of_schema, custom_formatters=custom_formatters) return properties def get_validator_mapping(self): mapping = { SchemaType.ARRAY: self._validate_collection, SchemaType.STRING: self._validate_string, SchemaType.OBJECT: self._validate_object, SchemaType.INTEGER: self._validate_number, SchemaType.NUMBER: self._validate_number, } def default(x, **kw): return x return defaultdict(lambda: default, mapping) def validate(self, value, custom_formatters=None): if value is None: if not self.nullable: raise InvalidSchemaValue("Null value for non-nullable schema of type {type}", value, self.type) return # type validation type_validator_callable = self.TYPE_VALIDATOR_CALLABLE_GETTER[ self.type] if not type_validator_callable(value): raise InvalidSchemaValue( "Value {value} not valid type {type}", value, self.type.value) # structure validation validator_mapping = self.get_validator_mapping() validator_callable = validator_mapping[self.type] validator_callable(value, custom_formatters=custom_formatters) return value def _validate_collection(self, value, custom_formatters=None): if self.items is None: raise UndefinedItemsSchema(self.type) if self.min_items is not None: if self.min_items < 0: raise OpenAPISchemaError( "Schema for collection invalid:" " minItems must be non-negative" ) if len(value) < self.min_items: raise InvalidSchemaValue( "Value must contain at least {type} item(s)," " {value} found", len(value), self.min_items) if self.max_items is not None: if self.max_items < 0: raise OpenAPISchemaError( "Schema for collection invalid:" " maxItems must be non-negative" ) if len(value) > self.max_items: raise InvalidSchemaValue( "Value must contain at most {value} item(s)," " {type} found", len(value), self.max_items) if self.unique_items and len(set(value)) != len(value): raise OpenAPISchemaError("Value may not contain duplicate items") f = functools.partial(self.items.validate, custom_formatters=custom_formatters) return list(map(f, value)) def _validate_number(self, value, custom_formatters=None): if self.minimum is not None: if self.exclusive_minimum and value <= self.minimum: raise InvalidSchemaValue( "Value {value} is not less than or equal to {type}", value, self.minimum) elif value < self.minimum: raise InvalidSchemaValue( "Value {value} is not less than {type}", value, self.minimum) if self.maximum is not None: if self.exclusive_maximum and value >= self.maximum: raise InvalidSchemaValue( "Value {value} is not greater than or equal to {type}", value, self.maximum) elif value > self.maximum: raise InvalidSchemaValue( "Value {value} is not greater than {type}", value, self.maximum) if self.multiple_of is not None and value % self.multiple_of: raise InvalidSchemaValue( "Value {value} is not a multiple of {type}", value, self.multiple_of) def _validate_string(self, value, custom_formatters=None): try: schema_format = SchemaFormat(self.format) except ValueError: msg = "Unsupported {0} format validation".format(self.format) if custom_formatters is not None: formatstring = custom_formatters.get(self.format) if formatstring is None: raise OpenAPISchemaError(msg) else: raise OpenAPISchemaError(msg) else: formatstring =\ self.STRING_FORMAT_CALLABLE_GETTER[schema_format] if not formatstring.validate(value): raise InvalidSchemaValue( "Value {value} not valid format {type}", value, self.format) if self.min_length is not None: if self.min_length < 0: raise OpenAPISchemaError( "Schema for string invalid:" " minLength must be non-negative" ) if len(value) < self.min_length: raise InvalidSchemaValue( "Value is shorter ({value}) than the minimum length of {type}", len(value), self.min_length ) if self.max_length is not None: if self.max_length < 0: raise OpenAPISchemaError( "Schema for string invalid:" " maxLength must be non-negative" ) if len(value) > self.max_length: raise InvalidSchemaValue( "Value is longer ({value}) than the maximum length of {type}", len(value), self.max_length ) if self.pattern is not None and not self.pattern.search(value): raise InvalidSchemaValue( "Value {value} does not match the pattern {type}", value, self.pattern.pattern ) return True def _validate_object(self, value, custom_formatters=None): properties = value.__dict__ if self.one_of: valid_one_of_schema = None for one_of_schema in self.one_of: try: self._validate_properties( properties, one_of_schema, custom_formatters=custom_formatters) except OpenAPISchemaError: pass else: if valid_one_of_schema is not None: raise MultipleOneOfSchema(self.type) valid_one_of_schema = True if valid_one_of_schema is None: raise NoOneOfSchema(self.type) else: self._validate_properties(properties, custom_formatters=custom_formatters) if self.min_properties is not None: if self.min_properties < 0: raise OpenAPISchemaError( "Schema for object invalid:" " minProperties must be non-negative" ) if len(properties) < self.min_properties: raise InvalidSchemaValue( "Value must contain at least {type} properties," " {value} found", len(properties), self.min_properties ) if self.max_properties is not None: if self.max_properties < 0: raise OpenAPISchemaError( "Schema for object invalid:" " maxProperties must be non-negative" ) if len(properties) > self.max_properties: raise InvalidSchemaValue( "Value must contain at most {type} properties," " {value} found", len(properties), self.max_properties ) return True def _validate_properties(self, value, one_of_schema=None, custom_formatters=None): all_props = self.get_all_properties() all_props_names = self.get_all_properties_names() all_req_props_names = self.get_all_required_properties_names() if one_of_schema is not None: all_props.update(one_of_schema.get_all_properties()) all_props_names |= one_of_schema.\ get_all_properties_names() all_req_props_names |= one_of_schema.\ get_all_required_properties_names() value_props_names = value.keys() extra_props = set(value_props_names) - set(all_props_names) extra_props_allowed = self.are_additional_properties_allowed( one_of_schema) if extra_props and not extra_props_allowed: raise UndefinedSchemaProperty(extra_props) if self.additional_properties is not True: for prop_name in extra_props: prop_value = value[prop_name] self.additional_properties.validate( prop_value, custom_formatters=custom_formatters) for prop_name, prop in iteritems(all_props): try: prop_value = value[prop_name] except KeyError: if prop_name in all_req_props_names: raise MissingSchemaProperty(prop_name) if not prop.nullable and not prop.default: continue prop_value = prop.default try: prop.validate(prop_value, custom_formatters=custom_formatters) except OpenAPISchemaError as exc: raise InvalidSchemaProperty(prop_name, original_exception=exc) return True