/* Project box A parametric box for electronics projects using perforated circuit boards. The board is held above the bottom of the box by four corner supports, and snaps into place to hold it snugly while allowing easy removal. Shapes provided as children will be used as cutouts, translated to the origin point of the top of the circuit board. Modules are provided for cutting out two-dimensional shapes from each wall face as well as the lid. */ $fn=50; mode = "case"; // ["case", "lid", "all"] board_x = 50; board_y = 70; board_thickness = 1; // [1:10] clearance_above = 20; // [5:50] clearance_below = 10; // [5:50] fit_tolerance = 0.5; corner_radius=3; // [1:10] support_radius=5; // [1:10] wall_width=3; // [3:10] module _rounded_box(box, r) { hull() { translate([0 + r,0 + r,0]) cylinder(h=box.z,r=r); translate([box.x - r,0 + r,0]) cylinder(h=box.z, r=r); translate([box.x - r,box.y - r,0]) cylinder(h=box.z, r=r); translate([0 + r,box.y - r,0]) cylinder(h=box.z, r=r); } } module corner_post(h, r) { intersection() { translate([-0.001,-0.001,-0.001]) cube([r*1.1, r*1.1, h*1.2]); cylinder(h=h, r=r); } } module lid_base(dimensions, slot_depth=1.5) { polyhedron([// bottom face [0, 0, 0], [dimensions.x, 0, 0], [dimensions.x, dimensions.y, 0], [0, dimensions.y, 0], // top face [slot_depth, 0, dimensions.z], [dimensions.x - slot_depth, 0, dimensions.z], [dimensions.x - slot_depth, dimensions.y, dimensions.z], [slot_depth, dimensions.y, dimensions.z]], [[0,1,2,3], [4,5,1,0], [7,6,5,4], [5,6,2,1], [6,7,3,2], [7,4,0,3]]); } module lid(dimensions, slot_depth=1.5, wall_width=3, fit_tolerance=0.5) { indent_width = dimensions.x / 4; difference() { union() { lid_base([dimensions.x, dimensions.y, dimensions.z], slot_depth); // locking tab translate([dimensions.x / 2 - indent_width / 2 - fit_tolerance, dimensions.y - wall_width - fit_tolerance, 0]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) cylinder(h=dimensions.x / 4, r=2*fit_tolerance); } // pull handle translate([dimensions.x / 2 - indent_width / 2 - fit_tolerance, dimensions.y - wall_width + fit_tolerance + 0.001, -0.001]) { cube([indent_width,wall_width - 2 * fit_tolerance,0.6 * dimensions.z]); cube([indent_width,2 + wall_width - 2 * fit_tolerance,0.3 * dimensions.z]); } } } module project_box(box, below=10, board_thickness=1, fit_tolerance=0.5, corner_radius=3, support_radius=5, wall_width=3, mode="case") { internal_width = box.x + (fit_tolerance * 2); // tolerance on either side internal_depth = box.y + (fit_tolerance * 2); // tolerance on either side internal_height = (fit_tolerance // top tolerance + box.z // project height + board_thickness // board height + below // bottom clearance + fit_tolerance); // bottom tolerance lid_width = internal_width + wall_width; // Extends halfway into each side wall lid_depth = internal_depth + wall_width; // Extends out of one wall lid_height = wall_width; // Replaces most of the top wall // case if ((mode == "case") || (mode == "all")) { difference() { union() { // hollow shell difference() { _rounded_box([internal_width + (wall_width * 2), internal_depth + (wall_width * 2), internal_height + (wall_width * 2)], r=corner_radius); translate([wall_width,wall_width,wall_width + 0.002]) cube([internal_width, internal_depth, internal_height]); // lid slot translate([wall_width / 2, wall_width, internal_height + wall_width + 0.001]) { lid_base([lid_width, lid_depth, lid_height]); } } // supports translate([wall_width,wall_width,wall_width]) { translate([0,0,0]) corner_post(h=below, r=support_radius); translate([internal_width, 0, 0]) rotate([0,0,90]) corner_post(h=below, r=support_radius); translate([0,internal_depth, 0]) rotate([0,0,270]) corner_post(h=below, r=support_radius); translate([internal_width, internal_depth, 0]) rotate([0,0,180]) corner_post(h=below, r=support_radius); } // locking nubs translate([wall_width,wall_width,wall_width]) { nub_size = fit_tolerance * 2; nub_width = box.y / 4; nub_height = below + board_thickness + (nub_size/2) + (fit_tolerance*2); translate([0,box.y / 2 - nub_width / 2,nub_height]) rotate([270,0,0]) cylinder(h=nub_width, r=nub_size/2); translate([internal_width,box.y / 2 - nub_width / 2,nub_height]) rotate([270,0,0]) cylinder(h=nub_width, r=nub_size/2); } if (mode == "all") { // lid translate([wall_width / 2 + fit_tolerance, wall_width + fit_tolerance, internal_height + wall_width + fit_tolerance]) { lid([lid_width - (fit_tolerance * 2), lid_depth - (fit_tolerance * 2), lid_height - (fit_tolerance * 2)]); } } } // cutouts translate([wall_width + fit_tolerance, wall_width + fit_tolerance, fit_tolerance + wall_width + below + board_thickness]) children(); } } else if (mode == "lid") { // Flip the lid and translate it into place for printing translate([lid_width - (fit_tolerance * 2),0,lid_height - (fit_tolerance * 2)]) { rotate([0, 180, 0]) { difference() { translate([wall_width / 2 + fit_tolerance, wall_width + fit_tolerance, 0]) { lid([lid_width - (fit_tolerance * 2), lid_depth - (fit_tolerance * 2), lid_height - (fit_tolerance * 2)]); } translate([wall_width + fit_tolerance, wall_width + fit_tolerance, below + board_thickness - internal_height]) { #children(); } } } } } } module cutout_front(box, wall_width=3, fit_tolerance=0.5) { rotate([90, 0, 0]) linear_extrude(height=wall_width + fit_tolerance + 0.001) children(0); } module cutout_back(box, wall_width=3, fit_tolerance=0.5) { translate([box.x,box.y,0]) rotate([90, 0, 180]) linear_extrude(height=wall_width + fit_tolerance + .001) children(0); } module cutout_right(box, wall_width=3, fit_tolerance=0.5) { translate([box.x,0,0]) rotate([90, 0, 90]) linear_extrude(height=wall_width + fit_tolerance + 0.001) children(0); } module cutout_left(box, wall_width=3, fit_tolerance=0.5) { translate([0, box.y, 0]) rotate([90, 0, 270]) linear_extrude(height=wall_width + fit_tolerance + 0.001) children(0); } module cutout_top(box, wall_width=3, fit_tolerance=0.5) { translate([0, 0 - wall_width - fit_tolerance, box.z]) linear_extrude(height=wall_width + fit_tolerance + 0.001) children(0); } project_box([board_x, board_y, clearance_above], below=clearance_below, board_thickness=board_thickness, fit_tolerance=fit_tolerance, corner_radius=corner_radius, support_radius=support_radius, wall_width=wall_width, mode=mode);