Ensure we always have a registered value in .app files

`systools:make_relup/4` fails with `{missing_param, registered}`
without a `registered` value.
This commit is contained in:
Anthony Ramine 2012-12-07 14:37:07 +01:00
parent 870d11a813
commit 22641c07ec

View file

@ -101,8 +101,12 @@ preprocess(Config, AppSrcFile) ->
{Config2, Vsn} = rebar_app_utils:app_vsn(Config1, AppSrcFile),
A2 = lists:keystore(vsn, 1, A1, {vsn, Vsn}),
%% systools:make_relup/4 fails with {missing_param, registered}
%% without a 'registered' value.
A3 = ensure_registered(A2),
%% Build the final spec as a string
Spec = io_lib:format("~p.\n", [{application, AppName, A2}]),
Spec = io_lib:format("~p.\n", [{application, AppName, A3}]),
%% Setup file .app filename and write new contents
AppFile = rebar_app_utils:app_src_to_app(AppSrcFile),
@ -187,3 +191,12 @@ validate_modules(AppName, Mods) ->
ebin_modules() ->
lists:sort([rebar_utils:beam_to_mod("ebin", N) ||
N <- rebar_utils:beams("ebin")]).
ensure_registered(AppData) ->
case lists:keyfind(registered, 1, AppData) of
false ->
[{registered, []} | AppData];
{registered, _} ->
%% We could further check whether the value is a list of atoms.