Fixed 819; removed the edoc clean function entirely in favor of requiring user to explicitly specify what files should be deleted.

If there is no convention or way to programatically figure out what files to process, don't guess.
This commit is contained in:
Dave Smith 2010-10-25 06:31:07 -06:00
parent 1690139be9
commit 7ddd4bdaad

View file

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
-export([doc/2, clean/2]).
@ -52,15 +52,3 @@ doc(Config, File) ->
EDocOpts = rebar_config:get(Config, edoc_opts, []),
ok = edoc:application(AppName, ".", EDocOpts),
%% @doc Remove the generated Erlang program documentation.
%% @spec clean(#config{}, string()) -> ok
-spec(clean(Config::#config{}, File::string()) -> ok).
clean(Config, _File) ->
EDocOpts = rebar_config:get(Config, edoc_opts, []),
DocDir = proplists:get_value(dir, EDocOpts, "doc"),
%% Delete all files except overview.edoc
Files = [F || F <- rebar_utils:find_files(DocDir, ".*"),
filename:basename(F) /= "overview.edoc"],