Basic tweaks for compiling ports/nifs on mingw

This commit is contained in:
Dan Gudmundsson 2010-09-18 16:34:19 -06:00
parent 0f486c8cc1
commit 83cece0f80
2 changed files with 41 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -307,7 +307,8 @@ erts_dir() ->
lists:concat([code:root_dir(), "/erts-", erlang:system_info(version)]).
os_env() ->
[list_to_tuple(re:split(S, "=", [{return, list}, {parts, 2}])) || S <- os:getenv()].
Os = [list_to_tuple(re:split(S, "=", [{return, list}, {parts, 2}])) || S <- os:getenv()],
lists:keydelete([],1,Os). %% Remove Windows current disk and path
default_env() ->
@ -344,6 +345,24 @@ source_to_bin(Source) ->
filename:rootname(Source, Ext) ++ ".o".
so_specs(Config, AppFile, Bins) ->
Specs = make_so_specs(Config, AppFile, Bins),
case os:type() of
{win32, nt} ->
[switch_so_to_dll(SoSpec) || SoSpec <- Specs];
_ ->
switch_so_to_dll(Orig = {Name, Spec}) ->
case filename:extension(Name) of
".so" ->
{filename:rootname(Name, ".so") ++ ".dll", Spec};
_ ->
%% Not a .so; leave it
make_so_specs(Config, AppFile, Bins) ->
case rebar_config:get(Config, so_specs, undefined) of
undefined ->
%% New form of so_specs is not provided. See if the old form of {so_name} is available

View file

@ -77,8 +77,9 @@ get_os() ->
sh(Command, Env) ->
sh(Command, Env, get_cwd()).
sh(Command, Env, Dir) ->
?INFO("sh: ~s\n~p\n", [Command, Env]),
sh(Command0, Env, Dir) ->
?INFO("sh: ~s\n~p\n", [Command0, Env]),
Command = patch_on_windows(Command0, os:type()),
Port = open_port({spawn, Command}, [{cd, Dir}, {env, Env}, exit_status, {line, 16384},
use_stdio, stderr_to_stdout]),
case sh_loop(Port) of
@ -88,6 +89,18 @@ sh(Command, Env, Dir) ->
?ABORT("~s failed with error: ~w\n", [Command, Rc])
%% We need a bash shell to execute on windows
%% also the port doesn't seem to close from time to time (mingw)
patch_on_windows(Cmd, {win32,nt}) ->
case os:find_executable(bash) of
false -> Cmd;
Bash ->
Bash ++ " -c \"" ++ Cmd ++ "; echo _port_cmd_status_ $?\" "
patch_on_windows(Command, _) ->
sh_failfast(Command, Env) ->
sh(Command, Env).
@ -145,6 +158,12 @@ match_first([{Regex, MatchValue} | Rest], Val) ->
sh_loop(Port) ->
{Port, {data, {_, "_port_cmd_status_ " ++ Status}}} ->
(catch erlang:port_close(Port)), % sigh () for indentation
case list_to_integer(Status) of
0 -> ok;
Rc -> {error, Rc}
{Port, {data, {_, Line}}} ->
?CONSOLE("~s\n", [Line]),