Make sure to cover all edge cases when parsing module names

This commit is contained in:
Dave Smith 2010-02-12 11:57:50 -07:00
parent 1def586e39
commit a0732e9e78

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@ -106,13 +106,20 @@ inspect(Source, IncludePath) ->
-spec inspect_epp(Epp::pid(), Module::string(), Includes::[string()]) -> {string(), [string()]}.
inspect_epp(Epp, Module, Includes) ->
case epp:parse_erl_form(Epp) of
{ok, {attribute, _, module, ActualModule}} ->
%% If the module name includes package info, we get a list of atoms...
case is_list(ActualModule) of
true ->
{ok, {attribute, _, module, ModInfo}} ->
case ModInfo of
%% Typical module name, single atom
ActualModule when is_atom(ActualModule) ->
ActualModuleStr = atom_to_list(ActualModule);
%% Packag-ized module name, list of atoms
ActualModule when is_list(ActualModule) ->
ActualModuleStr = string:join([atom_to_list(P) || P <- ActualModule], ".");
false ->
ActualModuleStr = atom_to_list(ActualModule)
%% Parameterized module name, single atom
{ActualModule, _} when is_atom(ActualModule) ->
ActualModuleStr = atom_to_list(ActualModule);
%% Parameterized and packagized module name, list of atoms
{ActualModule, _} when is_list(ActualModule) ->
ActualModuleStr = string:join([atom_to_list(P) || P <- ActualModule], ".")
inspect_epp(Epp, ActualModuleStr, Includes);
{ok, {attribute, 1, file, {Module, 1}}} ->