rework elrydtl_compiler to do dependency checking correctly in refactored rebar

This commit is contained in:
Bryan Fink 2010-01-04 11:24:28 -05:00
parent 21f60bff74
commit abd535d081

View file

@ -103,31 +103,6 @@ default(out_dir) -> "ebin";
default(source_ext) -> ".dtl";
default(module_ext) -> "_dtl".
referenced_dtls(Source, _Target, Config) ->
Set = referenced_dtls1([Source], Config,
sets:add_element(Source, sets:new())),
Final = sets:to_list(sets:del_element(Source, Set)),
referenced_dtls1(Step, Config, Seen) ->
DtlOpts = erlydtl_opts(Config),
ExtMatch = re:replace(option(source_ext, DtlOpts), "\.", "\\\\.",
[{return, list}]),
AllRefs = lists:append(
[ string:tokens(
os:cmd(["grep -o [^\\\"]*",ExtMatch," ",F]),
|| F <- Step]),
DocRoot = option(doc_root, DtlOpts),
WithPaths = [ filename:join([DocRoot, F]) || F <- AllRefs ],
Existing = lists:filter(fun filelib:is_file/1, WithPaths),
New = sets:subtract(sets:from_list(Existing), Seen),
case sets:size(New) of
0 -> Seen;
_ -> referenced_dtls(sets:to_list(New), Config,
sets:union(New, Seen))
compile_dtl(Source, Target, Config) ->
case code:which(erlydtl) of
non_existing ->
@ -140,27 +115,67 @@ compile_dtl(Source, Target, Config) ->
"===============================================~n~n", []),
_ ->
%% TODO: Check last mod on target and referenced DTLs here..
DtlOpts = erlydtl_opts(Config),
%% ensure that doc_root and out_dir are defined,
%% using defaults if necessary
Opts = [{out_dir, option(out_dir, DtlOpts)},
{doc_root, option(doc_root, DtlOpts)},
report, return],
case erlydtl:compile(Source,
Opts++DtlOpts) of
ok -> ok;
Reason ->
?CONSOLE("Compiling template ~s failed:~n ~p~n",
[Source, Reason]),
case needs_compile(Source, Target, Config) of
true ->
do_compile(Source, Target, Config);
false ->
module_name(DtlPath, DtlOpts) ->
F = filename:basename(DtlPath),
SourceExt = option(source_ext, DtlOpts),
ModuleExt = option(module_ext, DtlOpts),
list_to_atom(lists:sublist(F, length(F)-length(SourceExt))
do_compile(Source, Target, Config) ->
%% TODO: Check last mod on target and referenced DTLs here..
DtlOpts = erlydtl_opts(Config),
%% ensure that doc_root and out_dir are defined,
%% using defaults if necessary
Opts = [{out_dir, option(out_dir, DtlOpts)},
{doc_root, option(doc_root, DtlOpts)},
report, return],
case erlydtl:compile(Source,
Opts++DtlOpts) of
ok -> ok;
Reason ->
?CONSOLE("Compiling template ~s failed:~n ~p~n",
[Source, Reason]),
module_name(Target) ->
F = filename:basename(Target),
string:substr(F, 1, length(F)-length(".beam")).
needs_compile(Source, Target, Config) ->
LM = filelib:last_modified(Target),
case LM < filelib:last_modified(Source) of
true -> true;
false ->
lists:any(fun(D) -> LM < filelib:last_modified(D) end,
referenced_dtls(Source, Config))
referenced_dtls(Source, Config) ->
Set = referenced_dtls1([Source], Config,
sets:add_element(Source, sets:new())),
Final = sets:to_list(sets:del_element(Source, Set)),
referenced_dtls1(Step, Config, Seen) ->
DtlOpts = erlydtl_opts(Config),
ExtMatch = re:replace(option(source_ext, DtlOpts), "\.", "\\\\\\\\.",
[{return, list}]),
AllRefs = lists:append(
[ string:tokens(
os:cmd(["grep -o [^\\\"]*",ExtMatch," ",F]),
|| F <- Step]),
DocRoot = option(doc_root, DtlOpts),
WithPaths = [ filename:join([DocRoot, F]) || F <- AllRefs ],
Existing = lists:filter(fun filelib:is_file/1, WithPaths),
New = sets:subtract(sets:from_list(Existing), Seen),
case sets:size(New) of
0 -> Seen;
_ -> referenced_dtls1(sets:to_list(New), Config,
sets:union(New, Seen))